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Latest WME version: WME 1.9.1 (January 1st, 2010) - download

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Messages - hubertMichael

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11
Technical forum / Re: Memory Problem
« on: June 08, 2012, 02:59:58 PM »
160 x 460 pixels. I got walk (30 frames - I have tried with less number of frames but it wasn't look natural), talk (5 frames), Idle (30 frames cause I need slow smooth motion).

I have just discovered something. I don't know if this is bug of wintermute or just me. When I turned on all idle animation to streaming animation - memory leak just stopped. What happend?

Technical forum / Re: Memory Problem
« on: June 08, 2012, 02:46:08 PM »
there is no difference if my frames are power of two or not. I have cropped frames and it didn't helped. After I cropped my process of wme.exe wasn't 900 MB but 300 Mb and it was growing again. Five minutes of playing and it was almost 400 MB and still growing. Thank you guys for your tips but still I got my problem. There is some leak and I don't know where.

Technical forum / Re: Memory Problem
« on: June 08, 2012, 03:02:48 AM »
frames of my actor are in indexed png but I have tried jpg, bmp with the same result. It looks like my actor generating some kind of memory leak... I don't know.

I'm depressed

Technical forum / Re: Memory Problem
« on: June 07, 2012, 11:54:20 PM »
I just noticed that when I'm walking with my actor, wme.exe memory size is growing. When my actor doesn't move memory size of wme.exe is the same (not droping, not growing) when I move my actor it is growing again :( Please help my, I'm fighting with the problem all day. I didn't see this strange behaviour earlier.

Technical forum / Re: Memory Problem
« on: June 07, 2012, 11:33:19 PM »
with molly everything is ok. So what's wrong with my actor?

Technical forum / Re: Memory Problem
« on: June 07, 2012, 11:22:09 PM »
this is

Code: [Select]

  NAME = "jack"
  X = 400
  Y = 460

  FONT = "fonts\Sansation_Regular.font"

    NAME       = "idle"
    LEFT       = "actors\jack\ll\idle.sprite"
    RIGHT      = "actors\jack\rr\idle.sprite"
    UP         = "actors\jack\uu\idle.sprite"
    DOWN       = "actors\jack\dd\idle.sprite"

    UP_LEFT    = "actors\jack\ul\idle.sprite"
    UP_RIGHT   = "actors\jack\ur\idle.sprite"
    DOWN_LEFT  = "actors\jack\dl\idle.sprite"
    DOWN_RIGHT = "actors\jack\dr\idle.sprite"
    NAME       = "walk"
    LEFT       = "actors\jack\ll\walk.sprite"
    RIGHT      = "actors\jack\rr\walk.sprite"
    UP         = "actors\jack\uu\walk.sprite"
    DOWN       = "actors\jack\dd\walk.sprite"

    UP_LEFT    = "actors\jack\ul\walk.sprite"
    UP_RIGHT   = "actors\jack\ur\walk.sprite"
    DOWN_LEFT  = "actors\jack\dl\walk.sprite"
    DOWN_RIGHT = "actors\jack\dr\walk.sprite"

    NAME       = "talk"
    LEFT       = "actors\jack\ll\talk.sprite"
    RIGHT      = "actors\jack\rr\talk.sprite"
    UP         = "actors\jack\uu\talk.sprite"
    DOWN       = "actors\jack\dd\talk.sprite"

    UP_LEFT    = "actors\jack\ul\talk.sprite"
    UP_RIGHT   = "actors\jack\ur\talk.sprite"
    DOWN_LEFT  = "actors\jack\dl\talk.sprite"
    DOWN_RIGHT = "actors\jack\dr\talk.sprite"
    NAME       = "talk_special"
    LEFT       = "actors\jack\ll\wakeUp2.sprite"

    NAME       = "turnleft"
    LEFT       = "actors\jack\ll\turn.sprite"
    RIGHT      = "actors\jack\rr\turn.sprite"
    UP         = "actors\jack\uu\turn.sprite"
    DOWN       = "actors\jack\dd\turn.sprite"

