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Latest WME version: WME 1.9.1 (January 1st, 2010) - download

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Messages - lacosaweb

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
Game announcements / James Peris 2: The fountain of Eternal Drunkenness
« on: November 24, 2022, 11:08:46 AM »
Hi everyone, today the adventure game "James Peris 2: The fountain of Eternal Drunkenness" made with WME is available!

You can found it on steam page:

Greetings to everyone and thank you very much!

Technical forum / Re: Problem overriding changeScene method
« on: November 20, 2021, 07:39:59 PM »
Hi, I changed the line
   Game.ChangeScene(Scene_name, false, false);

The same result. Any other idea?


Technical forum / Problem overriding changeScene method
« on: November 06, 2021, 02:19:11 PM »
Hi, I write my custom Game.ChangeScene method:

Code: [Select]
method ChangeScene(Scene_name,fadeout,fadein)
global altermenuopciones;
if(Scene.Name!="negro" && Scene.Description!="intro")
if(fadeout==null) fadeout=true;
menu_opciones = true;
global selected_item;
Game.SelectedItem = null;
selected_item = null;


Game.ChangeScene(Scene_name, false, false);

The method works ok but the script stands in memory and never disappear.
In debug console I can see that it gets through to the end, but every time I change scene a new changeScene item is added in memory.
This doesen't happen when I replance the las line of my method "Game.ChangeScene(Scene_name, false, false);" to "Game.ChangeScene(Scene_name);". But I need to change Scene without fade.

WME Lite / Re: Video Support
« on: May 04, 2019, 09:13:39 PM »
Thanks. I'll try it.

WME Lite / Re: Proof of concept: WME lite engine running in browser
« on: October 16, 2018, 02:36:43 PM »
Great job! This is amazing!

Thank you!  ;)

WME Lite / Re: Special font characters in wme android
« on: October 11, 2015, 01:03:44 PM »
Fixed converting the file to UTF-8 and changing line

Charset charset = Charset.forName("US-ASCII");


Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");



WME Lite / Re: game in obb file
« on: October 11, 2015, 08:42:38 AM »
fixed, the obb file must to be placed in the android internal storage.

But what if I want to move it in the SD card?

Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() returns the internal storage path.

WME Lite / game in obb file
« on: October 10, 2015, 08:32:02 PM »
Hi, I'm trying to compile the game in a obb file using jobb provided with sdk tools.

I make a file of all directory of my game (including all dcp packages), then copied the obb file into SD card /Android/obb/my.package/

Then replaced the return of getGamePackagePath as
                  return "obbmount://"
         + Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
         + "/Android/obb/"
         + appPackageName
         + "/"
         + "main."
         + appVersionCode
         + "."
         + appPackageName
         + ".obb";

But when I run the game shows this error:

W/System.err﹕ OBB mount error: 20

WME Lite / Special font characters in wme android
« on: October 10, 2015, 06:36:10 PM »
Hi I'm running the wme game in android but special characters like áéíóúñ didn't show.

I'm using the same TTF font that in windows that it's correctly showing all characters but in android not.

Is any issue of this or any solution?


WME Lite / Re: Error runing wme game in Android
« on: October 10, 2015, 05:02:17 PM »
Fixed. Needed to merged the with the latest version of SDLActivity.  ;)

WME Lite / Re: Error runing wme game in Android
« on: October 10, 2015, 12:03:47 PM »
Thanks, now it finds the package but another error is showing.

Any idea?

