Wintermute Engine > Feature requests, suggestions


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Another suggestion for the pathfinding. This solution is already used in some commercial adventure games

The path network is defined with Nodes, Rails and Area.

* The Actor is always on the network and cannot go out.This is a better solution for the testing than a large area where you have to check if the character does not walk  on walls or foregrounds ...
* You could define a specific animation on a rail or area
* The Blocked Region and Waypoints are no more usefull
* You can create a network per actor
* The scale ratio is no more linear. You can play with the perspective
* Node, Rails and Area can have decoration attributes
* The scene entity becomes WalkToNode which is automaticaly reajusted when you tweak the network

The pathfinding is calculate like this

Blocking the actor is done thanks to the Active attributes


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