Wintermute Engine Forum

Wintermute Engine => Technical forum => Topic started by: reneuend on November 13, 2010, 11:03:27 PM

Title: New: Old AdventureMaker User would like to build 1st person game
Post by: reneuend on November 13, 2010, 11:03:27 PM
Hey all. I'm a previous AdventureMaker user and decided to try out Wintermute (AdventureMaker doesn't support Windows 7). I searched for 1st person game examples and only found ones with dead links. Does someone have a tutorial or project example for a 1st person game?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Title: Re: New: Old AdventureMaker User would like to build 1st person game
Post by: Mnemonic on November 14, 2010, 03:35:48 PM
You can follow the scene creation tutorial in the documentation, but you can ignore the parts related to actors (that would be.... most of the parts, really, 1st person is much easier to do than 3rd person).
To get quickly started, you can download this ( and replace the default "actors\molly" actor in the project template. It will replace the Molly character with an invisible unmovable actor. Then all you need to do is to start creating scenes with hotspots, and script reactions to those hotspots. You can safely ignore the scene layering stuff in the tutorial.
Title: Re: New: Old AdventureMaker User would like to build 1st person game
Post by: reneuend on November 25, 2010, 04:37:47 AM
Thanks for the tip! I'll try it out. I hope that Wintermute can do as much as, if not more than AM did for me.

Title: Re: New: Old AdventureMaker User would like to build 1st person game
Post by: Kaz on December 11, 2010, 04:49:04 PM
Wintermute is brilliant for First Person games. That's how we did 'Rhiannon'. This is a magnificently flexible engine.

What Adventure Maker had that Wintermute doesn't (officially) is the 'inside of a sphere' effect for full rotation. But Darkling Room found a way round it for their latest game and for 'Coven', we're working on a form of rotation based on running videos during turns. It needs more rendering from the model, timing is critical and you need to fade from the video back to the still, but it works. And in any case, a lot of adventures are moving away from rotation these days.
Title: Re: New: Old AdventureMaker User would like to build 1st person game
Post by: odnorf on December 11, 2010, 05:23:37 PM
In this post ( by bfg100 you can find the sources of a working first person node based 360 project. From what I understand he uses the same method darkfall lost souls is using which is the inside of a 3D model with textures as a scene.