Code: [Select]
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: JNI SetStaticBooleanField called with pending exception 'java.lang.NoSuchFieldError' thrown in int
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]     in call to SetStaticBooleanField
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]     from int
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/] "SDLThread" prio=5 tid=13 Runnable
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c56da0 self=0xa98cd800
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   | sysTid=7223 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xaee56300
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   | state=R schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=4 stm=11 core=2 HZ=100
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   | stack=0xa11fe000-0xa1200000 stackSize=1036KB
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   | held mutexes= "mutator lock"(shared held)
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 00004640  /system/lib/ (UnwindCurrent::Unwind(unsigned int, ucontext*)+23)
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 00002e8d  /system/lib/ (Backtrace::Unwind(unsigned int, ucontext*)+8)
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 00248bb1  /system/lib/ (art::DumpNativeStack(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >&, int, char const*, art::mirror::ArtMethod*)+68)
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 0022d8e7  /system/lib/ (art::Thread::Dump(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >&) const+146)
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 000b188b  /system/lib/ (art::JniAbort(char const*, char const*)+582)
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #05 pc 000b1fc5  /system/lib/ (art::JniAbortF(char const*, char const*, ...)+60)
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #06 pc 000b50d5  /system/lib/ (art::ScopedCheck::ScopedCheck(_JNIEnv*, int, char const*)+1284)
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #07 pc 000b7a5f  /system/lib/ (art::CheckJNI::SetStaticBooleanField(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jfieldID*, unsigned char)+54)
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #08 pc 0007a653  /data/app/ (???)
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #09 pc 00017423  /data/app/ (SDL_AddHintCallback_REAL+138)
10-10 11:53:35.925    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #10 pc 0007a67d  /data/app/ (Android_InitTouch+20)
10-10 11:53:35.935    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #11 pc 0007aa6d  /data/app/ (???)
10-10 11:53:35.935    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #12 pc 00079dd7  /data/app/ (SDL_VideoInit_REAL+250)
10-10 11:53:35.935    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #13 pc 00016d91  /data/app/ (SDL_InitSubSystem_REAL+136)
10-10 11:53:35.935    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #14 pc 00036aad  /data/app/ (???)
10-10 11:53:35.935    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #15 pc 00036e39  /data/app/ (SDL_Init+8)
10-10 11:53:35.935    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #16 pc 0006ffad  /data/app/ (CBRenderSDL::InitRenderer(int, int, bool, float, float, bool, std::string const&, bool)+20)
10-10 11:53:35.935    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #17 pc 000463a5  /data/app/ (CBPlatform::Initialize(CBGame*, int, char**)+916)
10-10 11:53:35.935    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #18 pc 00077167  /data/app/ (SDL_main+38)
10-10 11:53:35.935    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #19 pc 0004306b  /data/app/ (Java_org_libsdl_app_SDLActivity_nativeInit+190)
10-10 11:53:35.935    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #20 pc 00002685  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/ (Java_org_libsdl_app_SDLActivity_nativeInit__Ljava_lang_Object_2+100)
10-10 11:53:35.935    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   at method)
10-10 11:53:35.935    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   at
10-10 11:53:35.935    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   at
10-10 11:53:35.935    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/] Runtime aborting...
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/] Aborting thread:
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/] "SDLThread" prio=5 tid=13 Native
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   | group="" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12c56da0 self=0xa98cd800
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   | sysTid=7223 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xaee56300
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   | state=R schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=5 stm=14 core=1 HZ=100
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   | stack=0xa11fe000-0xa1200000 stackSize=1036KB
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   | held mutexes= "abort lock" "mutator lock"(shared held)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #00 pc 00004640  /system/lib/ (UnwindCurrent::Unwind(unsigned int, ucontext*)+23)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #01 pc 00002e8d  /system/lib/ (Backtrace::Unwind(unsigned int, ucontext*)+8)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #02 pc 00248bb1  /system/lib/ (art::DumpNativeStack(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >&, int, char const*, art::mirror::ArtMethod*)+68)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #03 pc 0022d8e7  /system/lib/ (art::Thread::Dump(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >&) const+146)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #04 pc 0021df2f  /system/lib/ (art::AbortState::DumpThread(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >&, art::Thread*)+22)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #05 pc 0021e195  /system/lib/ (art::AbortState::Dump(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char> >&)+364)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #06 pc 0021e361  /system/lib/ (art::Runtime::Abort()+72)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #07 pc 000a838b  /system/lib/ (art::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+1322)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #08 pc 000b1a69  /system/lib/ (art::JniAbort(char const*, char const*)+1060)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #09 pc 000b1fc5  /system/lib/ (art::JniAbortF(char const*, char const*, ...)+60)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #10 pc 000b50d5  /system/lib/ (art::ScopedCheck::ScopedCheck(_JNIEnv*, int, char const*)+1284)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #11 pc 000b7a5f  /system/lib/ (art::CheckJNI::SetStaticBooleanField(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jfieldID*, unsigned char)+54)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #12 pc 0007a653  /data/app/ (???)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #13 pc 00017423  /data/app/ (SDL_AddHintCallback_REAL+138)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #14 pc 0007a67d  /data/app/ (Android_InitTouch+20)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #15 pc 0007aa6d  /data/app/ (???)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #16 pc 00079dd7  /data/app/ (SDL_VideoInit_REAL+250)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #17 pc 00016d91  /data/app/ (SDL_InitSubSystem_REAL+136)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #18 pc 00036aad  /data/app/ (???)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #19 pc 00036e39  /data/app/ (SDL_Init+8)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #20 pc 0006ffad  /data/app/ (CBRenderSDL::InitRenderer(int, int, bool, float, float, bool, std::string const&, bool)+20)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #21 pc 000463a5  /data/app/ (CBPlatform::Initialize(CBGame*, int, char**)+916)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #22 pc 00077167  /data/app/ (SDL_main+38)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #23 pc 0004306b  /data/app/ (Java_org_libsdl_app_SDLActivity_nativeInit+190)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   native: #24 pc 00002685  /data/dalvik-cache/arm/ (Java_org_libsdl_app_SDLActivity_nativeInit__Ljava_lang_Object_2+100)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   at method)
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   at
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   at
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/] Pending exception java.lang.NoSuchFieldError thrown by 'int'
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/] java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: no "Z" field "mSeparateMouseAndTouch" in class "Lorg/libsdl/app/SDLActivity;" or its superclasses
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   at int (
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   at void (
10-10 11:53:36.255    7135-7223/ A/art﹕ art/runtime/]   at void (

