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Messages - Darky

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Technical forum / Re: How exactly does Copy File work?
« on: August 15, 2010, 05:16:44 AM »
Hi meta, thanks for the pointer. It looks good in your post but the condition for the loop doesn't seem to work with WME (it crashes). I first tried it as is as except I added a Sleep to the end of the loop.

After that I also tried some other variants of the loop I could think of but it didn't really work. At one point I got it as far as copying bytes to the target file but it wouldn't stop and repeat itself even though I specified that it should stop when file1.ReadByte() returns null. I'd post the code but I can't access it right now, I probably do that later.

Anyway just wanted to let you know about the result. Thanks everyone so far for the great help with this :)

Technical forum / Re: How exactly does Copy File work?
« on: August 13, 2010, 06:57:29 PM »
Yes, like Larry ;) Mostly various Wallpapers for your Desktop. Otherwise I'd have probably made a in-game gallery of bonus content like some other games do :)

Technical forum / Re: How exactly does Copy File work?
« on: August 13, 2010, 06:31:38 PM »
Although I read that line in the doc's too, I didn't make the connection (it didn't say "only", just "also"). That's what you get for making assumptions...  ::slug

What's the best way to put the unlockables in without the Users directly seeing them?

Technical forum / Re: How exactly does Copy File work?
« on: August 13, 2010, 05:37:51 PM »
Hi meta,

I tried your suggestion with interesting results:
Copying file from root (where .wpr is) to any other location: Works
Copying file from inside a regular folder (no package) to somewhere else: Works
Copying file from inside package to somewhere else (root, savegame folder, etc): Does not work!

The "extras" folder is located in /data which is pretty much the original WME package. It seems only to copy when the file is in a non-package.

Why doesn't it work from inside other packages?

Technical forum / Re: How exactly does Copy File work?
« on: August 13, 2010, 02:02:35 PM »
Hi meta, thanks for the reply.

I'm not sure I understood you right about the hide unlockables to package. Did you mean you'd create a package exclusively to them?

Anyway. I don't have a .bin to test it with but I tried it with various other files. It didn't work.
I went through the check list you gave me as well, I can confirm I checked all of that and it's in proper order.

Technical forum / How exactly does Copy File work?
« on: August 13, 2010, 12:06:51 AM »
Hi again,

I decided to put some unlockable extras into my game and now I'm not sure how I can access and copy those specific segments to a folder of my choice. I read that the safest bet is to use the savegame folder because it's supposed to be always writable. That's fine with me. So here is the code I tried as a test:

Code: WME Script
  1. var Bonus = new File("extras/test.png");
  2. Bonus.Close();

And that did not work. Then I tried to specifiy a filename as well with
Code: WME Script
  1. Bonus.Copy(Game.SaveDirectory + "\Extra01_test.png");

But it did not work either. I also tried to see what it returns by putting it into Game.Msg(); and it always returned false.

Where do I do wrong?

Thanks in advance

Technical forum / Re: Scan for Savegames and pick the newest
« on: August 08, 2010, 03:07:29 AM »
That's a clever use of the registry functions and just as you said really easy to implement and works fine as expected. Thank you alot :)

Technical forum / Re: How to convert a number to have just two decimals?
« on: August 07, 2010, 12:35:26 AM »
Thanks, I went with the rough ToInt conversion instead then. Less is more  ::slug

Technical forum / Scan for Savegames and pick the newest
« on: August 07, 2010, 12:33:16 AM »
I'm implementing a "Resume Game" button to my startmenu when you launch the game. It's disabled if there are no savegames present, and if there are savegames present it is active and is supposed to load the latest savegame automaticly on click.

I so far worked around reading if there are save games present. But how can I approach that it finds out which of the savegames is the latest and loads that? WME has a File Object and I thought that would come in handy, but I couldn't find out how or if at all you can read the Date attribute of the files with that.

What solution is there for this problem?

