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Messages - Orange Brat

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I know that when 3D Gamestudio was still a DX8 engine, we had a working toon shader. Anyway, the DX8 version is near the bottom of the link below. I don't know if that will be of any use to you, but maybe it can serve some purpose:

Software and games / Re: The Starving Developer's Quickstart Guide
« on: March 19, 2006, 11:07:35 AM »
New one:

FreeWorld3D - 3D section
SharpConstruct - 3D section
CreateInstall - Other


This is provided by "ventilator" from the 3D Gamestudio forums. It's still incomplete and WIP.

Ol' Vent is the 3DGS resident Blender guru. He wrote and is improving(he finally figured out how bones are handled) a model export script for 3DGS's boned, MDL7 model format(it'll probably be distributed with Blender at some future point). He's also going to update Newton Game Dynamics once a certain version number is released. He's talented. :D

Software and games / Re: The Starving Developer's Quickstart Guide
« on: February 14, 2006, 02:41:19 AM »
New update:

1. Open 3D Project - 3D higher res. male/female model
2. Generic NDA - Reference section...unambiguous and covers both sides
3. 3D Science - Other section...medical 3D models and images...some freebie images
4. Shareware Directories - Reference section

Software and games / Re: The Starving Developer's Quickstart Guide
« on: January 21, 2006, 01:09:12 PM »
New update:

3D World Studio - commercial level editor - realtime
Anatomy Atlases
1001 Free Fonts
Gaim - multi-purpose chat client

Software and games / Re: The Starving Developer's Quickstart Guide
« on: December 20, 2005, 08:18:13 PM »
A new, tiny update. It's been a while since I created this list, but here's what I think is new, although a couple might have slipped through unnoticed:

DeleD - level editor
Morgue File - photo reference
MakeHuman - figure generator
Publishers - list of publishers(duh!!)...takes you to 3DGS forum
Buildings/Structure reference
Kristal Audio Engine

Hmm, I guess this is a bit more than tiny. I must not have kept this one updated as often. Shame, shame. ;)

Software and games / MakeHuman
« on: November 23, 2005, 11:03:44 PM »

I'll eventually add this to the Starving Developer's Guide, but I figures I'd post about it, too. A new working beta has been allows you to finally export to OBJ. Anyway, the polycount is high, but that shouldn't be a problem if you're using prerendered 2D character sprites.

Technical forum / Re: 2D Background / 3D Characters
« on: October 06, 2005, 03:54:39 AM »
Their use of the word 3D on that website is a bit of misleading marketing jargon. The characters are 3D only in the sense that they were created in a 3D program. You can simply look at the characters and then cross reference that with the minimum/suggested PC specs and determine that they aren't really realtime 3D in the game itself. A top of the line 3 GHz Pentium IV would have to work a little to display model's with such a high poly count, and Runaway only needs a Pentium I or II. Plus, you can tell that they are only sprite animations because although it's smooth, it's not that smooth.

Technical forum / Re: 2D Background / 3D Characters
« on: October 06, 2005, 12:17:55 AM »
The characters, in Runaway, are not real 3D in the game. They were created in a 3D program and had a toonshader applied and their animations were saved out as old fashioned sprite animations. The smooth animation is a result of using many many frames and nothing more.

Software and games / Divx Create Bundle for Windows is free
« on: September 29, 2005, 01:47:00 PM »

It's non-trial and will never expire. A $20 piece of and legal.

Game design / Re: 3D Rendered Scenes, which progam is easiest?
« on: September 07, 2005, 10:32:55 PM »
At first I had the idea of using 3D Game Studio to render my backgrounds, and just take screenshots, as I have found that this is the fastest, and easiest 3d program to use

The only problem here is that the quality won't be the same as a high quality render. You'd be taking screencaptures from a realtime 3D rendering. I think this method could be best used for roughing out prototype backgrounds that can be used as perspective aides for handdrawn backgrounds. However, you'll be limited to 1-point persp.

Game announcements / Re: El Padrastro - Demo
« on: August 11, 2005, 07:44:47 AM »
Nice style. I can't read Spanish, but I'm going to try it anyway. :D

Feature requests, suggestions / Re: 3d models format
« on: July 18, 2005, 11:42:34 AM »
Even that isn't safe. There are multiple "flavors" of X format so not all packages export the same thing.

Feature requests, suggestions / Re: 3d models format
« on: July 11, 2005, 02:45:11 AM »
FragMOTION is constantly being updated and the developer is a cool guy always open to suggestions.

I can vouch for this. If you ask him, he'll usually have the feature in within 3-5 days provided it isn't something huge, or he isn't in the middle of something more urgent.

I got him to implement the 3D Gamestudio MDL formats, and he did an excellent job.

Currenty, I've suggested for him to implement a feature that'll save animation frames to a bitmap format so they can be used for non-3D Wintermute animations:

Feature requests, suggestions / Re: Even higher resolutions
« on: June 28, 2005, 08:53:46 PM »
I got that 1280 from my Gamestudio video modes. I think it used to be 1280x960 but they switched it to 1280x1024. Good to know, though.

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