WME Lite / Error runing wme game in Android
« on: September 26, 2015, 05:00:04 PM »
Hi, when I try to run the game, seeing the logfile everything looks fine until these lines:

09-26 17:57:41.026    3278-3314/ V/﹕ AssetDir: Request to open asset at path: raw success=TRUE
09-26 17:57:41.026    3278-3314/ V/﹕ AssetDir: close handle
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ AssetDir: Request to open asset at path: raw success=TRUE
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ AssetDir: next filename=ProjectMan.log
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ AssetDir: next filename=SceneEdit.log
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ AssetDir: next filename=SpriteEdit.log
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ AssetDir: next filename=WindowEdit.log
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ AssetDir: next filename=wme.log
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ AssetDir: next filename=wme_demo.wpr
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ AssetDir: next filename=NULL
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ AssetDir: close handle
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ DirectoryOperations: opendir('/data\') success=FALSE
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ 17:57:41:   Registered 0 files in 0 package(s)
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ 17:57:41: Initializing scripting engine...
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ 17:57:41:   Script compiler is NOT available
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ 17:57:41: Error opening file 'startup.settings'
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ 17:57:41: CBGame::LoadSettings failed for file 'startup.settings'
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ 17:57:41: Error loading game settings.
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ 17:57:41:
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ 17:57:41: Shutting down...
09-26 17:57:41.116    3278-3314/ V/﹕ 17:57:41: Shutting down scripting engine

I placed my 'data' directory into 'raw' directory and changed the getGameFilePath() and getGamePackagePath() in like the documentation indicates.

The log line "DirectoryOperations: opendir('/data\') success=FALSE" indicates that wme didn't find the data directory?

What is the problem?

WME sources discussion / Re: Screen resolution scale down
« on: March 21, 2014, 08:45:11 AM »
Thanks metamorphium, I'll try it!!!

WME sources discussion / Re: Screen resolution scale down
« on: March 19, 2014, 08:45:15 AM »
Hi, I saw this. But the solution you tell me makes a copy of the game using the new resolution. I don't want to distribute 2 versions of the game depending on resolution. I need that the engine resize the images on the screen, like WME in iPhone or Android.

WME sources discussion / Screen resolution scale down
« on: March 18, 2014, 12:30:03 PM »
Hi, I'm working on a full HD game (1920x1080) but when I try to run it in a computer without FullHD screen, the game doesn't run.

I'm trying to implement Downscaling resolution in case the screen can't work with game current res. I read that WMELite do it in CBRenderSDL::InitRenderer, but I don't know how to implement it in the WME Windows.

Please, can anyone help me? I think that is an important feature.

Thanks a lot!

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