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Topics - furzball

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Interest in Wintermute
« on: March 03, 2013, 04:28:12 AM »
Just to say, today is the first day I've seen wintermute, and I am intrigued with it. I've used gamefactory (like 1995 version lol) to make games before. Since I've mostly modded PC games rather then my own game development. I've recently been considering GameDev as a hobby and to practice various coding (visual basic, C++, Flash MX actionscript, etc.). Well, while I was looking around at stuff to put on my PSP, particuarly SCUMMVM and freeware games, I came across mention of wintermute and it's basic features. So registered to ask a few questions about it. I've downloaded it and am currently trying to familiarize myself with it.

All in all, general opinion/like of the Wintermute engine. Fun to use or just another digital tool?

I've seen mention of people trying to make RPG games and even doing survival horror resident evil games (mention being either in forums or on youtube). How flexible is it when breaking off into other genres then point and click?
I understand fully that wintermute is for Point and click puzzlers/interactive story type games. But expanding on the RPG question, can it be tweaked to allow random battles, or are the battles all preset in current wintermute rpg games/demos?

Thank you all for any opinions/posts.

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