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Hi guys,

I uploaded my old (but still working) tools "Visual Script Editor" and "Adventure Dialogue Editor" (former "WME Visual Dialogue Editor") to If anyone is interested in them, go and grab 'em there:

Visual Script Editor:
Adventure Dialogue Editor:


Game announcements / Looky - The Adventure Re-Release
« on: April 06, 2019, 12:16:03 AM »
Hi yall,

almost twelve years after its initial release, the classical 2D point and click adventure "Looky - The Adventure" was re-released on Still a freeware game, the included full motion videos were revised and don't need any more external codecs. While the initial release only included the german version of the game, the re-release is now available in english, but unlike the german version without voice overs. What didn't change is the playing time of 5-7 hours, the classical point and click controls and the high resolution graphics with 1024x768 pixels (well, well, in the ancient times that was high resolution and computer screens were nearly quadratical instead of these stretched things nowadays, kids!). The game is now available on Have fun!


Bug reports / Re: Problems with Game.AddResponseOnce()
« on: November 30, 2010, 11:31:18 PM »
Got it!

I just found out that the error only occurs if I enter another scene first. In that scene I had an automatic background dialog between two characters (you enter the scene while they are talking to each other). That function looked like this:
Code: [Select]
function Dialog_Wachen_Streitgespraech()

//   Game.StartDlgBranch("Dialog_Wachen_Streitgespraech");
      while(true) {
      if(WachenStreiten) {
      Tuerke.Talk("Bist du konkret Ochse vom Horn!");
      } else break;
      if(WachenStreiten) {
      Grieche.Talk("Bitte was?");
      } else break;
      if(WachenStreiten) {
      Tuerke.Talk("Äh, isch meine Horn vom Ochse!");
      } else break;
      if(WachenStreiten) {
      Grieche.Talk("Du tickst doch nicht sauber! Was soll denn das sein?");
      } else break;
     } // while
//   Game.EndDlgBranch("Dialog_Wachen_Streitgespraech");
As you can see I used a dialog branch for it too and that one caused the error, because when my main character left the scene, the script/function was destroyed, but the dialogue branch was still open. So now I erased the dialogue branching in this function and it works. You can say it was something like "dialogue branching overkill"  ;D

I have to rework my dialogue editor tool to only add dialogue branches when they are needed (if a response box is involved). Right now it adds a dialogue branch for every function it creates, which seems to be dangerous.

Thanks for your help.


Bug reports / Re: Problems with Game.AddResponseOnce()
« on: November 30, 2010, 10:23:51 PM »
Oh, thanks. I missed the GetCurrentDlgBranch method, I guess this would've helped me a lot to see what's going wrong. To the version thing: I used 1.9.1, but tried out 1.8.1 yesterday to see if it's a version problem, but both version work the same. I'll play a bit with the GetCurrentDlgBranch method and see what I can find out. Thanks.

Bug reports / Re: Problems with Game.AddResponseOnce()
« on: November 29, 2010, 11:54:34 PM »
I tried eborr's advice (and a few other things) but with no success. I've cut the script down a bit:
Code: [Select]
function Dialog_Bibliothekar()

      // Start of response loop
      var Select0;
      var Loop0 = true;
         if(QuizHalbzeit) {
           Game.AddResponseOnce(0,"Haben sie ein Buch über Kriege und Schlachten?");
         Game.AddResponse(1,"Einen schönen Tag noch.");
         Select0 = Game.GetResponse();
            actor.Talk("Haben sie ein Buch über Kriege und Schlachten?");
//            Dialog_Bibliothekar_SchlachtenFragen();
            actor.Talk("Einen schönen Tag noch.");
            Loop0 = false;

I still doesn't work. The game log says 'yes' when entering the section but the option is still not shown.

Bug reports / Re: Problems with Game.AddResponseOnce()
« on: November 29, 2010, 12:38:46 AM »
So you are saying, that upon next entry of this dialogue eg. Game.Msg(QuizHalbzeit); shows true and the option is not there?

Yes, that's right. It behaves like '.AddResponseOnceGame' in this script.

I have had quite a lot of trouble with the Game.AddResponce one stuff.

One thing you might want to try is to close with


without adding any value in the parentheses, I can't explain why but this works for me.

I'll try it to see what happens.

