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Author Topic: Simple EasyScripting Please!  (Read 9478 times)

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Simple EasyScripting Please!
« on: August 29, 2003, 01:21:37 AM »

I have seen some game engines that contain an editor that actually gives a list of all the script commands used or discovered by the game developers so players can easily tell how the game shall work in there way.

To see a better example of this, try looking at the Warcraft III Editor.
They have a well organized list of scripts and they allow extra strings.

To make this editor more easier, you could enable new scripts and be able to connect scripts withought having to wright them for 5 days long!

Especially for the ametuers out there, how will we be able to work the game if we dont know how to make it work.  I insist you add in a easy script menu for us all so we wont be too lazy to make our games now. :D

One way the script menu could have options for:
Object pickup scripts
Object additional Statistics
RPG Scripts Style
1st-Person shooters script styles
Character view
Control commands
Game commands
And way much more, way over my head! :-\  There are plenty of scriptings.  

You should also add a animation editor, where you can edit how an image will move and change into a different image and the timing speed of how and where it moves or adds/removes images from the animation.
You could use UnrealTournament2004 engine to extend your options, UT2004 is obviously gonna have a superb editor and you will be able to edit models, textures, and so much more in just a simple matter of time without needing any C++ experience!
I am impressed so far and i wish u guys good luck till the end, I just hope it will stay FREE.... :-X


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Re:Simple EasyScripting Please!
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2003, 05:24:08 PM »


I have seen some game engines that contain an editor that actually gives a list of all the script commands used or discovered by the game developers so players can easily tell how the game shall work in there way.

To see a better example of this, try looking at the Warcraft III Editor.
They have a well organized list of scripts and they allow extra strings.

To make this editor more easier, you could enable new scripts and be able to connect scripts withought having to wright them for 5 days long!

Well, I'd like to see a specialized script editor for WME one day, but it's not a priority right now, because there are numerous programmer's editors which can be used for this purpose.

Especially for the ametuers out there, how will we be able to work the game if we dont know how to make it work.  I insist you add in a easy script menu for us all so we wont be too lazy to make our games now.

One way the script menu could have options for:
Object pickup scripts
Object additional Statistics
RPG Scripts Style
1st-Person shooters script styles
Character view
Control commands
Game commands
And way much more, way over my head!   There are plenty of scriptings.  

Are you talking about code templates? Well I guess there could be some useful code snippets put together to help the beginners. But certainly not 1st-Person shooters scripts ;)

You should also add a animation editor, where you can edit how an image will move and change into a different image and the timing speed of how and where it moves or adds/removes images from the animation.

There is an animation editor. It's called SpriteEdit.

You could use UnrealTournament2004 engine to extend your options, UT2004 is obviously gonna have a superb editor and you will be able to edit models, textures, and so much more in just a simple matter of time without needing any C++ experience!

I didn't quite get this. Unreal is a commercial engine for making 3D FPS games. And while I admire many concepts of that engine, IMHO there's no way it could be used with WME.
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Re:Simple EasyScripting Please!
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2003, 11:19:40 PM »

Thankyou for the reply, now about Unreal Tournament 2004...
I ment that you could use ideas and pull some scripts and stuff from there engine.  You could study their formats and be able to make a model and texture editor for WME.  You see, you gotta explore other games by digging in their files and editors.  If you know hex code, you definitely got the easy streak.  You will be able to study even further with a hex editor/workshop.  Im really serious, right now your the only one who is making an editor under influence of people's ideas.  Im very suprised and im rooting for your team!  This will be the only known editor that all would prefer.  I have many editors that you can use to enable 3D power!

One thing, are you a professional programmer?
If you are, i would insist you use XSI and make your own game engine with supreme ease.  One thing is that XSI was used to make
The Matrix Reloaded movie and even the game!

Maybe you could use some of their tools and make them in WME so you wont need to cross a long long road to get 3D style up and open.
The reason why your doing this 45% wrong is because you seem to not know what Modelling programs and texturing is.  Your engine is 50% of what is already made, the Morrowind engine contains a more acceptional graphics and editing tools, although you have options that make WME more clear and easier than Morrowind Editor.

 ::) But its all okay, if you want me to research ideas and tools while you program the WME, I would be honored to.  You definitely dont know some details, the modelling programs cost $3500!  Its not your fault...

There are some things I know and loads i want to know that you know...

I have found extra tools-
Free Modelling Program
Free XSI that is supposed to be $600
Free Texturing program to texture what you want your model to look like.
Im not trying to be meen or rude, im just scared that there will be nothing as great...  Please dont take this hard or anything...  :(
 :PGood luck....

