I've got a problem with the response box.
When pressing ESC in the game the menu opens. There I can start a totally new game. I use the Game.Reset() comment to make sure, a new game won't be messed up by some already changed variables etc. I thought it resets everything back to starting position.
Now when I press ESC while the response box is open, the same should be possible. But the response box will stay open when I start a new game. When selecting one of the responses the game crashes of course.
I thought maybe the response box stays open because the DlgBranch hasen't been closed.
I tried to ask for any open DlgBranch and end it by something like this:
var res = Game.GetCurrentDlgBranch();
if(res != null) Game.EndDlgBranch(res);
But it doesn't seem to do anything.
I also tried to close the response box manually. Window.Close() and Window.Visible = false hide it, but it still seems to be exclusive for I can't interact with the game anymore. Game.UnloadObject() doesn't help either.
The only way I found to avoid this problem is not allowing to open the menu while the response box is visible. But that's a quite ugly solution imo
Please help!