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Messages - piere

Pages: 1 ... 18 19 [20] 21
Technical forum / Re: Problem with blocking areas
« on: March 18, 2011, 07:27:59 AM »
Hey serious Ray, Can you post the project? Would help if the actor is in there and such to see whats going on

Game announcements / Re: Space Madness (In Development)
« on: March 11, 2011, 09:28:49 PM »
THIS IS SPARTA !!!!!        good game !

Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / Re: Dijkstra puzzle
« on: February 23, 2011, 03:01:32 AM »
Thanks Mnemonic, now I don't get the error but nothing happens. I put the script in an entity click, so when it says "On Look " or whatever, it calls the function.

here is my code:

Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"


on "LookAt"

on "Take"

on "Talk"

on "LeftClick"

 method Talk(srcString,srcActor,xPosition)
var twin;
if (srcActor == null) twin = "talk"; // basic window with ghost
twin = srcActor; // NPC window
var tmpState = Game.Interactive;
Game.Interactive = false;  // we save the interactivity state for later and turn it off
var dlgWin = Game.LoadWindow("interface\system\caption.window"); // load the dialogue window
var  talkRobotEnt = Scene.CreateEntity();  // create the entity used for talking
var tString = Game.ExpandString(srcString);  // prepare the localized string to handle formatting
var tLength = tString.Length;
var lines = ToInt(tLength / 300) + 1; // find out how many lines will we need
dlgWin.SetImage("interface/system/wme_logo.png");   // set the image
dlgWin.Y = 425;
        // set the caption parameters
talkRobotEnt.SubtitlePosRelative = false;
talkRobotEnt.SubtitlesPosXCenter = false;
talkRobotEnt.SubtitlesWidth = 680;
talkRobotEnt.SubtitlesPosX = 90;
if (xPosition != null) talkRobotEnt.SubtitlesPosX = xPosition;
talkRobotEnt.SubtitlesPosY = 630 + 15* lines;  // position the caption in the window based on number of lines
        talkRobotEnt.SetFont("fonts\verdana.font"); // set the speech font
talkRobotEnt.SoundPanning = false;  // make the sound centered
talkRobotEnt.Talk(srcString, null, "", "", 0);  // say the line
Game.UnloadObject(dlgWin);  // dispose of the window
Scene.DeleteEntity(talkRobotEnt); // kill the talk entity
Game.Interactive = tmpState;


global PuzzleArray;                                       // The map with obstacles (0 is free, !=0 is obstacle)
var open = new Array(64);   // Open set for grid (max lenght of longest path)
var pathes = new Array (1300); // All Pathes are stored here
var pathcnt = 0; // Number of pathes
var correct_path = 0; // When path found, this one is the rightful

var ActiveTilie;               // Active Tile

ActiveTilie.number = 0; // Info about selected Tile
ActiveTilie.x = 0;                                        
ActiveTilie.y = 0;

global tilies; // Definition of tilies as appears in scene_init

const GRIDX = 8;                // Grid Size X
const        GRIDY = 8; // Grid Size Y
const OPENSIZE = 64; // Size of OPEN array

// This is called whenever we need to use search

function initSearch()

correct_path = 0;
for (var a=0;a<OPENSIZE;a=a+1)
open[a] = 0;

for (a=0;a<1299;a=a+1)
pathes[a] = -1;

pathcnt = 0;


// Function for deleting path, which is a dead end

function deletepath(pathc)
var startpath = pathc*OPENSIZE;
var lastpath = (pathcnt-1)*OPENSIZE;

if (pathcnt == 1)
 // We have no more paths. There is noway to run...
pathcnt = 0;

if (pathc == (pathcnt-1))
  // Deleted path is the last one
  pathes[startpath] = -1;
  pathcnt = pathcnt - 1;
 // Move the last part in place of deleted.
while (pathes[lastpath] != -1)
 pathes[startpath] = pathes[lastpath];
 lastpath = lastpath + 1;
 startpath = startpath + 1;

pathes[startpath] = -1;
pathcnt = pathcnt - 1;

// Discard last node for path branching

function popnode(pth)
var spos = pth*OPENSIZE;

while (pathes[spos] != -1)
spos = spos + 1;

pathes[spos-1] = -1;

// Add note on top of path stack

function addnode(pth, x, y)
var spos = pth*OPENSIZE;

while (pathes[spos] != -1)
spos = spos + 1;

if (spos>((pth*OPENSIZE) + OPENSIZE-1))
// Too long path, it would overlap to different path = dead end

pathes[spos] = y * GRIDY + x;
pathes[spos+1] = -1;

// Add path to path repository

function addpath(oldpath,px,py)
  pathcnt = pathcnt + 1;
  var startpath = (oldpath*OPENSIZE);
  var newpath = (pathcnt-1)*OPENSIZE;

  while (pathes[startpath] != -1)
pathes[newpath] = pathes[startpath];
newpath = newpath + 1;
startpath = startpath + 1;

  pathes[newpath-1] = -1;

// Returns last node from path

function getLastNode(pths)
var spos = pths*OPENSIZE;
while (pathes[spos] != -1)
spos = spos + 1;

var news = pathes[spos-1];
return news;

// Gets tile number from Puzzle Grid

function getTile(x,y)
return PuzzleArray[y*GRIDY+x];

