There is a little interesting bug. When game is in window mode (not fullscreen) and game window is
stretched like desktop wallpaper, mouse position is calculated wrong.
For example, there are desktop resolution 1280x800 and game window resolution 1280x1024. When game window is maximilized, then its lower part is inaccessible, because of windows mouse position isn't translated properly to stretched window position. The bottom of mouse position (x,800) translated surely into game as it is (x,800) instead of (x,1024).
Here is possible modification, bold font style is used to show changes. (Well, is it good idea to write about all that in `sources discussion`?

void CBGame::GetMousePos(POINT* Pos)
CBPlatform::ScreenToClient(Game->m_Renderer->m_Window, Pos);
Pos->x -= m_Renderer->m_DrawOffsetX;
Pos->y -= m_Renderer->m_DrawOffsetY;
//cursor position modification while window is maximized
HWND hWnd = Game->m_Renderer->m_Window;
if(GetWindowPlacement(hWnd, &wndpl))
if(wndpl.showCmd == SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED)
RECT hWnd_rect;
GetClientRect(hWnd, &hWnd_rect);
Pos->x *= Game->m_Renderer->m_RealWidth;
Pos->x /= hWnd_rect.right;
Pos->y *= Game->m_Renderer->m_RealHeight;
Pos->y /= hWnd_rect.bottom;
if(m_MouseLockRect.left != 0 && m_MouseLockRect.right != 0 && != 0 && m_MouseLockRect.bottom != 0)
if(!CBPlatform::PtInRect(&m_MouseLockRect, *Pos))
Pos->x = max(m_MouseLockRect.left, Pos->x);
Pos->y = max(, Pos->y);
Pos->x = min(m_MouseLockRect.right, Pos->x);
Pos->y = min(m_MouseLockRect.bottom, Pos->y);
POINT NewPos = *Pos;
CBPlatform::ClientToScreen(Game->m_Renderer->m_Window, &NewPos);
CBPlatform::SetCursorPos(NewPos.x, NewPos.y);
I'm sorry for my English, but guess you're understanding what I'm talking about...
P.S. That stretched window is a great way to make game for several screen resolutions. Meaning 1280x1024 window fits perfectly for all desktop resolutions (1280x1024, 1280x800, 1024x768, 800x600, e.t.c.) of 4:3 monitor. I'm talking about window mode, of course.