General Category > Software and games

Recording voice volume


Hi, we have been recording voices for the game since three months. Now, when I implement it into game I see that some of them are very low volume and other are high.

We have more that 5000 audio files of voices, its impossible to edit all manually to fix the volume.

Anybody knows any software that can process volume for all audio files and make all equal?

I have never needed to do such an operation so I can't recommend a specific program. :( But the process is called "audio normalization" which will give you plenty of application results if you search for it.

The best scenario would be if wme supported gain tags. In this case you could use vorbis gain which is a lossless and better quality solution. But unfortunately only specific audio players support that.

Hey there. There's a tool called MP3 gain, which you can use to edit thousands of files at one time, *without* recompressing the file.

MP3 gain works only for mp3. It also works the same way as vorbis gain I mentioned since both (I think) use the ReplayGain specification. Even if wme supported mp3 files this tool wouldn't help as it requires a decoder that takes into account the info stored in tag.

I use Cool Edit Pro (now superseded by Adobe Audition but essentially the same thing) for all of my audio editing and it has a batch normalisation function that should do what you are asking for.


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