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Messages - Erwin_Br

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Latest beta: WME 1.8.9 (December 20, 2008)
« on: January 09, 2009, 07:09:20 PM »
People should just buy a normal panel for their PC and watch movies on a TV panel. Jeez!  :-X

Yay! It works like a charm!

Thanks very much for the very detailed and clear explanation.  ::thumbup

Well, bottom line is that I want to take away control when the player triggers an event on an object (look at, talk to, etc.). Obviously I don't want to do this when the player clicks anywhere else, triggering a walk to event or a menu button click, etc... But that was already covered in above example.

Well, thanks for your input so far. I'm still exploring the engine to see if it'll fit my needs, and this is not an important issue. I just don't like redundancy, and want to control things centrally as much as possible.  ;D


Hmmm... Any suggestions of another way to globally set the Game.Interactive so I don't have to include it in every event handler?

Am I seeing things or is the "Game.Interactive = true;" line OUTSIDE the LeftClick handler?

No, sorry about that. It's just sloppy copy and paste work on my behalf. These 2 }'s are closing the switch and another condition. Sorry. I have adjusted the example.

When I step through the code using the debugger, I see that when I call "ActObj.ApplyEvent("LookAt")", the script continues to run through the LeftClick function while it's performing its tasks in the script that's handling the event. It also stops nicely at "WaitFor(actor);", like I intended. Why does it seem to ignore this when running the game normally is beyond me. I really hope you have an idea. :)

Hi all,

When my actor performs an action, I want the game to always turn "Game.Interactive" to false. Instead of entering the false/true lines for every event in every script, I figured I could easily do this in one place by adjusting the onLeftClick event. This may save me lots of redundant lines of code in the future.  ;) Unfortunately, I have a problem.  :'( This is what I do:

Code: WME Script
  1. on "LeftClick"
  2. {
  3.   var ActObj = Game.ActiveObject; // Retrieves object under mouse cursor, if any
  4.   if(ActObj!=null) // we did click an object
  5.   {
  7. //Code cutted away to keep the example simple. We go straight to case 1, which is triggered when the mouse pointer is 1, or "LookAt"
  9.   case 1:
  10.     if(ActObj.CanHandleEvent("LookAt")) ActObj.ApplyEvent("LookAt");
  11.     else actor.Talk("What's so special about it?");
  12.     break;
  14.     //Code cutted away. (The other cases)
  17.     WaitFor(actor); //Let actor finish his event
  18.     Game.Interactive = true; //Give control back to player
  19.   }
  20. }

The problem is that I don't get back control of the game. Game.Interactive remains false. The funny thing is that when I use the debugger and step through the script, it suddenly DOES work.

The reason why I added the WaitFor(actor) command is that if I don't -- the game gives back control to the player while the actor still has to perform his actions.

What am I doing wrong?

Or perhaps there is a better way of accomplishing my goal?


Technical forum / Re: antialiasing
« on: December 28, 2008, 01:30:55 AM »
You have basically two options:

1) Let the engine resize the object. It will become blurred and the edges will be antialiased automatically.
2) Use an alpha-channel to control transparency of your image instead of the pink color.

Sorry for digging up this old one, but I have simple, non-antialiased sprites as well. I can see that the engine is doing something, but the aa is very minimal when my character scales. Is this in any way adjustable?

(I probably have to redraw hundreds of frames, don't I?)  :-[

Can't reproduce / Re: BSOD during designtime with WME 1.8.006
« on: December 28, 2008, 12:01:40 AM »
After I turned on the full screen option, it didn't take long before Windows crashed again. Right after I quit the test game, while returning to the desktop. I guess I'll have to do most of my development in a window. It's not a big problem. This probably means that running WME games in VMWare can be tricky as well.  :-\

Can't reproduce / Re: BSOD during designtime with WME 1.8.006
« on: December 27, 2008, 04:27:40 PM »
If you go to My Computer -> Properties, somewhere there are "Startup and Recovery options", containing a check-box named "Automatically restart" or something along those lines. If you disable the option, you should be at least able to read what error the blue screen displays.

Thanks. I'll let you know when I have more info.

For now the engine is running OK since I changed it from running full-screen to in a window. (I noticed that switching resolutions is causing some lag in Windows; maybe it's related.)

Can't reproduce / Re: BSOD during designtime with WME 1.8.006
« on: December 27, 2008, 04:14:37 PM »
Well, BSOD is usually caused by driver crash, which is something an application shouldn't be able to achieve. Can you at least tell what caused the problem (what does the blue screen say)? And is there any chance of driver update in the VMWare environment?

I'm running the latest drivers, unfortunately. As for the message, it's something along the lines of a fatal error, Windows has to reboot, etc... VMWare automatically boots the machine, so I don't have a chance to read everything in detail. When I get back in Windows, it notifies me that Windows has recovered from a fatal error.

I'm running this virtual machine lots of times for different applications. The BSOD is completely new, and only happens when using WME. ???

Can't reproduce / BSOD during designtime with WME 1.8.006
« on: December 27, 2008, 03:32:00 PM »
I'm following some tutorials to get a taste of WME, as I'm considering switching to this engine. Unfortunately, Windows crashes very often when clicking buttons or even switching to the project manager. I get a BSOD and have to reboot.

I'm using the stable version (1.8.006), and running Windows XP SP3. One important thing to mention, perhaps, is that I'm running it with a virtual machine (VMWare Fusion 2.something), because I have a Mac. The games themselves are behaving OK, the crashes occur during designtime.

Anyone else running a Virtual Machine? Or is this a known error in 1.8.006 and should I upgrade?

Poser is quite expensive for a hobbyist. And I haven't seen many professional games using their models, so I wonder what audience this software is targetted at?


General Discussion / Re: is back
« on: November 05, 2004, 04:29:04 PM »
I once used to write for AD. Then I left. None of my stuff was published.

Really? Must've been when I wasn't involved yet, or Tom Courthold has been hiding things from me...  (In which case I have to kick him, har...)

But seriously, what did you write? Reviews? Articles?


General Discussion / Re: is back
« on: November 05, 2004, 01:56:54 PM »
But... they wiped out my old site... snif... :'(

But, but... That wasn't our fault  :-[

Our server went down and all data was lost.  :-\ (Luckily we backed-up almost every article)


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