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Messages - creatorbri

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Community bulletin board / Still Active?
« on: January 26, 2011, 05:55:18 PM »
Hi, this is Brian Lacy -- I was the Executive Producer for the adventure game "The Curves of Danger" by (the former) ForeverDream Studios (R.I.P.).

Is WinterMute still an active project?

I'm BACK! (Not from Peru actually, from St. Louis, but as far as interaction with the world I may as well have been in Peru.)

I do not know at this stage wether this project still exists or has completely dropped out of existence -- the latter would sadden me deeply, as we put so much work into the early stages, but it does happen I'm afraid. However I would like to inform any of the original team out there that I AM back.

I have another project up my sleeve, but that's a discussion for a later time.

Software and games / Re:SpiderMonkey?
« on: April 13, 2004, 02:19:32 AM »
Thanks. Right now I'm actually looking at GameMonkey (, but I'm still waiting to find out if it supports the features I need and want.

Software and games / Re:SpiderMonkey?
« on: April 12, 2004, 07:20:27 PM »
I can't stand the syntax of either Lua or Python. C-like or JavaScript syntax, or something close, would be ideal.

Software and games / Re:SpiderMonkey?
« on: April 12, 2004, 05:03:45 PM »
That's quite a feat, building your own scripting engine from scratch.. especially with the features you've mentioned.

I really like WME Script (aside from the two-deep issue with arrays and nested objects). I don't know of any other C-like or JavaScript-esque languages that support the features you're talking about. Have you considered letting people use the WME Script engine for other projects besides WM?

See, what I'm trying to do at school is build a very simple, but expandable, online game framework.. at this stage implementing nothing more than a scripting engine and a winsock wrapper. The idea is that the scripting engine would have access to the networking component, thus being able to send messages back and forth via the socket.

I'm really interested in choosing the right scripting language up front, so it would be nice to already have the features you're talking about. I don't know enough (nor do I have the time or desire at this point) to implement my own from scratch.

Software and games / SpiderMonkey?
« on: April 11, 2004, 01:13:44 AM »
At school (instead of doing schoolwork ::)) I've been spending a small amount of time learning about scripting languages and engines, like WME Script. I'm wondering whether WME Script is a completely original concoction built from the ground up by Mnemonic, or whether it is built on an existing engine.

For instance, SpiderMonkey is a JavaScript engine built by the Mozilla team. I haven't learned enough to actually integrate it into a C++ project, but I'm curious if anyone's had any experience using it -- especially whether its somehow related to WME Script.

Technical forum / Re:nmbr.added=true;
« on: March 11, 2004, 09:04:23 PM »
Jussi, are there any major drawbacks to using a global array?

Incidentally, since the WMScript is based on objects, it would make sense to be able to pass objects around by reference. In fact... Mnemonic, what if you took the PHP5 route, and force the engine to pass objects by reference? Would that cause any major problems?

Technical forum / Attached method executing in parallel?
« on: February 13, 2004, 05:23:54 AM »
Here's my left-click (Interact) handler for a locked chest object:

Code: [Select]
on "Interact"
  // Notebook: Found a very old chest.
  actor.Say ("It's locked!");

Obviously the actor should walk to the chest, and then say his line. But sometimes, he skips the GoToObject entirely and just says "It's locked." It works correctly with every other click... the first click always skips, the second click waits for the GoToObject, the third skips, etc.

I tried replacing the line 3 call to my custom GoToObject method with the standard GoTo, and it worked fine.

Here's the GoToObject method:

Code: [Select]
method GoToObject (theObj)
  this.GoTo (theObj.standX, theObj.standY);
  this.TurnTo (theObj.Direction);
  if (actor.X == theObj.standX && actor.Y == theObj.standY)
    return true;
    return false;
Any ideas what's going on?

