Well.... I think I should improve my english because I don't really got the meaning of what you are trying to say
But anyway I'll try to answer. If I respond something irrelevant to what you are trying to say please forgive me.
People have a bad habit of ditching the old for the new, even if there is no actual improvement, look at how many people snapped up copies of Windows ME when it first came out, when it is still the common opinion now that of the 9x operating systems Windows 98SE is still the best.
If assume (usually a bad think to do
) you are talking about the "MP3 or Ogg Vorbis" discussions here. Well, first of all, there is no ditching. I said that Ogg Vorbis is a much better tool because it has a much better licence and ALSO quality comparable to MP3. So it seems obvious that Ogg Vorbis is a better overral choice for an adventure game.
EDIT: And if you refering to "MOD or MP3" discussion then I have already said that MOD is a better choice due to licence issues with MP3. But overal they are not really comparable as they are completely different formats made for different pursposes.
I personally don't know anything about OGG vs MP3, or even the OGG format. If it had been something like the DivX - MPeG4 - OGM debate, I think I would keep my mouth shut and stick with my own thoughts (I used to be part of an encoding group that uses OGM, involved with subtitling so some of the OGM features appeal to me enough to be willing to advocate it).
I don't understand why anyone can't say that x is better than y when he had some points to make and proove his claims. ?!?!?
And you confused me even more because you speek for DivX and Ogm as competitors when they are not. Divx is a codec while Ogm is a video/audio container (basically Ogm is the same as Ogg with some additions that were always in the Ogg specs but never programmed before).
Even more, I actually didn't advocate Ogg Vorbis because I said that it may have worse quality than MP3 at bitrates of 160 or higher.
Oh... and a really unimportand thing for me, but important for xiph.org is the names. It's not OGG & OGM but Ogg & Ogm (I am not saying this myself, xiph.org has requested it from anyone because it doesn't pronounced OGG but o-g-g, one letter at the time).