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Messages - Darky

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I'm experiencing some strange behavior with the WME save thumbnails.

For example I made a map so that the player can navigate elsewhere instantly. It is a window object and overlayed sometimes as a dedicated map scene, but most of the time it's an overlay to the current scene so that when the player changed his mind he can revert back to the current scene and continue where he was. I do allow making savegames while on that map screen but this is what happens:
- On the dedicated map scene, the thumbnail is just a black screen (because there is nothing in the scene except the open window)
- On other scenes, the thumbnail shows the actual real scene the player is at and not the overlayed window object

For a while I thought WME just can't make thumbnails of window objects, but then I noticed if the player has the Inventory open while going to the save screen, the Inventory shows up on the thumbnail. With the Inventory it's exactly the opposite I want: I want it to be omitted from being screened and not show up in the thumbnail.

This all seems to act very random so I'm not sure what I can do to fix this. Are there some type of conditions that make some window objects show up and hide others? How can I control it, exactly?

Thank you

Game announcements / Re: Space Madness (In Development)
« on: March 12, 2011, 08:46:57 PM »
Thanks for your feedback.

It has over 20 'rooms' to interact with, but in actual WME scenes (including cutscenes but not counting Menus) there are over 40. As for duration, keep in mind it is a small game that I did all alone, so not very long. Somewhere between 2 to 4 hours duration. Since I intend to keep a fair low price for this game I think it will be okay.

Game announcements / Space Madness (RELEASED)
« on: March 11, 2011, 12:18:14 AM »
Space Madness
Released: 30 Jul 2011 | Languages: English, German | Genre: Adventure, Casual, Comedy, Indie

I have been more or less quietly working 14 month on this so far and I think it's time to finally announce my first little game to the public :)
Space Madness is a small comedic adventure game. Professor Marty, a mad scientist aboard the spaceship U.S.S. Serling, attempts to clone himself but every experiment he conducts fails. The last experiment gave birth to a rectangle-shaped yellow mutant named "Ed", who quickly got disposed of through the garbage disposal aboard the spaceship. Ed survives the crash on an desert planet where he meets many more mutants and finds out that Professor Marty’s experiments are a threat to the entire universe.

It depends now on you to stop the experiments and save the universe from certain annihalation!

Space Madness has been designed with ease in mind. It is supposed to be a small game that you can just turn on (for example in your break) and get entertained by, and when you got enough, you come back later for some more madness.

The game is now commercially available for a low price on WINDOWS platforms starting with Windows 98. It is DRM Free and includes English and German Language (Text only)

For Screenshots, Video, Feature List, Purchase Options and other info please visit the product page linked below.

Additional Links
- Developer Website
- Space Madness Product Page

Feel free to leave me your Feedback!

General Discussion / Re: TinyWME
« on: March 07, 2011, 06:01:20 PM »
That's pretty cool and might be useful in the future if this project advances as planned. Nice work :)

I understand. Time to do some new single-windows to load seperately ;)
By the way I have found out that the "Editor" textfield in such a nested window causes the same problems. <- Sorry, not fully true. It happened in a new window too but only because I forgot to have it go SystemExclusive.

Thanks for your fast reply.

Maybe this is a bug. I made a imitation of a Computer Desktop through a Window that has lots of Nested Windows for different Areas. To control it I made a Taskbar with a Startmenu that is also a nested window and I tried to set the Startmenu Window Property "Menu" to true in order to hide the Startmenu again if the User clicks somewhere else on the Fake-Computer Screen.

Unfortunately I noticed once I did that, all other elements in the Parent Window stopped working alltogether. Doesn't matter if its another nested window or just a button in the parent window, they all just don't accept any Mouse Input anymore except in the Startmenu Window that has "Menu" to true. If I click outside the Startmenu to make it disappear those other elements still don't accept Inputs.

Is this Intentional Behavior or a Bug?

I don't necessarily require a solution (how's that for a change!), I'd just like to know if this has another cause than a potential screwup on my side ;)

General Discussion / Re: Happy New 2011 Year!
« on: December 31, 2010, 02:56:54 PM »
Nice picture nsfbi ;)

Happy New Year 2011 everyone!

Technical forum / Re: Problem: DropItem or SceneNode-Saving
« on: November 11, 2010, 04:20:57 AM »
If you want the item to be gone permanently, you have to use Game.DeleteItem("yourItemName");

DropItem only kicks it out of the inventory and returns it for later use.