    UP_LEFT    = "actors\jack\ul\turn.sprite"
    UP_RIGHT   = "actors\jack\ur\turn.sprite"
    DOWN_LEFT  = "actors\jack\dl\turn.sprite"
    DOWN_RIGHT = "actors\jack\dr\turn.sprite"
    NAME       = "turnright"
    LEFT       = "actors\jack\ll\turn.sprite"
    RIGHT      = "actors\jack\rr\turn.sprite"
    UP         = "actors\jack\uu\turn.sprite"
    DOWN       = "actors\jack\dd\turn.sprite"

    UP_LEFT    = "actors\jack\ul\turn.sprite"
    UP_RIGHT   = "actors\jack\ur\turn.sprite"
    DOWN_LEFT  = "actors\jack\dl\turn.sprite"
    DOWN_RIGHT = "actors\jack\dr\turn.sprite"

and scirpt is empty

Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

Technical forum / Re: Memory Problem
« on: June 07, 2012, 11:06:16 PM »
No, it's not in any loop

This is my script for button "new game":

Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

on "MouseEntry"
load_game_h.Active = false;
new_game_h.Active = true;

on "LeftClick"

So it changes scene to loading_screen.

This is scene_init for loading_screen.scene

Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

// load our main actor
jack = Game.LoadActor("actors\jack\");
//cyber_jack = Game.LoadActor("actors\cyber_jack\");
//cyber_jack.Active = false;
actor = jack;
Game.MainObject = actor;
Game.InventoryObject = actor;


bar = Game.LoadWindow("interface\character_bar\char.window");
indyk = bar.GetWidget("indyk");


In jacks_ship scene_init there is no any LoadActor command. I'm loading actor only in scene_init of loading_screen.

There is also no LoadActor in

Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

global Scene;
global Keyboard;
global actor;
global jack;
global cyber_jack;
global real_room;
global x,y,actor_facing, attx;
global jack_from;

global twirl;

//title screen
global new_game_h, new_game, load_game, load_game_h;

//jack's ship
global ship_lights, blackout, offPanel, offPanel_state, floor_hole, engine_wires;
global door_opened, door_closed, outer_light, ship_out;
//door panel
global cable_sp, switch_led_sp, l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6;
global sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5, sw1_0, sw2_0, sw3_0, sw4_0, sw5_0;
global led1, led2, led3, led4, led5, led6;
global switch1, switch2, switch3, switch4, switch5, cable_state, open_ship;

//outside ship

global intro;
global bar;
global indyk;

function indicator(xp)
  attx = (308 / 100) * xp + 308;

Technical forum / Memory Problem
« on: June 07, 2012, 09:53:42 PM »

I got very strange problem. I got 2d adventure game.

Size of my main actor all frames is 53 MB.
wme.exe process memory size is 97 MB without actor but when I load actor by "jack = Game.LoadActor("actors\jack\");" wme.exe process growing to 900 MB !!! What is going on?? Because of this I can't load second actor.

General Discussion / Steam
« on: May 30, 2012, 01:54:51 PM »

If anyone has any experience with realising game on steam? Is there something what should I know? How this process works?

You can send private message if you want.

Technical forum / Re: Progress bar
« on: May 13, 2012, 05:00:51 PM »
yeah, but this is for saved games. What about loading actors???

Technical forum / Progress bar
« on: May 13, 2012, 03:36:37 PM »

Alpha Polaris, which was made in Wintermute, has progress bar when wintermute loading data. How it's done?

Technical forum / Re: Wintermute 2
« on: May 01, 2012, 01:13:35 AM »
any news? how's the project?

Technical forum / Re: screen scroll
« on: April 26, 2012, 09:45:25 PM »
Yep, but this solves problem with scroll. Problem with whole game running much slower in full screen is still there. Game is 2d and with 60 FPS it should work very nice but isn't.

Technical forum / Re: screen scroll
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:41:53 PM »
scroll fixed. In fullscreen mode ScrollPixelsX and ScrollPixelsY works nice.

Technical forum / Re: screen scroll
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:31:29 PM »
I hope that I'm wrong but it looks that there is bug in engine with Scene.ScrollSpeedX and Scene.ScrollSpeedY because it doesn't work in full screen mode. It works good in widowed mode but not in full screen mode.

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