Hello, WinterMute users!

I got used to using Agast, and when the gamedev team I joined (ForeverDream Studios) used Wintermute, the transition from one engine to another was a... hmmm... a slight shock. So I made a long nitpicky list of all the features I didn't like about in WinterMute.

Here it is. It might sound like I'm shouting and angry, and I was, when I wrote that... there really isn't that much I can do about it now! Some of the points (like points 5 and 6 ) are really nitpicky, and needn't be answered.

And point 4, for example, is probably a thing I just need getting used to.
1) What's the point in having a static object in the backgound image and then
also a separate object to take care of masking? Why not just create an object with no sprite and only a clickarea and deal with what-is-in-front-of-what with a huge z-buffer bitmap?
2) You have to learn the scripting language AND the usage of the IDE in order to make WinterMute games. Why not just learn the scripting language? Unfortunately, if you want text-only editing, it's rather hard because information about one object is put in many different files. For future releases, I hope there will be a possibility to choose between a text editor (which by then will hopefully be an internal text editor) and the Scene Edit & wizards & such. ProjectMan is very nice, though.

3) There's loads of buttons in the GUI. How about simple keyboard shortcuts like "+" for choosing the add point-tool, etc.? (Or are there keyboard shortcuts already?)
4) Why the difficult "order list" thing? Why not just 255 z-buffer indexes for objects?
5) The walk-area system is way too difficult. Block areas? Single points? Why not just a system to define the walk area!? Waypoints? Why not just add a waypoint to the corner of each block area automatically?! Well, there is a benefit, actually - if you want, the ego will not walk close to the corners, which is realistic.
6) In Agast, I could have created a new object with a sprite and click areas in three seconds!! Why all the hassle with the windows? Why having to attach a script to an object? Why not put everything conviniently into one single file?
Although WinterMute has many great features (for example antialiasing and sound looping & stuff which Agast doesn't yet have - although antialiasing could be done and has been done with alpha channels in Agast), the GUI isn't the best possible yet.
Please tell me this is just a bad first impression... or a culture shock...
Another thing is, that Voodoo 3 cards aren't supported. There probably isn't any way round this?
Seriously, I hope I will have fun with WinterMute and I also hope this forum community will aid be in my quest to try to create a notepad for the game...