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Topics - FogGobbler

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6
Technical forum / Collision detection with two 3D actors
« on: March 27, 2008, 02:36:46 PM »

I´ve got 2 switchable 3D actors. How can I avoid that these actors pass through each other?

My though was, that I alter the scene.script file

Code: [Select]
on "LeftClick"
  // when the scene is left-clicked, just send the actor to the specified point
  actor.GoTo(Scene.MouseX, Scene.MouseY);

 --> change waypoints and blocked area somehow

But how would I do that?

Thankful for any help,

Feature requests, suggestions / Per-pixel lighting & dynamic shadows?
« on: March 20, 2008, 02:41:56 PM »

Are per-pixel lighting and real-dynamic-shadows possible for a future version?

Thanks and bye,

Not a bug / Omni light doesn´t work in one Z direction
« on: February 24, 2008, 04:51:49 PM »

I don´t really know if it´s a bug or whats wrong, but the omni lights don´t seem to work one Z direction (when the character moves away from the camera). Imagine a hallway with a light in the middle. When the actor moves towards the cam and passes the light the actor darkens. But when it moves from the cam away down the hallway, it doesn´t. Hope you know what I mean :-)

Technical forum / Animation channels - walking and telephoning problem
« on: February 23, 2008, 02:09:06 PM »
Hi, again!

I don´t quite understand the animations channels. I´ve got a walking animation and a "telephone holding" animation.
How can I combine these two so that my character walks around, "holding" the phone to his ear. What channel does the walk animation have?

Thanks for your help,

Technical forum / 3D sky actor - nearly working...
« on: February 22, 2008, 05:21:45 PM »

I´m, using a big rotating cylinder for my sky actor and that works well, but after some time the texture fades out and I just see black color. That happens every time once per round.

Any ideas?


Technical forum / How to export from 3ds max - possible solution
« on: January 24, 2008, 08:35:49 PM »
Hi, guys!

Perhaps some of you have trouble with exporting X-files from max and get a distorted mesh.

Found something out that might help you.

1. Before you throw a physique-modifier on your mesh, select the mesh
2. select all polygons (faces)
3. on the "sufaces properties" rollout click unify normals
4. turn off polygon mode and put a physique modifier on top of the stack
5. set up the physique modifier as usual and export.

Hope that helps (it did for me)

Best regards,

General Discussion / Happy new Year !!!!
« on: December 31, 2007, 04:12:09 PM »
Hi, WME-Guys and Ladies (?) !

I wish you all a happy and successful new year!  ::beer

Best regards,

Feature requests, suggestions / HLSL
« on: December 10, 2007, 04:39:18 PM »

Any chance that you will integrate HLSL and /or Per-Pixel lighting sometime?

Many greetings,

Technical forum / Sounds get cut off when changing scenes
« on: November 26, 2007, 02:35:17 PM »

I´ve got a problem with playing sound files. The problem is that the sound file doesn´t play to the end, but is cut off and the scene changes.
I´d like to play the sound and then change the scene.


Code: [Select]
on "KeyCool"
  Game.SelectedItem = null;

Game design / Character studio - all animations in one file
« on: November 21, 2007, 01:26:11 PM »

Could anybody please explain to me in detail how to solve this problem in Character Studio Max. I´ve got two (or more) BIP files that I want to pack in one file so that I can export it with Panda and enter the different animation names.
For example walk animation, idle animation, talk animation.

I think it works with motion flow, but I don´t understand how.


EDIT: solved. Can be removed

Technical forum / Sprite in front of and behind 3D actor
« on: November 17, 2007, 10:09:59 AM »

Please help me with this problem. I´ve got a door (3D actor - "A") that fits neatly in my 2D scene (don´t bother about the color - its just for testing ;-)) ) .

Now I want the wall to oberlap a bit of the door, so that I get the effect, the door is set back. I´ve got a  bit of the wall (a sprite - "B") that should be in front of the door-object but behind the main character. I know its not lined up correctly, it´s just to show you the effect.

Unfortunally I can´t get the wall part on top of the door and behind the character. It´s either or.

I tried it with as a free entity sprite and with the StickToRegion("floor") command, but still no effect :-(

Technical forum / Plugin for lights - possible or not ?
« on: November 14, 2007, 03:41:37 PM »

Since I´ve got this light problem (
I was wondering if its possible to write a plugin that allows me to place lights (D3D9LightStructure)
in the scene?


Done / GoTo3d(x,y,z)
« on: November 13, 2007, 01:05:16 PM »

I could find a actor.SkipTo3D(x,y,z) function, but nothing like  GoTo3D(x,y,z). Could be useful for moving 3d objects.


Feature requests, suggestions / Moving 3d objects along a path
« on: November 13, 2007, 12:46:26 PM »

It would be great to move 3D objects along a path. For example if you´ve got a sliding door that opens, you only need the 3d model of the door, the starting point, the endpoint and move the door with GoTo.

But at the moment its a bit tricky to find the correct starting and end point so that everything fits into the 2D scene. Now I´ve used X-animations and this works well, but in my opinion its a waste of memory space to load a "open/close" animation, when you could script the movement.

You could layout the paths in the scene manager for example and the have a function like actor.FollowPath("pathname")

What do you think of my idea?

Many greetings,

Technical forum / 3D actor animation questions
« on: November 12, 2007, 03:17:45 PM »

I´ve got a question concerning 3d actor animation. My "actor" is a forklift with a very simple "move down" animation to try things out. The animation doesn´t do anything fantastic, it should only move the forks down.

It fits perfectly into the 2D scene,  but after the animation has played my forks jump back to the top position. Is there any way of stopping the animation  on the last frame so that the forks are down?


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