Hi all,
I'm Michael from Germany, close to cologne. My age??? 38 yrs old and I think I'm the oldest here so far

So please show some respect to the older ones.
Since I'm 17 computers are my hobby. Does anyone know the first Sinclair X81? Well, I didn't own it,
but went every day to a dealer who had it on display and was coding inside the store.

I owned C64, CPC 464, Amiga 1000, Amiga 500, Atari 1024STF and now several PCs. And since the Mini MAC is
out I'm sure someday a MAC will be on the list too!
Since 21 years I code. Some small and never published games but nothing big. More tools and extensions in the form
of DLLs and libs were born and hit the public. Because of this I used and still use several languages or how I call
them "tools". For me a language is just a tool and I use the one that fits the job the most.
My tools I use right now:
- Visual C++ 6.0
- Delphi 6
- Blitz3D and BlitzMAX
- and now WME

I have several over ones like DBP and 3DGS but don't use them now.
Graphical wise I do a little more lately and try to become better in modeling and drawing. I use these tools:
- Photoshop 6
- ZBrush 2
- Truespace 6.6
- Ultimate Unwrap
- Poser 4
My team discovered WME just recently and we are looking forward to develop a full game with WME.
My daily job is progamming tools and statistics for an utility company. Also maintaining and customizing our billing
system. We use standard software from SAP. I'm sure some heard of it.
Ahh before I forget. My favorite adventure games:
- Discworld
- Police quest
- Monkey Island
I think that is enough for now.