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Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / NEW 2.5D tech demo with SOURCE CODE
« on: December 04, 2007, 08:07:11 PM »

I made a little 2.5D tech demo to learn WME and I what to share the source with you. I learn from others code, So I hope help others in return.

The source:

The Exe's Demo:

I was playing with WME those few days, with the new things and I found really good all the new 3D things. I wan to ask you Mnemonic if there is any plans for 3d oMNI lIGHT PLACING IN THE Sceneedit and properties like colour, etc. It can be very usefull to see direcly like lights will affect in the final game, that is hard to see in the max viewport.

And I think that would be great to implement a fusion between the same animations in a loop, like walk->smooth transition to ->walk
it can be great if we dont have a perfect loopeable animation and anyone will notice :)

Feature requests, suggestions / Open GL
« on: December 05, 2004, 08:51:33 PM »
Hi everybody!!

Exist the possibility? (in the future) to move Direct X to Open GL??
Open GL is best, faster and allows to create non-windows version, for example for Linux or Mac. And it is much more compatible with all today’s video cards (even the on-board ones)
I think that is almost impossible, but I don't loose anything asking  ;D and that could be absolutely great!!

Technical forum / Playing an Enviroment animation
« on: May 07, 2004, 05:02:06 PM »
I am trying to do something really easy but I can't
There is a dresser in the room. I want that if I click on the drawer the game play an animation: the drawer opening up.
I make the SPRITE file with that animation and put it on the scene (without loop) and each time I go there the drawer "open" automaticaly.

If I put on a SCRIPT:

on "LeftClick"
 Game.PlayAnim("escenas\001 - Room\001\01\cajon\cajon.sprite");
 Game.ChangeScene("escenas\001 - Room\001\cajon-tijeras\cajon-tijeras.scene");

The game shows a LOG error.

Technical forum / ChangeScene TO PrevScene
« on: March 29, 2004, 09:56:01 PM »
Providing your scene's name is the same as it's filename (it is so by default) you can do something like:

Game.ChangeScene("scenes\" + Game.PrevScene + "\" + Game.PrevScene + ".scene");

This code will change to the previous visited scene.

I was trying but I don

Game announcements / Sofia's Debt will be on CGM!
« on: March 24, 2004, 09:27:54 PM »
In the next issue of the "Computer Games Magazine" will be included on the CD, my game Sofia's Debt.

Technical forum / Tecnical Options Menu
« on: March 24, 2004, 12:07:21 PM »
I wan to ask you something; The option menu, which you choose between 3D accelerated mode or software mode, in Sofia's debt only appear the first time you play the game. Exist a way to go to that menu again?? WME don't create a setup.exe or something like that.
Sofia's Debt only accepts the accelerated mode to be played, and 1024x768 res.
A Player e-mailing me this:

I've wanted to play Sofia's Debt for some time now, but can't quite get it to work -- due to my graphics not being quite up to par. I believe I have DirectX8 installed, and have a 16 MB video card (GeForce 2 MX), but no graphics options pop up when I start the game.

Are there any workarounds I can try to get the game to work (even in lower res)? Thanks

Do you know if exist a solution? I don't  :-\ ???

Feature requests, suggestions / Suggestion - New Multi Language System
« on: February 25, 2004, 01:54:59 PM »
I have another suggestion: I think it will be great to include a multiple language system for only ONE game distribution; I system that allow to chose , in one compilation of the game, the language that the player wish, like the AGS system; or the possibility of chose the language in the options of the game.

Feature requests, suggestions / Suggestion - Game.ChangeToLastScene
« on: February 25, 2004, 01:51:19 PM »

I think, a "ChangeToLastScene" will be great! It is an important thing to create scenes for the "LOOK" on the inventory object; ant then; with that came back to the original scene.
I know that this is possible to do with the windows, but isn

Technical forum / Bug Report - S3 Graphic Card Problems
« on: February 25, 2004, 01:44:44 PM »

I tested Sofia's debt, the demo game and the Fred Demo in a Duron Computer with an S3 3D card and all the games have errors: the graphics that were added on the scene (like an object, for example, or the inventory, the fonts, etc) were moved... and when you try to play the game, taking an object or something the game crashes...
I recited another notification with a problem on a computer with an S3 graphic card, I don

ChangeScene always change the scene or directly or with the fusion with a black screen; I think that it would be great if in the future you implements the change Scene with the direct fusion between the initial screen and the next one

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