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Topics - somaen

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WME Lite / WME-testing in ScummVM
« on: November 06, 2013, 01:12:52 PM »
I recently posted this to the ScummVM frontpage:

The Wintermute engine has been in the works in ScummVM for a little over a year now, and it has gotten more and more mature, to the point that we feel it is getting close to being ready for release.

Since the amount of games involved is rather huge, we'd love to get some help with a round of testing before we check off on the engine being ready for our next release. Thus, we have semi-arbitrarily selected a set of Wintermute-games that would benefit from some testing, and hope that some of our wonderful users are willing to take them for a spin.

If you are interested, head on over to our WME Testing thread.

WME Lite / ScummVM WME Testing: Chivalry is not dead.
« on: December 03, 2012, 11:07:46 AM »
As I've been a bit busy the past few months, the Wintermute-Lite port for ScummVM hasn't seen as much progress as I would have liked, but I still think it's time to get the ball rolling a bit again:

One of the games I tested against this summer was Chivalry is not dead. So far I haven't had any issues with this game, BUT, this game is also very open-ended, and thus a bit hard to test thoroughly.

Thus any help testing this game would be greatly appreciated.

Just grab a copy of the game from the link above, and a nightly build of ScummVM, and test the game. Report any issues to the ScummVM Bug-Tracker, in the group "Wintermute". I would also love to hear in this thread if you played through the game without any issues at all.

Note: Chivalry uses the Arial-font currently, which we haven't yet worked around (eventually a similar FreeFont will be used), so to get decent fonts in the game, you'll have to put arial.ttf in the game's folder (on macs you can find it in /Library/Fonts, on Windows it should be in C:\Windows\Fonts, linux-users can either download a replacement from FreeFonts/OpenFonts, or get some solution involving Microsoft Core Fonts.)

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