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Messages - FogGobbler

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 16
Game design / Re: Talk animation with Physique, Biped, Bones...
« on: August 21, 2008, 06:19:02 AM »
Thanks, Dan-D, but could you please go into more detail (screenshot of a setup would be great) in how to connect a bone to the biped?
I can´t figure out how to do that and can´t find anything in the net about this kind of problem.

Game design / Talk animation with Physique, Biped, Bones...
« on: August 20, 2008, 04:26:49 PM »

I´ve used Biped and Physique (3DS Max) to rig my mesh and that works great for my body animation, but I was wondering how to do a talk animation.

Can I insert bones into the head (biped) and throw a Skin modifier on top of the Physique modifier and animate the facial bones?

How do you guys get the talking animation set up?

I don´t really want to rig the whole character myself using bones, because I´ve got used to character studio and the biped :-)

Grateful for any help,

Feature requests, suggestions / Rough info page about WME development..
« on: August 20, 2008, 06:13:24 AM »

Jan, what do you think of a page (perhaps in your blog) that tells us what you are working on (WME development) at the moment? I know, you don´t like roadmaps, but I think some rough infos about the upcoming features would be very useful, since not everybody is on the IRC.

Best regards,

Feature requests, suggestions / Re: Shadows
« on: August 20, 2008, 06:00:42 AM »
@Spellbreaker : Hi! How is the development of the shadow plugin going on?

Cheers,  ::beer

Technical forum / Re: huge string table - performance hit?
« on: July 17, 2008, 03:27:29 PM »
Yes, it´s going to be huge! Enormous !

No, just joking..I meant words  ;D ...

And even that is a "bit" exaggerated  ;D, but I don´t want to run into performance problems so I added a "couple" of lines..

Technical forum / Re: huge string table - performance hit?
« on: July 17, 2008, 02:15:48 PM »
Thanks!  :)

Technical forum / Re: huge string table - performance hit?
« on: July 17, 2008, 01:06:26 PM »
Difficult to say, but I would say roughly 80.000.

Well, I´ll try it. Is there a script function to load different string files? Just to be on the safe side :-)

Technical forum / huge string table - performance hit?
« on: July 17, 2008, 10:46:25 AM »

I´m slowly working my way through all our scripts, adding strings to the string table and deleting them from the scripts to avoid localization problems. I´m using my own "identification code" and not something like "syseng0101" so that I can easily add correct voice sound files later. By the way, I know there is an automatic string manager and it´s a fine tool, but I´m adding the strings manually (works better for me).

Now I´m wondering if a huge string table hits performance? Would it be better to divide the table into smaller ones and load them dynamically, deleting the old ones if the are not longer used?



General Discussion / Re: Is Wintermute good idea for our game?
« on: June 15, 2008, 02:46:00 PM »

Just some short answers..

1. Absolutely possible

2. No problem.

3. Script language is quite easy to learn and very flexible. The demo projects are a great help for beginners and the community here is also very helpful.

4. WME is designed for adventure games..  ;D

5. Sound and music implementation is also possible and easy

6. Animations can be done via 2D sprites or 3D objects ("actors")

--> WME is your 1. choice


Game announcements / Re: Limbo of the Lost UK release
« on: June 12, 2008, 07:24:22 PM »
The new banner is great  ;D

Can anybody please tell me how to code a game like oblivion in WME.. Is there a "make game button" somewhere in the editor or has anybody got some code for me?  ;)

Game announcements / Re: Limbo of the Lost UK release
« on: June 12, 2008, 09:32:59 AM »
I totally agree with you, metamorphium! I couldn´t believe my eyes when I saw the screenshots. I think its okay to be inspired by other games but to copy whole screens like that is really too much.

I wonder why my team and I spend so much time on double-checking if we can use a texture/soundfile that we´ve found on the internet for a commercial product..

It´s so much easier to just press "screencopy" .. and voilá you´ve got a "new" game.. ::thumbdown

Sorry for being so sarcastic about this, but I´m really sour, but this affair won´t make it easier for us to find a publisher...

General Discussion / Re: WME meets OGRE..
« on: May 12, 2008, 03:47:20 PM »
@Mnemonic : Hmm, I must have overlooked that post, sorry. WME 2.0 sounds great.. "Middleware"  aka Ogre ;D sounds even better..

In my opinion that "old" WME is great as it is - no need to spend your time on it any more :-)) .. This is proven by the fact that even commercial products were created with it.

Time-for-something-newTM  ;D

@odnorf: Thanks, I didn´t know that.

General Discussion / Re: WME meets OGRE..
« on: May 12, 2008, 02:27:09 PM »
Oh, okay, I didn´t follow the discussion on the irc channel.

Well, I´ll keep on breathing then :-) . Please don´t get me wrong, but is the further development of WME slowly coming to a halt because of lack of time?

@odnorf: Well, it really is AGDS 4 I meant. I was a bit confused as well, but I asked the developers about the AGDS3 engine and they sent me some short infos about AGDS 4  :o

General Discussion / WME meets OGRE..
« on: May 12, 2008, 01:04:04 PM »

Is there any chance that WME will meet with the OGRE engine like they did in "So Blonde"? You see, I like everything WME has, the script engine is so damned flexible and awesome and the scene manager also is great, but the only thing I regard as a weak point is the rendering engine.

It would be great to have a better lighting engine and other effects, like 3D water and sky with clouds. Things that could be done, using a 3d renderer and the ability to have "OGRE-Plugins".

Even the new ADGS 4 is using the OGRE engine.

Possible or not is the short question to Mnemonic, but what do you other guys think about this idea?

Many regards from Germany and to all Germans here.. enjoy the gorgeous weather :-))))

Technical forum / Re: idle override
« on: May 05, 2008, 12:25:37 PM »
actor.IdleAnimName = "Name_of_Animation";

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