// We have to check if two tiles (sx,sy) (dx,dy) are adjacent

function isAdjacent(sx,sy,dx,dy)
if((dx < 0) || (dx >= GRIDY))
return false;

if((dy < 0) || (dy >= GRIDY))
return false;

if(sx == dx)
// The squares are adjacent if the source square is above the destination square
if((sy - 1) == dy)
return true;

// Or if the source square is below the destination square
else if((sy + 1) == dy)
return true;
else if(sy == dy)
// The squares are adjacent if the source square is left of the destination square
if((sx - 1) == dx)
return true;

// Or if the source square is right of the destination square
else if((sx + 1) == dx)
return true;

return false; // CELL (dest_x, dest_y) IS NOT adjacent to CELL (src_x, src_y)


// We have to check, if tile x,y is Open and not solid

function isOpen(x,y)
if( PuzzleArray[y*GRIDY+x] != 0 )
return false;

if(open[y*GRIDY+x] != 0)
return false;

return true;

// This is the Dijkstra's guts.

function findroute(TileX, TileY)

var actpath = 0; // Actual processed path.
var opener = 0; // Indicates how many branches are from current node. If 0, delete path.
var tmp_node;  // value (global value), x,y

// Create the first path

open[ActiveTilie.y*GRIDY + ActiveTilie.x] = 1;
pathcnt = 1;

while (pathcnt > 0)

// Get last node from actual path

tmp_node.value = getLastNode(actpath);
tmp_node.x = tmp_node.value % GRIDY;
tmp_node.y = ToInt(tmp_node.value / GRIDY);

opener = 0; // We have no open ends yet.

for (var ox = tmp_node.x  - 1; ox < tmp_node.x + 2; ox = ox + 1)
for (var oy = tmp_node.y  - 1; oy < tmp_node.y  + 2; oy = oy + 1)
if (isOpen(ox,oy) && isAdjacent(tmp_node.x,tmp_node.y,ox,oy))

opener = opener + 1;

if (ox == TileX && oy == TileY)
//Path Found

if (opener > 1) { popnode(actpath); }
correct_path = actpath*OPENSIZE;
return true; // Returning correct path
// Let's look some more

// Set cell as visited
open[oy*GRIDY+ox] = 1;

if (opener == 1)
//Go down the road.
// Add new path
} //  else
 }   // else
 }     // If

 }       // For

if (opener == 0) deletepath(actpath);  // Path is a dead end
actpath = actpath + 1; // Let's walk down the next path

if (actpath>=pathcnt) actpath=0; // We have to go to first path


return false;


Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / Re: Sierra right click interface
« on: February 22, 2011, 12:21:39 AM »
Can you re-post the link?

Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / Re: Dijkstra puzzle
« on: February 21, 2011, 11:16:19 PM »
Hello I put this script in and called the function but it says "Function 'initsearch' is referenced but not defined". Where should I put this script and how would I go about calling it so it would work? Thanks

Technical forum / 3D actor walking up steps.
« on: February 12, 2011, 02:22:57 AM »
I have tried to make a 3d actor walking up steps but cannot seem to do it. I have tried making multiple "walk_01" objects as well as combining them into a single "walk_01" object. Any way to do this? Thanks. I'm loving this game engine so far by the way ! Its way up there with Unreal !

Technical forum / Re: Working animation with .X files
« on: January 16, 2011, 01:30:12 AM »
I succesfully imported an animated .x file into Wintermute. I am having issues with switching the animations. For example, when I click an area, the actor goes to it but does not do the walk animation. Where would I go to set the animations for the different actions?


Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / Re: Cell phone
« on: January 15, 2011, 02:47:37 AM »
nevermind, i got it working  !

Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / Re: Cell phone
« on: January 14, 2011, 10:18:19 AM »
Hey Im having issues with the CalledNumber function.. When I dial a number such as 12345,

     actor.Talk("I just dials 12345, wow");

When I dial the number, the actor does not talk, or nothing happens. Any suggestions?

Game announcements / Re: Bookmania
« on: January 09, 2011, 10:02:57 PM »
Its a nice little game.. Good idea !

Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / Re: RPG on WME
« on: January 06, 2011, 09:32:19 AM »
Can you or someone else re-post the links?

Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / Re: Blender Export Script...
« on: January 06, 2011, 09:14:10 AM »
Hey the link doesnt work... does anyone have another link they can post... or any similar programs that would be good?

Technical forum / Working animation with .X files
« on: January 06, 2011, 03:03:41 AM »
Hello I am good with animation in Maya but I am confused about the .X format. I have a .obj to .x converter, so I can easily put .x files into the Wintermute engine, but how would I get an animation into a .x file? Also I notice in the sample project Trinity is just standing there when looking at the actor file in directory. I know with 2D sprites when they walk around, it switches to different sprite files, but how would I handle the actions with the 3d actor file, for example, how would it know to use the proper walking motion, take motion, etc.

Thanks all

Technical forum / Re: Can anyone show me some sample projects for WME
« on: January 02, 2011, 10:38:48 PM »
Thanks Phil !! anyone got any others?

Technical forum / Re: Making a notepad interface
« on: December 31, 2010, 08:55:23 AM »
Can anyone post a working sample project of this  technique? Thanks

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