| Space Madness Released: 30 Jul 2011 | Languages: English, German | Genre: Adventure, Casual, Comedy, Indie

I have been more or less quietly working 14 month on this so far and I think it's time to finally announce my first little game to the public  |
Space Madness is a small comedic adventure game. Professor Marty, a mad scientist aboard the spaceship U.S.S. Serling, attempts to clone himself but every experiment he conducts fails. The last experiment gave birth to a rectangle-shaped yellow mutant named "Ed", who quickly got disposed of through the garbage disposal aboard the spaceship. Ed survives the crash on an desert planet where he meets many more mutants and finds out that Professor Marty’s experiments are a threat to the entire universe.
It depends now on you to stop the experiments and save the universe from certain annihalation!
Space Madness has been designed with ease in mind. It is supposed to be a small game that you can just turn on (for example in your break) and get entertained by, and when you got enough, you come back later for some more madness.
The game is now commercially available for a low price on WINDOWS platforms starting with Windows 98. It is DRM Free and includes English and German Language (Text only)
For Screenshots, Video, Feature List, Purchase Options and other info please visit the product page linked below.
Additional Links-
Spreadcamp.com Developer Website-
Space Madness Product PageFeel free to leave me your Feedback!