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Messages - Daniel

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Feature requests, suggestions / Re: Saved Games Location
« on: April 18, 2004, 06:46:52 PM »
Cool! ;D. Thanks.

Feature requests, suggestions / Re: Saved Games Location
« on: April 18, 2004, 06:28:12 PM »
Well, in terms of functionality, they are indeed enough. In terms of flexibility, however, they are not. If I want a simple thing like having my game save its games under \SavedGames and not under \saves, I can't. Or if I think the games should be saved under My Documents\Game Name\Saved Games, I can't either.

Of course, it's not an absolute must, but I think a good game engine should strive to be as flexible as possible. So if it's a quick and easy thing to do, I think it should be configurable. If, however, it's a mess to start with it right now, then forget all about it...

I thought of something like the REGISTRY_PATH in the startup.settings file. Just like the REGISTRY_PATH is a relative path, assuming HKEY_CURRENT_USER as the root, the new setting could be relative as well and assume the root as either the game installation folder or the "My Documents" folder according to whether the "Personal savegames" is enabled or not. Leaving this setting blank could mean to place the saved games under the assumed root.

Anyway, maybe I'm just nagging but nagging people like me is what makes an engine more robust and flexible in the long run so I hope you won't be too annoyed...

This thread should be moved to the "Wishlist, suggestions" forum now, btw...

Feature requests, suggestions / Saved Games Location
« on: April 18, 2004, 05:36:27 PM »

It's so quiet in here... I really hate to break the silence but I'm new here and I still need some help...

Anyway, is there a way to configure the saved games location? As it is, they are being saved in the \saves folder under the game's directory or in a folder with the game's name under the current user's "My Documents" if the "Personal savegames" option is enabled. I looked in all the options windows and configuration files and couldn't find any way of changing that. Is there a way or is the location hardcoded into the engine?

Technical forum / Re:Subtitles
« on: April 17, 2004, 06:59:56 PM »
About the Height attribute, will it be calculated automatically at runtime according to the number of lines of text?

About overriding the Talk method, you're right, I didn't think about it. But one thing is for sure, with the SubtitlesWidth attribute it will be a lot more easier :)


Technical forum / Subtitles
« on: April 17, 2004, 01:23:06 PM »

I'm using SubtitlesPosRelative = false to position the speech subtitles at the bottom of the screen. It's mostly ok but when the text reaches a certain length, it wraps to the next line. Basically, it's the right thing to do, but I want to be able to control the maximum text length before it wraps to the next line. Since I'm using the properties SubtitlesPosX and SubtitlesPosY to place the text at the bottom of the screen, I thought I would find also properties like SubtitlesWidth and SubtitlesHeight or something similar, but there are no such properties. Is there another way of doing this that I missed?

Technical forum / Re:Saved Games
« on: April 17, 2004, 12:13:04 PM »
Good work! No need to thank me, though, I did nothing special. ;)

Technical forum / Re:Saved Games
« on: April 16, 2004, 12:47:20 PM »
Weird... I didn't notice that. I'll look into it.

Cool, thanks!

Yes, it's customizable already in the new version of ProjectMan :) Just wait for the next update.

I should have known you wouldn't leave it like that ;). I should learn to trust people a little more...

Technical forum / Re:Saved Games
« on: April 16, 2004, 09:27:52 AM »
The responses crash is gone. Thanks! :)

The saved games problem is still there however. The four first saves were very smooth and took about one second, maybe two. The fifth and sixth saves took minutes to save and load. The new progress bar simply stops at a certain point during the save (I think it's the last point before the final point) and no disk activity is seen. About a few minutes later (maybe two or three minutes) it just finishes the save and resumes game running.

Another thing, about the new progress bar, it's a very good idea. It really was necessary. One thing though, did you plan customization for this progress bar?

Technical forum / Saved Games
« on: April 16, 2004, 07:34:19 AM »

I have a problem with the save-game mechanism and thought someone might have experience with the same thing.

When I run the game and immediately save it, the game is saved very quickly and its size is about 90k (with a thumbnail of 200x150). As I keep saving games, they become larger with each save and take more time to save. The fourth sequentially-saved game was 115k and took almost a minute to save! When I load the saved games they also take longer and longer times to load but less than the saving process. The specific game that took about a minute to save, for example, took about 30 seconds to load, which is indeed very long as well.

Has anyone experience such behavior?

Technical forum / Re:Responses Window
« on: April 15, 2004, 12:12:17 AM »
Great! Seems like a very good step in the right direction! I like it. ;)

Technical forum / Re:Responses Window
« on: April 14, 2004, 11:18:49 AM »
I can be patient, no problem with that :)

How come no one ever used the iconic responses? Are they so unpopular?

The reason I'm using them is quite arbitrary, as a matter of fact. I just wanted to test my abilities and the abilities of the engine by reconstructing the game mechanisms of some recent commercial game. Since I had just finished "Black Mirror" at the time and still had it installed on my hard drive, I decided to use it as a test case. So I re-made it with WME along with one small scene, the inventory, the dialog system the save/load screens, etc.

I just want to feel absolutely sure that I'm not limited in any unreasonable way by the engine before I actually start using it for real. I did the same thing with AGS as well before I started using WME.

Technical forum / Re:Responses Window
« on: April 13, 2004, 09:47:28 PM »
I just noticed I have another problem and since it's connected to the responses window I'll continue in this thread.

What I'm trying to do is the following:

1. Set a mouse cursor for the responses.

I noticed the responses are buttons so it should be possible but if these buttons are accessible, I don't know in what way. Can the RESPONSE_BOX definition file contain definitions for the responses themselves? I don't mean definitions for each and every possible response but more like a general definition for all responses. e.g. what cursor to use when the user points any of the responses.

2. Set a label on the top of the screen saying something about the response currently under the cursor.

Since I'm using icon-based responses, a label saying something descriptive about the responses would be necessary (similar to a tooltip for a toolbar button). My problem is, how do I determine which response is under the cursor? Do they have some index? I noticed the names of all response buttons is "response" so it doesn't help me in distinguishing between them. When I call AddResponse(), I supply text as well as an image. The text is not displayed but is there a way to retrieve it at runtime and use it for the label?

I hope I'm explaining myself well enough... I guess what I really want is for the responses to behave like inventory items or hotspots and my already existing lines of code in the main game loop:

var ActiveObject = Game.ActiveObject;

if (ActiveObject != null)
  Label.Text = ActiveObject.Caption;
  Label.Text = "";

will work with the responses as well.

That was fast! :o  And even with my favorite "F" keys  ;D

Technical forum / Re:Responses Window
« on: April 13, 2004, 06:00:10 PM »
Fair enough ;)

Is there a keyboard shortcut to the "Run Game" button in ProjectMan (something like the F5 in VisualStudio)?
If not (and if it's not too much fuss to add it), I think it could be very helpful.

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