I had the same problem too.
Just as a small hint, for any complete beginners like myself who had to figure out to run a program from the command line, ( stop laughing programmers, there are such people out there)
first open a command prompt window
by going start menu>all programs> accessories >command prompt
then you need to navagate to the folder that you have the ffmpeg2theora.exe
and the file you want to convert
to go to the c drive type in "C:" and the prompt will change to
then you need to go to the folder that has your video in my case "videoconv" on the c drive. so you type
"cd videoconv"
then your prompt would be
in your folder you should have the ffmpeg2theora.exe file and the mpeg file you want to convert. if you just type "ffmpeg2theora.exe" the program will list all its options. in this case we want to convert the video at top quality so we type
"ffmpeg2theora.exe -v 10 myvideo.mpg"
myvideo.mpeg would be replaced with your own video name. good luck to any other noobs giving it a try. don't be scared of the command line, its not the boss of you.

Worked great spellbreaker, Thanks.