« Last Edit: August 29, 2003, 11:37:24 PM by GonerX »


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Re:Simple EasyScripting Please!
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2003, 11:30:36 PM »

The ultimate programs and tools list, some valuable ones cost money.... :(  All the stuff do a freak load of help in making games so damn easy! :D

All of these tools are beyond!!!
« Last Edit: August 29, 2003, 11:31:54 PM by GonerX »


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Re:Simple EasyScripting Please!
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2003, 12:02:54 AM »

Hi GonerX,

The reason why your doing this 45% wrong is because you seem to not know what Modelling programs and texturing is.

I'm quite sure, everybody here knows about these terms, can't recognize how you came to that opinion. I'm VERY sure Mnemonic is not doing wrong at all (at least not 45%... haha... sorry Mnemonic!  8) ), but you want him to code something completely different.

Your engine is 50% of what is already made, the Morrowind engine contains a more acceptional graphics and editing tools, although you have options that make WME more clear and easier than Morrowind Editor.
Maybe you could use some of their tools and make them in WME so you wont need to cross a long long road to get 3D style up and open.

I'm sure you want only the best, so don't take me too personally please... :)
BUT! If you downloaded WME, played around with the tools and with the sample demo scripts... (and you must have, how else could you try to say, that you know what's wrong with it or could be done better!) ==> how is it possible that you didn't discover, that WME is not designed to create 3D/RPG/FPS games at all ? Yes, it's D3D accelerated (if wanted), but it's 2D, perfect for classic style graphic adventures. Bitmaps, no 3D vector graphics and rooms and that sort of, although 3D actors might be possible (again) some day, but it's still something completely different...

And that is no lack of the engine because of missing knowledge or whatever, it's CONSTRUCTED to do exactly what it does.

Or in short :

- To create games like DOTT, Broken Sword 1+2, Monkey Island 1-3, TLJ, Syberia, etc. -> use WME, it's perfect for this purpose and it's improving more and more.

- To create 3D worlds, first person shooters, etc. -> well... don't! ;)


PS: I just wanted to write, that you might be interested in something like "3D Game Studio", but you already wrote the link to it in your second message while I was writing this one. :)


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Re:Simple EasyScripting Please!
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2003, 05:42:33 PM »

While we're at it, lets ask Mnemonic to implement fuzzy logic and neural net technologies into WME which enable the engine to intelligently design massive 3D levels and worlds, complete with puzzles, all on the fly without the designer having to do any work.

The cool thing is, this AI would also write a complete story; and from that story it would generate artificially intelligent characters that have the same emotional and intellectual capabilities as a human being. It would enable these AI characters to learn from their surroundings. It would learn from the player and pre-empt the player's actions in order to scale the challenge dynamically. It would also dynamically generate a musical score and realistic voice audio for each character, all in real-time, without having to enlist the help of a composer or voice actor.

This would make WME the perfect engine for any game imaginable, and besides Mnemonic there wouldn't have to be a programmer -- no artists, no audio technicians, no writers, no desigeners, nothing -- the game is generated all on the fly. And I can't believe Mnemonic hasn't figured out how to do this, if he's a professional programmer he should have already done it, right?!?


I'm being sarcastic, of course, for those who may not have figured it out.  :p  Mnemonic's objective of developing a classic adventure game development tool has already been achieved. Anything else he adds is simply icing on the cake.

Frankly, I'm quite annoyed by GonerX's request. Would you ask a Volkswagen manufacturer why he isn't using a Ferrari engine in his car? It takes as much design and manufacturing work to produce a Volkswagen as it does to produce a Ferrari -- but that doesn't mean no one needs a Volkswagen. A lot of people like Volkswagens. The majority probably can't afford a Ferrari anyway, and thats ok because not everyone needs a Ferrari. A Volkswagen is also easier to drive to its maximum ability than is a Ferrari.

Yet you are asking Mnemonic to put things in his Adventure Game development engine that don't belong there -- things that cost a lot of money, and possibly things that often take huge teams of people to develop. Most of all, you are asking it to do something it isn't intended to do. It was designed to make Adventure Games, GonerX, not the next best-selling First Person Shooter, and thats ok. Quit asking for things that don't belong in the engine.

That said, there was one suggestion you had which was not entirely ridiculous: Easier scripting methods, especially script templates. There are several full script templates included with the engine, but the ability to click-and-drop "script snippets" could certain be useful. I would endorse the suggestion as something to be included in a possible internal script editor -- which may be added in the future when/if it becomes a higher priority for Mnemonic. And if it does not, then its not such a horrible loss: Learn to script using the simple yet powerful scripting language the tool already includes, or go develop your game in something else.

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