Wintermute Engine > Feature requests, suggestions


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After finishing my first game, here is a first list of suggested modifications I'd like to see

 - Swap  Fullscreen/Windowed within the game . Actually you have to quit and restart the game
 - In the Window control, function SetTiledImage ans SetTiledInactiveImage
 - Refresh Window aftet a Game.LoadString ( very usefull for the option menu with language selection)
 - Game.StopScrolling();
 - Float in all object.X, object.Y , object.Scale and object.Rotate
 - Scale and Rotate function for each frame in the Sprite Editor
 - Multiple frame selection in the Sprite Editor
 - Scale ,Rotate and AlphaColor attributes for entity in the Scene Editor will able to create nice animation
 - Copy, Cut and Paste Entity in the Scene Editor
 - Possibility to add a Window in the Scene Editor ( VERY USEFULL)
 - Layer.GetNodeIndex() could allow to Insert an entity just after or before a specific node
 - Particles.AlphaStart1 and Particles.AlphaStart2 ( random value of the Alpha when generated) and Particles.AlphaEnd1 and Particles.AlphaEnd2 ( random value of the Alpha when disappeared)
 - SizeHeightToFit that works with multiple lines
 - Character should always start wlaking with the first frame
 - When the Character changes Direction it should keep the same frame number

Hope this helps

Thank you. While I can't promise these will make it to WME 1.x series, the suggestions will be useful during WME2 development.

I'll be happy to try the new version.

I would also add:

 - More flexibilty in the Sprite Editor . Cut and Paste. Possibilty to move a frame to Top, to Bottom ...
 - Possibility to add a background image in the window Editor (usefull for tweaking)
 - Possibility to toggle ExpandString in the window editor with entry ... better visibility and faster language verification

and 2 big ones

 - adding a MASK attributes to an entity. Mask would be a black&white png
 - Video Codec that handle alpha channel ( like FLV)


What would be the reasoning for a mask, as compared to an alpha channel?

This will allow the ClipContent in a sprite animation for example

I sometimes  wanted to use Animated Sprite where a subframe appears on the top of the main frame but clipped in the main frame shape .... that is not possible. The only way I found is to use a window wich is a little bit to heavy

The same mask could be use for several entities and that create the benefit to use JPG instead of PNG. Size matters


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