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Topics - theflash

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Technical forum / UTF-8 removes Special Characters
« on: April 16, 2010, 03:48:27 PM »
Hello again my fellow wintermuters,

in what might very well be my last post here I present you the following problem:

We've used an ANSI encoded for a long time. Recently, we've updated this to an UTF-8 encoded Ever since then, some special characters, most notably the German "ä", "ö" and "ü" cannot be displayed, not even by the System font for Game.Msg(). Switching back to the ANSI encoded .tab solves that, so this is definitely an issue with the UTF-8 encoded .tab file. I have no idea how to circumvent that.

Technical forum / Very long Scene Change
« on: April 09, 2010, 10:31:13 AM »
Hi y'all,

I have a scene with a lot of entities. A lot! It's a minigame, a clone of Minesweeper (like in Windows). There are about 132 (12x11) entities representing the tiles and an equal number of entities that work as number overlays (like '3 mines adjacent to this tile'). Combined with a few other entities the total number in this scene is close to 300.

A Game.Changescene from this scene to the next takes very long. On slower computers (and the game is aimed to be playable on 1 Ghz single core machines with 256 megs of RAM) it takes a minute or more - which most testers identify as a crash.

My questions: is the long Scene Change linked with the unusually high number of entities? If so, is there anything I can do about it?

Technical forum / Keyboard not recognized in Debug mode
« on: March 24, 2010, 02:40:18 PM »
And it's me again...

I've been working with Wintermute for 5 months now and suddenly it stopped recognizing any Keyboard commands. Even if I put a Game.Msg in the very first command of the on "keypress" in game.script, nothing happens. So a friend of mine tells me she had the same problem and could "solve" it by turning off Debug Mode. And it worked.

Why did the Debug mode break the keyboard stuff suddenly without an apparent reason?

Technical forum / Button Captions not on top
« on: March 22, 2010, 05:29:20 PM »
I have a scene, that acts as my Main Menu. In this scene I have a window with buttons, these buttons have Mouse Over Captions. Works like a charm.

But only, if I enter that scene first. If I change to that scene from another scene (i.e. "Back to Main Menu"), the Captions for the buttons are UNDER the buttons and thus are mostly occluded by the buttons.

Is there any reason why button captions could be in a lower layer than the buttons themselves?

Technical forum / Cannot get the File Object to work
« on: March 05, 2010, 02:00:49 PM »
I'm having some difficulties with this.

Code: [Select]
var proFile = new File("\saves\profiles.txt");

Whether "saves\profiles.txt" exists or not, the OpenAsText(1) returns false.

Hope someone can help me.

Bug reports / Scrolling and dynamically adjusting Scene.Width
« on: February 04, 2010, 12:11:37 PM »
Hello again,

for once I hope to post something that doesn't either solve itself or is so banal that I have to smack myself for stupidity.

I want to implement a Menu-Screen in my project that "slides" in and out, thus using Scene.ScrollTo . Now I know how to make Scenes scroll. But all the Scenes in my project have a mainlayer width of 1024, same as the game and thus non-scrolling. So I want to adjust the mainlayer width by script and make the scenes scrollable dynamically.

To accomplish that, I attach a menu.script at the press of the Escapekey, that does the following:
Code: [Select]
var MainL = Scene.MainLayer;
MainL.Width = 2048;

Scene.ScrollPixelsX = 30;
Scene.ScrollPixelsY = 30;
Game.MainObject = null;
Scene.AutoScroll = true;

Scene.ScrollTo(1536, 0);

If I set the MainLayer width MANUALLY in the Scene Editor to 2048, it works.

But if I set the Width in the script as above, it doesn't. The width is correctly identified by the game as 2048, yet it won't scroll.

Any ideas?

Technical forum / Problems with / and \
« on: February 01, 2010, 03:19:11 PM »

I have the following problem:

Code: [Select]
case "sprites/system/test.sprite": f_lilac.SetSprite("scenes/Room/grafiken/testg.png");
This is the line of code. It queries the sprite of the cursor and sets another sprite accordingly. Works like a charm. Within WME. If I compile the package, it stops working. If I replace the slashes with backslashes, it works in the compiled package, but no longer in Wintermute. So it's either good in WME but bad in the EXE, or it's good in the EXE and bad in WME. What's happening?

Technical forum / Call to undefined method
« on: December 04, 2009, 11:27:33 AM »
Okay, I hope the solution to this won't be as embarassingly simple as last time.

When I implement something along the lines of

var test = "Hello. I am a Test.";
var dummy = test.Split(".");

I get a "Call to undefined method 'Split'. Ignored."

My search through these forums suggested, that this would happen, if test was [null] or undefined. But it's not. A "Game.Msg(test)" works fine.

Technical forum / Adding entities or graphics
« on: December 03, 2009, 02:56:31 PM »

i have created a checkboard type field with 144 squares and thus 144 entities. Now I need to display icons over some of these squares.
Do I have to create another 144 entities and use active=true/false and setSprite to achieve that, or is there a way to "dynamically" create new entities (by script) or maybe insert graphics relative to the position of the original 144 entities?

Thank you for your help!

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