Wintermute Engine > Feature requests, suggestions

More datatypes


Dear Santa,
I wish WME had more DataTypes like Lists, Hashtables and Trees. Trees would be very helpful for conversations. Also a way to create your own datatypes with properties and methods would be neat.



(Sorry that I'm a little early with my wishlist  :D)

The variables in WME are actually hash tables. By using just numbers as the hash codes, you get a simple list (array). And if you assign a value an another variable, you'll get a tree (i.e. technically speaking, one hash table member references an another hash table).
The only problem is, that the scripting language doesn't allow nested member references, like

--- Code: ---MyVariable.MyProperty.AnotherProperty.YetAnotherNestedProperty = 10; // this doesn't work :-(

--- End code ---

But maybe Santa's gonna do something about it, when the right time comes...  ;)


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