I'm wondering if there is a problem with my actor. He works properly when clicking on a location on the floor. However, when walking to an object, he looks fine, but when the object is on his right and I put that as the direction in scene edit, he looks left. I put left and he looks right. Then again, what is left and right for the character? When I use turnto(object). It seems to depend where he is in the scene. Sometimes he looks at it, sometimes away from it. Forward, back, it almost seems random, but I'm pretty sure at that point on the screen, he would always do the same thing. This is a 3d actor and the object is a region entity. Does that still work all right? Weird thing is, he turns and walks to it flawlessly when it's clicked on. I think it has something to do with it being on a table rather than on the floor. The goto lists a point on the floor.