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Topics - Cyrus

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Software and games / Day One: a new Kickstarter by Pendulo Studios
« on: August 01, 2012, 10:36:13 AM »
The Pendulo Studios jump on the crowdfunding train, having started their own campaign related to the game "Day One". It tells the story of Ethan, a young and acid journalist who learns from his doctor that he’s got a terminal disease: he'll be dead before the end of the day. Back home, he finds a capsule and a note: “This will keep you alive 24 extra hours. Come to Paris for more. We’ll find you.”

They're providing a vast array of rewards, including an oldschool "big box" edition of the game, an opportunity to put your own creations (art, music, texts, etc.) in the game, Ethan Grant's Edition of The Devil's Dictionary with his own notes, thoughts and traces of events that happen in the game and even the chance to study a course in Videogame Design thanks to Universidad Complutense de Madrid and become an intern in Pendulo Studios.

Check this out for more:


A few days ago I've heard about Crazy Mansion, another project with a crowdfunding campaign. It's very heavily inspired by both Maniac Mansion and Day of the Tentacle, but it doesn't use any copyrighted things from those games. Instead, it's a completely different story set in the same universe. It's created by Desperate Studios team, who created their first games in the days of C64 and Amiga. You may check this out for details:

The GUI design:

Software and games / Leisure Suit Larry Kickstarter
« on: April 07, 2012, 03:31:37 PM »
Following the example of Tim Schafer, Al Lowe has decided to use Kickstarter for the ressurection of his Larry series:

Software and games / Double Fine Kickstarter Adventure
« on: February 22, 2012, 05:51:51 PM »
This is just so awesome I don't have anything to add. Check it out for yourselves!

I thought I'd tell you about the new MI fanproject which takes place between MI2 and MI3, about the said Carnival of the Damned (aka Big Whoop), explaining how Guybrush wound up sailing in the red bumper car in the middle of the Caribbean. The art style is going to be similar to CMI, and the game will be divided in three episodes. The list of characters includes:
- Guybrush (of course)
- LeChuck
- Skeletal Pirates
- Largo (he's finally going to make a comeback)
- The Voodoo Lady
- Fettuccine Brothers
- Herman Toothrot (maybe)
- Cannibals (maybe)
- Pirate Bar Patron(s)
- Clown with a strong New Yorker accent
- Chuckie
- Guybrush as a child
- Elaine as a child
- Old man Guybrush
- John Decringe (a reference to Joseph Decreaux and Desinge)
- Winslow
- Stan
and more, and more! You can read the rest here:

The project is currently looking for some background artists, the only available screenshot for now:

And a couple of other BG's, created by the same artist for a different project:

Software and games / Toonstruck 2 can be released!!!
« on: August 28, 2010, 11:53:16 AM »

As you probably remember, Toonstruck was cut in two parts before the release, and part 2 has never been released. Well, now it probably will be!

Keith Arem, a member of Toonstruck team who now owns the rights to it, is considering the re-release of Toonstruck which would include Toonstruck 2, but he needs "tremendous fan support" to justify its release and raise the capital. There's a fan petition which has already reached the point of 2000 signatures.

A quote from Mr. Arem (you can read his letter here):
While the game was internationally critically acclaimed, the game did
not receive the sales we hoped, and the second half was never released.
Now that my career has developed, I would like to re-release an updated
version of Toonstruck to include the 2nd half of the game (iPad, online,
etc), but I would need tremendous fan support to justify its release. I
am looking for someone to help organize a fan petition to help us raise
the capital to finance the game, so if you know anyone who could help
with this, I would appreciate the assistance.

Online Petition:

Official Facebook Group:

Twitter Page:

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