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Topics - SBOVIS

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Help wanted and offered / 2D 3D background artist wanted
« on: June 03, 2008, 04:34:01 PM »
     I am on the look out for a 2D/3D background artist for the sequel to LIMBO OF THE LOST. This is a % of royalty position for the right person.
The backgrounds need to be in 1024x768 resolution and the end result is a static 2D image.

Other parts of the job will be for alpha masks and layers within the scenes. Approx 80 backgrounds will be needed, if you can construct in 3D using an editor like Unreal 3 etc all the better.

Technical forum / 2D ACTOR turning
« on: May 17, 2008, 11:16:31 AM »
   I want to turn my 2D actor smoothly from each of the set 8 directional positions, but I do not want the actor rotating on the spot but rather do a natural walking turn.

Is this possible?

and how would I go about implementing it (not the animations) but the scripting structure.

Many thanks.


Game announcements / Limbo of the Lost UK release
« on: March 17, 2008, 05:29:04 PM »
    We have just had confirmation from our publisher that the game has been released in UK, web release so far, shop retail to follow and Europe. Also we have just signed a contract with a USA publisher to publish the game there.

 ::rock to WINTERMUTE!!

Technical forum / wme 1.8
« on: September 26, 2007, 12:10:46 PM »
Hi many thanks for the update and all the new functions. I have one question that may also be interesting to others, what difference to a 2D project would switching to 1.8 with direct x9 instead of direct x8 make?

Will speed be impoved regarding screen updates for sprites, scene entities, theora etc?


Technical forum / Russian bitmap fonts
« on: August 12, 2007, 03:53:11 PM »
    I have a true type font for my conversations that she the translated string file in russian. All well and good but my scene font is a bitmap font, can I use the same ttf font for this?

or do I need to use bitmap, at the moment I get ??????? (question marks) instead of text.

If I have to use bitmap fonts does anyone have a russian one??

Many thanks

Technical forum / Language string file issue
« on: August 01, 2007, 05:40:27 PM »
     I have just got my string file (created by the string file manager) translated into Czech but when I point project manager to it the and try to run the project I get a WME error message and it crashes. The log says nothing regarding the new string file.

It is in the correct format, would this be a system font issue?

Please help as I have tried everything I can think of.

MAny thanks 

Done / Localisation string file with Male and female prefix
« on: July 27, 2007, 01:10:05 PM »
     As anyone who has used the string file for localisation of multiple langauges will know that you have to edit the file to indicate whether the text is male or female in the respect of properly changing from one language to another. For example English to French.

I have had to do this for my publishers localisation team, but manually going through thousands of strings (in my case) could of been avoided if the SYS tag also held a prefix of (M) or (F) or even (S) for system text.

So I would ask for the string table manager to have this included prior to making the file and updating a project. In fact the more prefixing the better and easier for localisation.

Many thanks

Game design / Dungeon Master WME?
« on: July 02, 2007, 12:06:38 PM »
Hi all,
        Is it possible do you think that a Dungeon Master clone could be create dusing WME?
I think it could be, but wanted to know what you all thought and ideas about how to go about it.

I was thinking of scenes as views of a room, turn on spot etc and then multiple inventories for 4 champions that your team is made up of, team stats etc

Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Many thanks

Game announcements / LIMBO of the LOST - 3D screenshot Gallery!!!
« on: June 29, 2007, 12:14:34 PM »
Hi all,  ::wave

       Here is a nice taster for all you Wintermutes,

The gallery is in 3D and you can walk around and look at concept art and screenshots from the forth coming game to be released in August.

Hope you like it.

Here is the link -;7915436;;/fileinfo.html

Hi all,  ::wave

         Well my project has gone Gold and with the publishers so I thought I would share with the community a utility that we used to help layout the design etc


I used this to layout end sequences, intro sequences and set pieces in the game, as well as character conversations. Very handy and completely free!!

Hope this helps some of you and happy designing!!!

 ::beer  ::rock

Technical forum / String file & table manager
« on: June 08, 2007, 12:15:36 PM »
     I have found an issue reagrding the string table manager and the string file it produces.

The issue is around the code in the game_daemon.script that handles the USE item WITH item mechanic.
The words USE and WITH are given an ID by the table manager but when you run the game using the string file containing these ID`s the ID is shown along with the text USE and WITH.


