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Technical forum / Re: Need help understanding Game.PlaySoundEvent()
« on: May 09, 2009, 06:59:21 PM »
The script is being run from a scene node.

So I changed
Code: [Select]
  Game.PlaySoundEvent("scenes\07_Pub_Reception\JuliaHello.ogg", "Julia");
Code: [Select]
  this.PlaySoundEvent("scenes\07_Pub_Reception\JuliaHello.ogg", "Julia");
No change I'm afraid - the "on Julia" still doesn't run. Does it look as though it should?

Technical forum / Need help understanding Game.PlaySoundEvent()
« on: May 09, 2009, 06:30:31 PM »
Hi chaps,

The code below is supposed to have Julia say a paragraph when you leftclick on her, then load a window only after she's finished speaking.

She speaks, but the "on Julia" is never executed. So I don't understand the practical use of PlaySoundEvent. Anybody got any examples?


Code: [Select]
on "Julia"
  Game.Msg("This is the Julia Window call");
  Game.Interactive = true;
on "LeftClick"
  var a = Scene.GetNode("Julia");
  a.Active = false;
  Game.PlaySoundEvent("scenes\07_Pub_Reception\JuliaHello.ogg", "Julia");

Technical forum / Re: Warning referencing absolute path
« on: May 07, 2009, 05:53:13 PM »
It worked - thanks again, sorted.

Technical forum / Re: Russian Captions in Items.tems
« on: May 07, 2009, 03:18:25 PM »

Thanks Mnem!

Technical forum / Re: Warning referencing absolute path
« on: May 07, 2009, 02:54:11 PM »
I thought that line was a comment coz it had a ; before it - so is it not a comment?

Technical forum / Re: Russian Captions in Items.tems
« on: May 07, 2009, 02:53:11 PM »
Yes we have one of those. It is Arial, we use it elsewhere in the game and AFAIK Arial supports Cyrillic (it seems to in MS Word). Its CHARSET was 1 so we changed it to 10. But what we still don't know is how to apply that font to the inventory captions. I've tried putting it in inventory.def, but let's face it, I'm guessing. What does the inventory window refer to when it wantts to know what font to use for captions?

Technical forum / Re: Warning referencing absolute path
« on: May 07, 2009, 01:20:37 PM »
Full story - I have a scene "cafe_long_shot" and in its folder is the .scene file and cafe2.jpg. Using the scene editor, I set the background to cafe2.jpg, but instead of just saying cafe2.jpg, it registers in the scene editor as c:\documents and settings\blah\my documents\wme projects\demoproject\data\scenes\cafe_long_shot\cafe2.jpg.

Then I get a warning in the log box 'referencing absolute path'.
Then when I run the game I get 'missing image'.

I have messed about with it though - the scene is from a template I created with scenedit. I think it may have corrupted something but I don't know what.

Technical forum / Re: Russian Captions in Items.tems
« on: May 07, 2009, 01:07:46 PM »
Thanks Mnemonic.

"have proper character for cyrilic set in the font definition?"

Just a few questions on that:
What and where is the font definition?
What is a proper character?
And is that "proper character for cyrillic set" or "set in the definition"?

Please explain as you would a child. I have no pride, only ignorance. Assume I know nothing and that your whole sentence, although consisting of English words looks to me like "oven-bottom tentpeg orienteer upside pink classify" :)



Technical forum / Re: Warning referencing absolute path
« on: May 07, 2009, 12:52:02 PM »
Error is missing image.

Technical forum / Re: Russian Captions in Items.tems
« on: May 07, 2009, 12:51:20 PM »
Hi Mnem

Just been experimenting with that.

Set up a string in called ITEMFDK001 with a tab and a string of Russian. Saved the string table in UTF-8 format in Notepad. Then in items.items had the line CAPTION = /ITEMFDK001/. To add belt to braces, added the line Game.TextEncoding = 1; to game.script.

Then we set the game to start where we pick up the front door key. Picked up the key - examined it in inventory and got, guess what, a string of question marks instead of the Russian caption.

What have I missed?


Technical forum / Russian Captions in Items.tems
« on: May 07, 2009, 11:55:14 AM »
Hi all

We've nearly finished the Russian translation of 'Rhiannon' - now it's time to change the captions in items.items.

So we cut from the .doc that contains the translation - and paste into items.items being edited in Scite. And we get "??????? ??????? ????"

We thought of looking up "??????? ??????? ????" in the help files, but didn't expect to find anything  ;)

Can anybody advise how we get Russian captions into items.items?


Technical forum / Warning referencing absolute path
« on: May 06, 2009, 05:47:00 PM »
I'm getting this warning on a scene where the background image is in the same folder as the scene and sceneedit knows it is. So when I run sceneedit, there's the graphic, but in either projectman or the game, no it isn't.

Is there an option to say "start looking here"?

It's happening on everything, cursors backgrounds etc.



Technical forum / Re: Vista Game Explorer query
« on: May 05, 2009, 12:03:35 PM »
Nope, no wiser. Must be missing something on level one and asking a question at level five. Ah well.

Thanks anyway Mnem. I can see why so many games don't appear in the Vista Game Explorer  :)


Technical forum / Re: Vista Game Explorer query
« on: May 04, 2009, 04:07:24 PM »
Hi Mnem

Me much confused (again)...

You said
WME already does the registration for you, if you call your game's executable with certain parameters. It's described in WME documentation
... suggesting that the NSIS addon is not needed (include a dll, check if it's there etc. etc. 'neat' it ain't  :-\  )
But the documentation says
Modify your game installer to call the Game Explorer registration when installing the game and the Game Explorer deregistration when uninstalling the game.

So if Wintermute does the game registration, why should installer be modified to do the registration? And could you please explain "call the Game Explorer registration"?

I've done all steps up to this one in the docs and the icon doesn't appear in the Explorer.


Technical forum / Re: Query the node of a different scene
« on: February 23, 2009, 09:38:57 PM »
Thanks J. - that's worth exploring - itcould work - but I'd have to have visited the destination scene first to do the GetNode


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