It's totally unbelievable for me, but it's been six long years since the release of a first public version of WME. No doubt it came a long way since then. The last year was particulary successful, in my opinion. Many excellent and popular games were released in 2008, which is something that makes me very proud and happy.
However, since software ages faster than humans, 6 years is quite an old age for a game engine. For that reason one has to start thinking about the future. I already
announced that I was now concentrating my efforts on a new generation engine (codenamed, surprisingly, WME2). Also, this weekend, the engine code of WME1 silently
became open.
I don't know about you, but I see the future of WME in bright colors

There are some cool looking games to be released and the development of wme2 is going well (albeit slowly).
I would like to thank you all WME users and IRC regulars for your support, for making great games and for helping each other. Cheers
Update: I have just been told that WME is six, but still acts like 3 years old, oh well