How I read if there are save games:
Code: WME Script
  1. var SaveGamePresent;
  3. for(var i=0; i<101; i=i+1) // 101 is my amount of save slots
  4. {
  5.         // set to true and break loop the moment a savegame is found
  6.         if(Game.IsSaveSlotUsed(i))
  7.         {
  8.                 SaveGamePresent = true;
  9.                 break;
  10.         } else SaveGamePresent = false;
  11. }
  13. // activate the button if there are no savegames, disable it if there are none
  14. var button;
  15. button = WinMainMenu.GetControl("resume");
  16. if(SaveGamePresent) button.Disabled = false;
  17. else button.Disabled = true;

Thanks alot

Technical forum / How to convert a number to have just two decimals?
« on: August 04, 2010, 02:27:51 PM »
I'm trying a conversion to percentage but there are too many decimals on the result like 55.500000

Code: Text
  1. var MaxScore = 1000;
  2. var ScoreTemp = 555;
  3. var ScoreCalc = (ScoreTemp / MaxScore) * 100; // returns 55.500000
  4. //ScoreCalc = ToInt(ScoreCalc); // returns 55

How can I change it to be just 55.50 ?


Feature requests, suggestions / Re: WME 2.0 - news?
« on: June 29, 2010, 03:52:43 AM »
Hi Jennifer,

Mnemonic may correct me if my information is incorrect but based on what we can see on Mnemonic's development blog ( i'd say WME2 still is in it's early stages of development and will take quiet some more time to complete. Because of that waiting for it's release may not be the best option for you. Your idea should be a breeze to realize with WME2 as it is powered by a full 3D engine and 360 degree could be done in so many ways and feels through that, but with the waiting time involved it's my opinion you really better start ahead by hacking something together in WME1 (the latest Dark Fall game did a good job but don't ask me how it was done) or find a more suitable engine. Be advised though that if you choose WME1 and WME2 comes out at some point of your development, it would be unlikely that there is a easy way (or a way at all) to import your progress from WME1 over to WME2. I have no proof for that, but since as you said its rebuilt from ground up it would seem likely to me.

Hope that helps somehow.

Technical forum / Re: What Bitmap Font Generators do you use?
« on: June 29, 2010, 02:53:37 AM »
I did it now like you said and added some more layers to try even it out. Well, what can I say - it really is better than before! It's not perfect, but compared to the effort the bitmaps seem to require it's only a slim compromise. It's not like I need fancy gradients in my fonts so I can live with it :)

If any other developer got a bitmap font generator he successfully uses, I'd still like to know about it though. Just for future reference for me and other users.

In that spirit my .font file with the modifications as suggested by odnorf:

Technical forum / Re: What Bitmap Font Generators do you use?
« on: June 28, 2010, 10:54:30 PM »
Thanks :)

I am using TrueType at the moment. However, I don't really manage to work out smooth outlines by that method. That's why I had hoped Bitmap Fonts would be of advantage ...

The outlines by TTF aren't really "smooth" and it looks weird. Maybe I'm configuring it wrong?

My .font file:

Technical forum / Re: What Bitmap Font Generators do you use?
« on: June 28, 2010, 10:13:07 PM »
I've tried bitmap font generators where they werent aligned in a grid as I understand a Grid's workings :) On some generators the characters were just stacked one after another in varying sizes. Like on that picture above from the first generator you mentioned.

Yes I've tried first editor from the WME Docs as well. In short: I couldn't work with that result of that generator either... In long: Unfortunately that's the one where the 32-bit TGA export is screwed. I'm not sure whats wrong with it but when you try yourself you'd find the alpha channel really broken. For example you've set blue text and black background, and put the TGA into WME, then in WME it's suddenly just gray text instead of blue. And if you try to open the TGA in Photoshop everything is just plain white. The Alpha channel seems to be still there to some degree but can't be properly edited (I tried to select what the alpha channel contains, filled it with color, and then tried to apply the "Stroke" Blending effect. But all it would do is fill the whole image with the "Stroke" Effects color instead of wrapping around the pixels I created from the alpha channels selection). Hard to explain, when in doubt you can try that one of course too.

If you can confirm that you got a good sense of my desperation to find a proper working generator :)
I'm still hoping some developer here uses a tool for his bitmap fonts as well and got a working recommendation.

Technical forum / Re: What Bitmap Font Generators do you use?
« on: June 28, 2010, 07:51:27 PM »
Okay then I was wrong about the grid size. But it has to be a proper grid nevertheless, or not?

I tried the one you found before, but what it gives me after selecting the charset Latin + Latin Supplement is a bitmap like that:

And that doesnt really work in WME, unless I do something wrong.
Perhaps I'm just doing some newbie errors with all those editors, but I really don't know what I do wrong then.

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