Technical forum / Re:Accessing "self.array" in Custom Objects
« on: December 16, 2003, 05:00:21 PM »
I understand that "this.List" is not the same as "var List" -- honestly I'm not quite sure why I typed my last example like that  ::). Guess that doesn't help me get closer to an answer.

I'm just gonna send you my project, minus large resource files, and maybe you can let me know if it crashes for you also.

Thanks - well 12 FPS is really low. I get about 120 fps with this setting (200 snowflakes) on my GeForce 2 MX, on Mnemonic's monster card it were even 250. Of course you can try how many FPS you can win by stripping all the if-clauses you don't need for your settings, but I doubt it would be THAT much more.


Well, I'm curious. The main part doesn't use very much of the code finally, that's why I wrote the "reset_snowflake()" already. Another way could be to get the users FPS and make the "max_flakes" dynamic, but I don't like that idea too much... :) What graphic card (or chip set ?) do you use ? I even get 67 FPS in software mode. (Although that looks stupid without alpha channels... ;) !)

I really don't think this has much to do with the video card... it seems more CPU-intensive than video-intensive.

My system is a P3 550 Mhz with 256 MB RAM (and a GeForce 256 DDR 32 MB, which performs at the same level as a GeForce2 MX 32 MB).

Also, maybe placing the reset_snowflake() code into the main body of the script instead of making the function call would speed things up?

Technical forum / Re:Accessing "self.array" in Custom Objects
« on: December 13, 2003, 10:12:56 PM »
I still haven't been able to solve this problem. :( Any more ideas?

That's fabulous Jerrot! It looks so real!

It's just too bad my FPS drops down to an average of about 12 -- and that's without any additions to the project. Definitely need to find some ways to optimize. At the moment I'm trying to pinpoint the areas that require the most heavy duty processing, but that's one area I'm not too good at yet.

Technical forum / Re:Accessing "self.array" in Custom Objects
« on: December 10, 2003, 06:27:45 AM »
I made a couple changes, and after replacing 'self' with 'this' seemed to work, and I thought it was just because I was being stupid (which I'm sure I was, but that's not the point). Then I added this new bit of test code:

Code: [Select]
var List;
List[0] = null;

var tempList;
tempList = this.List;
And it broke again.

Looking closer, this is what I believe your test code is essentially doing, in the context of my example:

Code: [Select]
var tempList;
tempList[0] = null;  
// store in an attribute
this.List = tempList;
Which seems to be the exact opposite of what I'm trying to do. Unless I'm not thinking clearly, which is entirely possible, because I'm very tired.

Game design / Re:Killing the main hero?
« on: December 10, 2003, 02:31:30 AM »
I selected the Gabriel Knight option. It should be something the player is aware of well before it becomes an issue, should be used extremely sparingly, and should only be used in the literary context of a very well developed story.

Consider that there are a handful of classic novels and a few great films in which the main character dies, but they are few and far between, and the story leads up to it very carefully and deliberately.

In fact, it should be so critical to the story that averting it simply should not be an option. One critical purpose of an adventure game should be to evoke a deep emotional connection to the main character; iIf death is part of the story, it should be to evoke an emotional response from the player, and should be followed through. If the character is to come back to life, this too should occur as part of the course of the story -- not by re-loading an from an automated quicksave slot.

All my personal opinions, of course. ;D

Technical forum / Re:Accessing "self.array" in Custom Objects
« on: December 10, 2003, 02:03:20 AM »
Well, that's about it, except that the lines of code were inside of a custom object script, attached as follows:

Code: [Select]
var TempObject = new Object ("comment_object.script");and the code in question is inside comment_object.script:

Code: [Select]
var tempList = self.ListArray;
// do something with tempList[0]

method Add (parameters)
     var List = self.ListArray;

I noticed that you use 'this' instead of 'self' -- I've been using 'self' because in most cases it seems to be working. Is 'self' a synonym of 'this', or is this just my crazy good luck running out?

Perhaps I'll try using 'this' later tonight and see if it makes a difference..

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