I want to play a certain animation when my character talks something, but I don´t want ot use the standard "talk" animation, because it´s too random, if you know what I mean.
I´ve tried:
Talk("I now am talking something. I don´t really know what to say. I´m really quite dumb.");
But my animation gets cut off as soon as my character starts to talk.
I thought thiswould work..
TalkAsync("I now am talking something. I don´t really know what to say. I´m really quite dumb.");
.. but he doesn´t want to talk to me.
Then I tried this..
Talk("I now am talking something. I don´t really know what to say. I´m really quite dumb.");
.. and that works, but after playing the animation it "jumps" back to the idle animation. Setting the transitiontime didn´t work, because of the different channels (?).
Thankful for any help,