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Latest WME version: WME 1.9.1 (January 1st, 2010) - download

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Messages - Darky

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Technical forum / Re: Make Windows not movable?
« on: January 08, 2008, 06:43:11 AM »
Ahhh I think I found it out. Once I set everything to 0 at "DragRectangle" in the WindowEdit, the window is not movable anymore. If that's not everything I should do, then please tell me what I need to do more.

Thank you

Technical forum / Make Windows not movable?
« on: January 08, 2008, 05:51:48 AM »
Hello everybody. My project makes some progress but now I do have a little problem. I don't want the player to be able to move around windows like Save or Load, so I was wondering if there is any Code that unables the movability of windows?

It would help me a lot. I tried searching, but it did not helped me a lot (maybe I used the wrong terms) :(

Thank you very much for your help

Technical forum / Re: Scripted Sequences / Multiple Choice
« on: December 09, 2007, 04:12:59 AM »
1. Sure, you can script whatever you want. Scripted sequence is just a sequence of commands like GoTo() or Talk().
2. Not true, actually. In WME demo there's a dialogue with the popular Old Guy character. Also, there's a chapter on dialogues in the documentation.

Hi Mnemonic, thanks for the fast reply :)

Great, I will try a scripted sequence as one of the first things.

@2: Sorry I missed the Old Guy. I watched all the demos but not the default WME demo, that one I just watched within the Project Manager and I missed the Old Guy while doing.

Now I found him and have had a look at the code. Awesome, it looks pretty simple and easy to do. I don't understand actually how it will be used with the strings later to have multilanguages and more easy editing of the dialogues but that should come by time and reading the docs further too (I hope) :)

Technical forum / Scripted Sequences / Multiple Choice
« on: December 08, 2007, 09:13:28 PM »
Hello everybody. I am new to Wintermute and new to coding (well, I do Webdesign but that is not exactly the same ;))

However until yet I have had a few looks to the sample projects and it looks really simple to me. What I am missing yet and would be important for my first little project are two things:

1. Scripted Sequences
I would like to let my 3D Characters have a conversation by letting the player just skip a sentence. He won't be able to choice anything, just watch and skip. Also I would like to let my characters do something while the sequence, in example like going away to take a item, hold in hand and get back to player character and hand him the item. Are Scripted Sequences like this possible?

2. Multiple Choice Dialog
I noticed the demos did not cover Scripted Sequences nor they did cover conversations with other NPCs. I would like to have an basis code to start with Multiple Choice Dialogues. In detail I would like to have a tutorial about setting up multiple choice dialogues together with an code I could use to go with. Any chance someone could do that or explain that stuff to a newbie as good as possible? :)


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