I'm so sorry to bump this thread up again, but there is a good reason.... I hope

Some times ago I wanted to create an adventure, looked around for a nice engine and finally found WME. I was so impressed by the work of Jan that I had to donate some little thanks immediately.
Unfortunately, well not directly unfortunately I 'suddenly' had no time at all to do an adventure ... I became father ... again

... and as i am a Homeworker/Houseman I can tell you : OMG, she (my baby) started off nice and quiet but now she keeps me running from 6 AM to 7 PM leaving me as a wreck afterwards... not to mention my tinnitus

But to keep a long story short, I wanted to restart but, helas , had a look at AGS and even installed it... the many ready games as reference were nice and I was looking for a easy beasy solution but AGS didn't seem any easier than WME but they have many great references. AND NOW I finally come the the reason of the bumping! Searching for references done with WME was quite a struggle, either the link didn't work anymore, or the game always crashed, or the subject was too adulty, so there wasn't really any games showing me what WME could actually do, I was even near to really start out with AGS!!! BUT THEN

I found Dirty Split!! and downloaded it and played it and WOOOOW!! That was THE reference I was looking for, no crashes, fantastic visuals, fantastic sound, fantastic story, lovely style, everything is so extreme cool I was really wondering why oh why I had to find it by chance?? IMHO the gaming list should be updated ASAP and this game should be mentioned at the top, even with a short interview and a making off maybe. What better reference does WME need??
So, ah yes, that was it