 // handle the standard foating caption
  if(Game.Interactive && ActObj!=null)
    if (Game.SelectedItem==null)
      WinCaption.X = Game.MouseX -10;
      WinCaption.Y = Game.MouseY + 40;
      WinCaption.TextAlign = TAL_CENTER;
      WinCaption.Text = ActObj.Caption;

      // keep the caption on screen
      if(WinCaption.X + WinCaption.Width > Game.ScreenWidth) WinCaption.X = Game.ScreenWidth - WinCaption.Width;
      if(WinCaption.Y + WinCaption.Height > Game.ScreenHeight) WinCaption.Y = Game.ScreenHeight - WinCaption.Height;
    // handle the caption when you want to use an object with another
    else {
      var Item = Game.SelectedItem;

      WinCaption.X = 0;
      WinCaption.Y = 0;
      WinCaption.Width = Game.ScreenWidth;
      WinCaption.TextAlign = TAL_CENTER;
      WinCaption.Text = "Use " + Item.Caption + " with " + ActObj.Caption;
   WinCaption.Visible = true;
  else WinCaption.Visible = false;

this becomes: -

 // handle the standard foating caption
  if(Game.Interactive && ActObj!=null)
    if (Game.SelectedItem==null)
      WinCaption.X = Game.MouseX -10;
      WinCaption.Y = Game.MouseY + 40;
      WinCaption.TextAlign = TAL_CENTER;
      WinCaption.Text = ActObj.Caption;

      // keep the caption on screen
      if(WinCaption.X + WinCaption.Width > Game.ScreenWidth) WinCaption.X = Game.ScreenWidth - WinCaption.Width;
      if(WinCaption.Y + WinCaption.Height > Game.ScreenHeight) WinCaption.Y = Game.ScreenHeight - WinCaption.Height;
    // handle the caption when you want to use an object with another
    else {
      var Item = Game.SelectedItem;

      WinCaption.X = 0;
      WinCaption.Y = 0;
      WinCaption.Width = Game.ScreenWidth;
      WinCaption.TextAlign = TAL_CENTER;
      WinCaption.Text = "/syseng0101/ Use " + Item.Caption + "/syseng0102/ with " + ActObj.Caption;
   WinCaption.Visible = true;
  else WinCaption.Visible = false;

In game, when using an item on an item you get - "/syseng01001/ Use ITEMA /syseng01002/ with ITEMB" appear as the text not "use ITEMA with ITEMB"

How can this be overcome as these words will need to be in the string file for localisation purposes

Technical forum / Reset Game
« on: May 31, 2007, 04:20:00 PM »
    I want to at the end of the game to move the player to a start screen (no problems with this) and also reset all the variables, global and local, reset all items taken or deleted and reset all states regarding rooms visted etc.

Basically reset all to the state the game started in.

Can this be done easily??

Also will game saves still be usable after this reset?

Help wanted and offered / Installer designer needed
« on: May 18, 2007, 01:27:04 PM »
     I need someone to create an installer using either INNO SETUP or other software.

The game will be deployed on a single DVD and the installer must auto run and install game files as well as have some user options, like selection of language at time of install etc

I will pay for this installer and scripts when finished.

Deadline date for creation of this Installer is MAY 29TH

Many thanks

Technical forum / Actor.Talk
« on: May 13, 2007, 08:54:56 PM »
Hi all,
        I have an issue regarding the Actor.Talk command.

In my project I am using this command to show Subtitles of text that accompany speech sound samples.

All well and good and it works great.

But I also have some instances where my main actor walks into regions defined on the screen which have scripts attached to them, these scripts play a sound and then the Subtitle text appears for this sound

For example:

On "ActorEntry"
actor.TalkAsync("What a strange place this is);

Now the problem I have is that I have Talk stances setup and when I call the above in a script the actor stops and starts chatting (graphically) I want this in some scenes of the project but I also want in some scenes for these stances to be ignored and the actor just to walk into the region in the scene, kick off the script and carry on walking instead of stop and talk-animated. This all used to work before I used TALK stances.

Any ideas how I can get around this, as I need the subtitles to show for the sound samples being played.

I thought of having another ACTOR -invisible and use this, but it did not work properly and I had issues of the subtitle text not appearing where I wanted it to.

I also tried creating another stance whicxh had a spriteset of just the walking sprites but this did not work either. hahahahahahahahahaha  ???

Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / INNOSETUP scripts
« on: May 13, 2007, 02:18:11 PM »
Hi has anyone used this with multi language function and using multiple string table files from WME?

If so example scripts for INNOSETUP would be handy, I have looked at the scripts it comes with and do not really want to learn another language just to create an installer. hahahahahahahaha

Many thanks


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