Bug reports / Problems with Game.AddResponseOnce()
« on: November 28, 2010, 08:25:39 PM »
Hi guys,

I actually have problems with the use of Game.AddResponseOnce(). Responses declared as "Once" appear to only display once a game. Here's an example of a piece the doesn't work:

Code: [Select]
function Dialog_Bibliothekar()

      // Start of response loop
      var Select0;
      var Loop0 = true;
         if(QuizHalbzeit) Game.AddResponseOnce(0,"Haben sie ein Buch über Kriege und Schlachten?");
         Game.AddResponse(1,"Einen schönen Tag noch.");
         Select0 = Game.GetResponse();
            actor.Talk("Haben sie ein Buch über Kriege und Schlachten?");
            actor.Talk("Einen schönen Tag noch.");
            Loop0 = false;

The variable QuizHalbzeit is true the whole time, but response 0 is only shown one time.
Any ideas someone?


Thank you. I'll try the Camtasia 30-days-trial. 30-days should be enough to make a tutorial.

Could be problematic. I code all my apps with PureBASIC.


Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / MACs WME Visual Dialogue Editor
« on: January 13, 2008, 02:14:46 PM »
Hi community,

SoundGuy's thread reminded me to the dialogue editor I wrote last summer, which I didn't finish completely. I found some time yesterday to finish it and of course you are invited to use it as well.

- Dialogue branches support to make show always/once/once per game work
- Remarks and codelines can be inserted
- Addable conditions to every responseline
- Optional automatic talking of the responselines after clicking
- Conditions for each respond line
- Character lists can be saved for using in different dialogue projects

Download: (Version 1.0)

Have fun and ask here if there are problems. Also feel free to ask for usefull features.


PS: I'd like to try to make a video tutorial for this. Does anyone know a good and free app to record the mouse movements in the window as a video?

Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / Re: WME Visual Script Editor
« on: October 06, 2007, 12:03:03 PM »

despite the fact Mnemonic made this fantastic WME Integrator tool I'm still using and developing my own baby. I integrated a quickhelp system yesterday and of course you are invited to take a look and use it as you like. The current version is 0.7.

The last additions are the following:

Version 0.7 (10/05/07)
- NEW: Pressing the F1-Key while something in the method list is selected opens a
         quickhelp window with further informations
- NEW: A HTML viewer is integrated to show the help file
- NEW: Child windows like Find/Replace/Help,... are now a bit transparent

Version 0.6a (03/13/07)
- NEW: The editor window now remembers it's position and size
- FIX: WME methods were not colored correctly if characters like !+-*/ were in front
- FIX: Switched app name and script name in the window title
- FIX: If a method was more then one time in a line only the first one was colored

Version 0.6 (02/08/07)
- NEW: Added a direct link to the WME docs in the help menu
- NEW: The WME methods and attributes and so on are now scanned from the xml-file that
         is included in all wme releases. So this app will grow as WME grows ...
- FIX: Fixed some bugs with Minitellisense object recognition (Game, actor, Scene)
- FIX: The flickering when running through the script using the arrow keys is gone
- FIX: Problems with scripts bigger than 32kb fixed
- FIX: New script loading routine (streambased, much faster)
- FIX: When highlighting a whole script (after load or options change) the editor
         is locked to prevent scrolling of the whole script over the screen

As always look in the first post of this thread for the download links.

General Discussion / Re: WME 1.8 (Sep 23 2007)
« on: September 23, 2007, 06:35:00 PM »
Thank you very much Mr. Mnemonic. The "Compile this package" command rocks!  ::rock

It was really hard to always had to compile the whole project if there was just a small change of code (which takes some minutes in the current development status of the game).


Technical forum / Re: Help with drawing different regions
« on: June 29, 2007, 12:08:57 AM »
There's no way to let your actor walk behind something without using a sprite entity. It's not possible to mark something up in your background picture. You have to make your desk a seperate object and place it in the right order in scene edit. The tutorial in the documentation covers the rest.


The guy that offered to make the english translation delivered nothing but excuses until now.  :( I started to translate the whole thing (3500 lines) on my own some month ago and try to find someone who helps me a bit with it and may proof-read it.
I think it will last some weeks until the english version is ready. But I can say that the english version will be available as an update archive to the released german version. So you unpack the english archive into the german installation folder (not the installed game but the contend of the zip file that is available yet) and when you start the setup you can choose the english version to install. The setup application is already designed for this.
Please be patient. The english version has first priority now.


Thank you, I'm glad you like it.

The voice overs are around 100mb (the "german.dcp" in the installation directory).

Thanks guys.  :)

I hope to get the english version up as soon as possible.

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