EDIT: You can also read that in the References: under "Assigning inventory items to scene objects"

Technical forum / Re: dialogues and objects
« on: November 10, 2010, 12:24:53 AM »
I believe the mistake is in that when you are deleting an item, the script of that item stops executing. Therefore in your case it never has a chance to change the value of "" to 1

Try instead:
Code: Text
  1. on "book"
  2. {
  3.   Game.Interactive = false;
  4. = 1;
  5.   Game.Interactive = true;
  7.   Game.DeleteItem("book");
  8. }

That should fix it. :)


By the way in NPC.script if you are sure you don't need different GoTo etc. in your states why write it double? You could make your scripts more readable with something like like this if the initial approach and greetings stay the same in both the book cases:
Code: Text
  1. global StateRoom;
  2. global NPC;
  4. on "Talk"
  5. {
  6.     actor.GoTo(880 ,700);
  7.     this.GoTo(550, 542);
  8.     Game.Interactive = false;
  10.     // set the flag, so that we know we've already talked to him
  11.     StateRoom.TalkedToNPC = true;
  13.     // greetings
  14.     if(!StateRoom.TalkedToNPC) actor.Talk("Hola");
  15.     else actor.Talk("Mmm");
  16.     this.Talk("Que narices quieres, tengo mucho trabajo");
  18.     // and let the dialogue begin 
  19.     if ( == 2) NPCDialogue();
  20.     else if ( == 1) NPCDialogue2();
  22.     // restore interactivity
  23.     Game.Interactive = true;
  24. }

Technical forum / Re: Escaping a warning to the feeble minded
« on: October 01, 2010, 02:06:30 PM »
Could not reproduce this here either. BUT I do know the phenomenon itself that keys don't work. Often times when I start my game from the Project Manager the window is clearly focused because I can send my character somewhere else, interact with things etc. but all the keys (including ESC and F1) would not be accepted. What I do then is to click somewhere else like on the Windows Taskbar or another open program and then click back into the Game window and then the Keys are available.

However for me that occurs randomly, sometimes it works fine from the start sometimes not. I wasn't able to pinpoint this behavior to any special cause.

Help wanted and offered / Re: Let's kick off a new Adventure
« on: September 26, 2010, 12:44:35 AM »
Ich glaube ja nicht, dass sich der Themenersteller nochmal meldet. Das dachte ich mir schon als der Thread angelegt wurde, denn solche Posts sind für mich der Typ "Bin total der Fan von XYZ und fänds witzig jetz auch so ein Spiel zu entwickeln! Meine Idee hab ich beim Bier saufen gehabt." und die kommen selten weit :)

Es ist aber schön zu sehen wie viele Deutsche sich - gewisse Zeitspanne vorausgesetzt - durchaus trotzdem hier angesammelt haben. Vielleicht sollten wir uns alle mal irgendwie mit einer wirklichen Idee zusammentun?


Game announcements / Re: Face Noir
« on: September 14, 2010, 04:49:18 PM »
Looks like alot of quality, I'm amazed :) If the Story and Gameplay is just as great then you got one of the best WME titles and a great adventure in itself at your hands there :)

I'm looking forward to try a demo.

Technical forum / Re: Quit the entities name when the mouse is over them
« on: August 16, 2010, 04:15:38 PM »
It should be default behavior to have the name under the mouse pointer. The position of the text is defined in game_loop.script, but the name itself comes through a so called "Caption" that you defined for example in SceneEdit. In SceneEdit there's a "Entity Properties" menu where you can enter the Caption. You should always define it there if you can.
Also you don't need MouseEntry and MouseLeave events to define it. Just make sure you gave the objects in question a "Caption" as said.

If for some reason you can't do it in the SceneEdit (sometimes you load objects via script instead of placing them via SceneEdit) you can write in the script to that object:

this.Caption = "Escritorio";

And get the same result as well.

Don't use "this.Talk" other than to make things really Talk ;)
Hope that helped.

Technical forum / Re: How exactly does Copy File work?
« on: August 15, 2010, 03:26:26 PM »
Follow-up: I just reverted back to the original solution now with what I learned thanks to you guys. I'll store the bonus in a folder instead of a package and name the files different, just like Larry 7 did. Of course any player could tag along and just rename the files on his own (people did it with Larry) but it just seems the easiest and fastest way at the moment.

Thank you all for the help without it I probably still wouldn't have known that I can't extract files from the package for copy  ;D

If you come up with any other ideas let me know, I'd be glad to test it. Otherwise I'll stick with this solution.

Technical forum / Re: How exactly does Copy File work?
« on: August 15, 2010, 03:01:31 PM »
Mnemonic, it works but really is too slow for productive use. The duration to finish can take a few seconds if its just a few kb up to over 10 minutes depending on the file size. It's a good method for small textfiles or so but not for anything bigger like Wallpapers.

I used meta's method with this loop:
Code: WME Script
  1. Game.LOG("Starting File Copy...");
  2. var b = 0;
  3. while(b < file1.Length && b != null)
  4. {
  5.     b = file1.ReadByte();
  6.     file2.WriteByte(b);
  7.     Sleep(1); // i had it on 10 before, but I also tested it on 1 for a faster speed
  8. }
  9. Game.LOG("Finished File Copy!");

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