none of these bugs are "horrible". If you looked closely, they are either resolved or work-aroundable, so calling this "horrible bugs" is very huge overstatement. Moreover, some of the threads are actually long time solved issues.
None of those "issues" could possible stop you from making your game as you always can find a way how to proceed. I found strange that none of those threads are actually yours. Did you personally encounter such problems in your own project?
I am saying this because I got helped by Mnemonic many times. The difference is though that I usually gave him some minimalistic repro project he could test on his own. This way we easily tracked what is engine error and what was my sloppy scripting. Posting thousand times the same stuff without even putting your own work on the table and using old long-resolved threads as an example (which couldn't even remotely apply to your project as my thread for example is about very unusual way how to use wme for totally different kind of the game) doesn't add credibility to your "complains".
I bet you that as soon as you'll bring your own problems based on real experience with WME, the response will be way different. Take it as an advice from someone who already worked on couple of games and got his own WME game worldwide published. WME is very stable engine and customer's support was a breeze because of that.
I expressed badly, there was the "horrible bugs" in WME, sorry (my post before your:).
I just wanted some "cosmetic" fixes, for the "nicer" ending of WME 1.x

Mnemonic relased WME 1.8.11 and 1.9.0 beta now, which is great! (Thanks Mnem.,

I found strange that none of those threads are actually yours. Did you personally encounter such problems in your own project?
Not really, but I do not want to ask for support on WME forums with problems and problems.
I just want to ask if is in WME documentation writed how to prevent (to avoid), some errors in the WME compiler...?
(What about this: ?)
Is "work-around" this bug in WME script compiller described in WME docs...?
I just want to have all these errors described in WME documentation and how they are bypassing ...
(So NOT searching on WME forums.)
That's all,