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Differences between WME and AGS forums
« on: April 11, 2016, 01:26:00 PM »

I continue asking myself the reason why there are such differences between WME and AGS forums.
Some of you wrote some time ago that the few actions in the forum depends on whether WME is a professional software and a large part of users do not have time to participate actively.
I not fully agree on this behavior that I believe was also one of the causes for which the development of WME has stopped besides the fact that I really see the few active SUPPORTER (donation, the spirit of donationware).
But really so many people think it is not appropriate to offer at least a beer to those who have dedicated so much time for this engine or spend a few minutes to help those in need (apart from the usual that respond)?
And meanwhile we ask clamoring WME 2.0.
About three months ago I posted a request for clarification on 2.5d and hidden geometry.
The post has been read by 1,122 people, then the forum is attended, WME is still alive (Shadows on the Vatican, The Lost Crown on Steam prove it), but needs change attitudes and participate in discussions.
My post received two responses with more than a thousand readings.
Newcomers now have to choose between AGS and WME (the best donationware engines), they  try  the software, read the forums, examine the games made with both.
If they want to develop retro games they choose AGS, if they want something more evolved they choose WME.
But those who choose WME begins to study and at the first difficulty ask for help (it can happen at the beginning, also in AGS forum).  Here no answer, they do not know how to do and end up switching to AGS where there is a question / answer continuously,  even very easy,  hoping they can achieve the same game they have in mind also with that engine.
I gave it up, going back to WME and hoping to be able to do everything on my own or with little aid arriving, but many others may not think exactly alike.

Why do not we accomplish a competition, such as a short game that takes place in two or three rooms ... or the best puzzle and open voting for them?
It could be a way to spice up the forum and show Mnemonic that his work is really appreciated as opposed to what it seems.

See you later.


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Re: Differences between WME and AGS forums
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2016, 02:38:59 PM »

Just give you my views.

Personally I like WME and it has been my development vehicle of choice for the past 7 years. For me it has the right blend of flexibility and power, vs productivity. And to my mind does everything I need it to for the production of a 2d game.

I am currently working on a project with it which I will hope will have a KS in the next few months. However this may be last project that I do with WME, for the following reasons.

1. The current version is not being further developed, I well understand why that is and have no problem with it as a stance.
2. WME 2 is also on ice, and again I have no issue with that decision.
3 The guys I work with would like to have non PC versions of the product, and despite the good work of a number of people with WME lite, and don't see that as a viable option, given that so much of what goes on with IOS and Android is in the fickle hands of powerful and  rather arrogant suppliers, and with my appreciation of their technologies, I would worry that even if I managed a successful IOS/Android /MACOS build, they would make changes to the OS, and the fixes would not only be difficult but expensive.

So going forward it looks like I may have to learn another dev engine.

I expect that even if I develop a level of familiarity with an alternate engine, projects will take longer, and the output require greater resources than a typical WME game.

I suspect a number of people think like me. Whilst I am still working with WME I will continue to dip into the forum and help if and when I can. I have never done anything with 3 d models inside WME, so I cannot offer any assistance  regarding  a 2.5 d game

Although I have not stuck my hand in my pocket to support WME yet, if I ever make any money from a WME game, I will payback a proportion of my winnings.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 02:41:59 PM by eborr »


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Re: Differences between WME and AGS forums
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2016, 01:25:23 AM »

Wintermute is the best adventure game engine period.    This will not change in the foreseeable future.

I do not think there is a big difference between any of the adventure game forums.
Each AG forum has isolated itself from the broader gaming community, and is paying the price for that decision.
This happens on all the AG forums ( including AGS).

The people who started this forum (and engine) have done an outstanding service.  It's up to newcomers
like me to do our part.

The  WME engine is NOT the problem.  Wether its WME 2.0, android, or iPad - none of these
are the problem because professional developers can write their own plugins.
Any professional developer would consider writing whatever they need to write - to get their
project done - Eborr did, I did. There are plenty of professional game developers out there.
The problem is professional developers have nowhere to market their games.
If a developer creates a great WME game - where could they market it  ??
 AGS forum ?? - no way,  adventure gamers ?? - forget it, I could name all of them,
and the answer would be no (accept maybe gameJolt and itch - but I don't see those as forum sites).
a point and click <a href="" target="_blank">adventure game[/url] I wrote. 
It's a mixture of Drama and Dark fantasy,  set in a small town.

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