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Author Topic: BIG SUGGESTION LIST  (Read 6619 times)

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« on: January 31, 2004, 12:02:41 AM »

Okay, I have visited like about a year ago and seen the beta and blah blah...
Now I see youve gone nearly official. Nice work!

Back to my ideas and skills...
I have gained a clump of skills for:
-Graphics Designing, but not good at modelling; i make skins for models though.
-Gained a very professional game lead design/ ideas;  im not a lead designer but I have extremely well and good knowledge for worth of making a game better than any existant ones...  Im not trying to brag, but lately many game developers been having flaws and ignorance into screwing up...  Even the great UT2003 rated 9.5 has flaws to spit on. LOL :P

Im here to boost you my freind, but I also see that youve done plenty and excellence on your own.  Until your ready to return to the works of 3d models and such, you will most likely need to turn to me for answers.  Also I suggest you stay out of putting WME onto the market, which I can see thats one of your intensions.  Your todo list is quite long and I would like to assist you as much as I can.  My question is, is your todo list based on the fact that programming/scripting takes long?  Or is it that you need to know how you will configure it?  If the problem is mainly targeted on how you'd configure the available things to others, then I will have plenty of pointers and will gladly write out how they should work for users in the most efficient and enjoyable way.  ;)
Now back onto the main subject..
   About using 2D graphics, well ummm id have to say you'll need a bit of 3d content to boost the available depth of making games.  
You should notice that rotating around a 2D object is possible and also would be best to work with 3d world.  Also making 3d models available and compatible will gain you and WME users great advantages.  
I have some reasons to list my reasons to you:
"I have these planned out already, but not ready for works yet"
-Making a human models with ease; all the body parts can be molded and colors of skin changed, plus making new skins are obviously possible.  The sound of making a model easilly is beyond your view, Ive seen it all and confirm that its all possible and its so efficient that making a female look like a movie star is as easy as EASY!  Molding the #% value of the X,Y,&Z-axis of your cheek for example, moving and molding objects in the radius of your human model; enables you to put on clothes properly and even resize them as well as putting and fitting a neclace or shoe!   It may take a while to detail everything up but it shure beats the regular needs of experience and skill of modelling anything at all.  What im saying is, its the godlike kind of easy... Users like to make their characters with no drag like modelling or making new art for each dimension, THAT IS JUST A DRAG!  Causes users to disbelieve in their ability or just become to lazy to finish.
-The advantages this will bring is from adding equipment and such to your character all the way to making nice enviroments...  How enviroments? Well thats also a feature Ive seen in the human maker;  the ability to also attatch objects like i said earlier will point that out.
Its all in the easier works...  Although, to add on a point:  To have other models unlike human ones will depend on making new models as presets to use and edit, which will extend the ability of users.
These are all just an example of what i got in store for WME,  and also if some users cant use 3d stuff, well you can make a 3d version of WME simple as that...
My other suggestion is that you should focus on helping users be able to use the inventory based interface plus a player statistics database.  The player statistics stuff should be able to be made to be able with some of the RPG basics for now..  But its should be customizable and be able to add new types of status that would be able to effect curtain statistics in status database.  
I will show more info and such later on..
« Last Edit: January 31, 2004, 12:09:20 AM by GonerX »


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« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2004, 02:07:14 AM »

Hey GonerX,

oh my...

We had this all before, either you just don't read our answers or you ignore them - or you just eat the wrong mushrooms.  ;) And I'm still not sure if you are just kidding around or if you take yourself serious.

Check this (your) thread:;action=display;threadid=288;start=msg2072#msg2072


Until your ready to return to the works of 3d models and such, you will most likely need to turn to me for answers.  Also I suggest you stay out of putting WME onto the market, which I can see thats one of your intensions.

Jerrot is almost speechless (which is not too easy).

Hello, here Earth speaking, who are you and where are your (visible) references to tell a programmer, he will need you ? About what intensions are you talking, WME IS on "the market" for more than a year now.  :P

About using 2D graphics, well ummm id have to say you'll need a bit of 3d content to boost the available depth of making games.  
You should notice that rotating around a 2D object is possible and also would be best to work with 3d world.  Also making 3d models available and compatible will gain you and WME users great advantages.  

And again.  :-X Read the homepage's "about", read the manual, read the answers to your old messages (see above) and finally try to get what WME is for. It is and was a complete engine for classical adventure games. No 3D worlds, no RPG system, no substitute for an Unreal Engine!! IT-IS-NO-3D-ENGINE-FROM-DESIGN and therefore it doesn't need your help to become one. And it's not that way because of an early state or missing knowledge (that you of course have...), but it's perfect for the purpose it was written for. Maybe some day 3d actors come, but you are talking of something completely different, eh ? And finally you totally mix up creating 3D stuff and expanding the engine to use the results - as you did in your old thread, already.

Sorry if I'm becoming too angry for you, but in case you REALLY never read the old answers, this mail is more fair than just ignoring your entry. ;)

I will show more info and such later on..

Maybe your ideas would be more helpful in the 3D-GameStudio forums... ?!

« Last Edit: January 31, 2004, 02:13:30 AM by Jerrot »


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« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2004, 10:29:54 AM »

Hi again GonerX,

your post isn't really a suggestion list, is it? Basically you're telling me how to make 3D models and that you can do it (better :)) Ok, I believe you, but let me tell you what: I'm a programmer, not an artist, not a modeller. When the 3D characters make their way back to WME, I won't need to make any models. For testing purposes, there are many models downloadable from the internet and that's more than enough for me. It will be the WME users who's gonna make the models.

As for the "market" for 2D games, believe me there IS one. With all respect, I think I know this better than you.

And when it comes to character stats and other RPG stuff, I believe it's perfectly possible using WME's scripting and the GUI layer.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2004, 10:30:18 AM by Mnemonic »
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« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2004, 10:58:55 PM »

Okay....  :D
I come back to be reminded of the ametuer mess I left behind...
Well I apologize for all this...  Nothing more to say...
Cuz I didnt know **** about some of these things till now and whats funny is that I do now!

I wish you luck for further acomplishments of this great game engine. ;)
Luckily I can further my own acomplishments in which Ive gotten superior in graphics design.  Although, im still some sort of a trainee to 3d modelling. :P    I also still have to purchase things till now... :-\

« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 10:59:19 PM by GonerX »

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