I am using Fragmotion to model 3D characters. Sometimes when I import them into WME I get strange results. I believe this has been covered a few times here in the forums but there has never been a really satisfactory answer that I have found. I've spent some time collecting evidence and I believe the problem lies within WME.
Here are some examples. These are two ways of exporting using FragMotion
http://www.mattreimer.com/a/WME1.jpghttp://www.mattreimer.com/a/WME2.jpgThe animation that is being played when this effect happens (you may be able to guess) is a breathing animation where the breathing bone scales (no rotation, no location shift). I can email someone the .x file but I'd rather not post it on the net.
For a minute if we ignore that fragmotion completely screws up the second case the important thing is that WME displays the model differently than the MS DirectX Viewers. It seems to me as if this would be a fairly simple fix of maybe not reading coordinates from the .x file in the right order or perhaps a wrong scaling factor. The animation looks right, it just seems to be scaled in the x and z direction by a factor of 2 or 3.
Please let me know if/how I can provide more information. What do you need?