Dear muties,
we decided upon reading the results of the latest poll to announce the historically first WME competition.
Read the rules and ask if anything is not clear.
1. Competitors are to create a short one room game based upon the following theme:
„One room escape“
with the following requirements
a, Most original way how to escape the room
b, Most surprising ending upon escape
2. Jury will consist of Mnemonic, Metamorphium, Jerrot and odnorf
3. Jury will grade games on scale from 1 to 5 (5 being the best, 1 being the worst). Game will then receive a number which will be the sum of four jury members scores.
Necessary thresholds for awards are declared as follows:
1st place 17 – 20 points
2nd place 13 – 16 points
3rd place 10 – 13 points
If more people fall into the place category, naturally the order will be created according to the real score, but if a game doesn’t fall into corresponding category, it won’t be awarded even if it was alone in the competition.
4. Deadline for the 1st competition round game submission is 15th of december.
5. Competitors agree that upon finishing the game, we’ll put their one room game project into the wme codebase repository for others to learn from. If competitors use external plugins, sources of those plugins will be published only upon their agreement.
6. Judged will be:
Quality of the theme realization (dialogs if any, plot twists, ideas)
Cleanness of the source code
Creativity in approaching the problem using only small scale means.
Judged will NOT be:
Graphics and other media dependent on non wme skills (sound effects, music, videos)
7. All judges will write, upon reaching the verdict, reasons for their scores together with the scores so authors can clearly see why they were or weren’t selected.
8. All projects must be created for use with WME engine.
9. Projects using ripped graphics / music / sound effects from other commercial games / projects will be disqualified. It’s possible to use free graphics downloaded from internet as long as it’s really free.
10. Games will be submitted into the competition privately via sending PM message to jury members with link to your game or with request of our help how to hand over the project. We’ll publish the games after the deadline will be reached to prevent idea stealing.
11. No tsipuro jokes. Those are copyrighted by the wma team.
12. Although there won’t be any material award, you’ll gain neverending respect of WME community and this can be a great stepping stone for new quality teams building up.