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Messages - Blue_D

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Technical forum / Question on code
« on: February 25, 2004, 04:34:29 PM »
Code: [Select]
// fan speed (0-off, 1-normal speed, 2-fast speed)
var EntFan = Scene.GetNode("fan");
if(StateRoom.FanSpeed==0) EntFan.SetSprite("scenes\room\sprites\fan_off.sprite");
else if(StateRoom.FanSpeed==1) EntFan.SetSprite("scenes\room\sprites\fan.sprite");
else EntFan.SetSprite("scenes\room\sprites\fan_fast.sprite");

What's this code for, if there is

Code: [Select]
on "Take"
  Game.Interactive = false;

  // get the fan entity
  var EntFan = Scene.GetNode("fan");

  // set the fan etity sprite depending on the state variable
  // (0-off, 1-normal, 2-false)
    actor.Talk("It's turned off. I'll turn it on...");
    StateRoom.FanSpeed = 1; // save the new fan state

  else if(StateRoom.FanSpeed==1)
    actor.Talk("It's running at normal speed. Let's make it spin faster...");
    StateRoom.FanSpeed = 2;

  else if(StateRoom.FanSpeed==2)
    actor.Talk("OK, I'll turn it off.");
    StateRoom.FanSpeed = 0;

  Game.Interactive = true;

in the fan.script?

Technical forum / Need to create a first person scene in my game
« on: February 23, 2004, 07:04:11 PM »
How do I create a first person interaction scene in my game?

The scene contains a background, a sprite that changes as the conversation evolves AND a conversation. IS possible to make a conversation without actors in a scene?

How do I do it?

Technical forum / Another Image Type Issue... Tif to PNG
« on: February 22, 2004, 09:51:47 PM »
How do I convert *.tif files to PNG without loosing the alpha channel informations?

I've tried Paintshop Pro but don't works well, or I don't know how to use it but for me it's the same.

Someone knows a good batch converter for windows that's free? Irfan view converts to TGA but not to compressed TGA, and I cannot use an Actor of 300 MB....


Now I've got it... It's tricky but works.

"Painshop" (the interface is UGLY) and Photoshop doesn't save PNG file with transparencies from the alpha layer of another format... they should but they don't.

I created an automatic action with photoshop removing the unwanted background in the original image and THEN saving to PNG.

Technical forum / Re:Something wrong with fonts...
« on: February 21, 2004, 03:48:02 PM »
It saves the transperency only when you use 32bit PNG images (I think). It stores the information to the remaining 8bits (24bits are for the colors). But it's a known problem with photoshop that can't see the alpha channel in png files. Other similar programs can.

for example?

Technical forum / Re:Something wrong with fonts...
« on: February 21, 2004, 02:07:39 PM »
Of course this is only a guess.... I really would want to test one of those images (but you don't have those any more).

Mnemonic has one, he can send it to you if he didn't deleted.

Technical forum / Re:Something wrong with fonts...
« on: February 21, 2004, 02:06:34 PM »
There can be 32 bit BMP files, i.e. they can contain *something* in the extra 8 bits and that something can be an alpha channel. The problem is there aren't many programs that can handle it. It is said some newer versions of Photoshop can but I didn't test it.

Yes, Photoshop Cs can!

Question.... Photoshop saves png with transparencies but can't see any alpha channel. Where the hell are the alpha channel informations?

Technical forum / Re:Something wrong with fonts...
« on: February 21, 2004, 01:09:55 PM »
PNG & TGA images aren't lossy formats but lossless. So there shouldn't be any difference with BMP images. What kind of "spurious areas" do you see with TGA & PNG and what program do you use to generate them? Could you please post 1 example of the TGA & PNG font?

I've edited the files in Photoshop and noticed that changing the Hue in the Adjust menu leaves some spotted areas, but no longer have this files.

Haven't tried doing this with png.

The Fonts I use now are BMP with alpha channel, I'll send you one of theese to show you.

Technical forum / Re:Something wrong with fonts...
« on: February 20, 2004, 02:22:07 AM »
Well, the autodetection *should* work. Isn't there still some lose pixel overflowing to another cell?

I think I found the problem. Is the TGA format compressed with run length that generates spurious areas. I've done the same font in BMP with alpha channel and works PERFECTLY good.

So, stay away from TGA AND from PNG, BMP is still the way to go if you want to work hassle free.

Technical forum / Scripting problem
« on: February 19, 2004, 03:20:17 AM »
In a scene from my game, using an inventory object with an entity triggers a secuence of actions like this

scaffa.SetSprite("scenes\salascaffale\scena rastrelliera\scaffale_completo.sprite");
     Statesalascaffale.Visited = false;
     actor.Talk("Adesso ricordo dove l'avevo messo!");
     actor.GoTo(781, 427);
     actor.GoTo(802, 477);
     actor.Talk("Finalmente ho ritrovato il DVD che cercavo!");

but when the scene changes the actor remains stuck in the center of the scene "soggiorno" doing nothing. Pobably is the change of scene but I don't know where's the error.

Technical forum / New line in captions?
« on: February 19, 2004, 01:53:16 AM »
Hi, I'm using a big font for mi game, and sometimes when I need to combine two objects, the caption goes out of the screen. How can I handle this?

Would be interesting having a two lines caption window.

Technical forum / Re:Something wrong with fonts...
« on: February 18, 2004, 10:16:33 PM »
If you have putted a border in the font, for examplue using the Stroke layer effect in Photoshop

no, I've done it another way. Selected the alpha layer, inverted and shrunk the selection by one pixel, then filled the selection with black, reverted to original selection, inverted and cleared (lets a 1 pixel black border), then filled the alpha selection in a lower layer with the colour of my font.


Clean, simple and fast.

Technical forum / Re:Something wrong with fonts...
« on: February 18, 2004, 09:30:44 PM »
Unfortunately currently there are only two ways of specifying the characters widths. Either you can let WME detect it automatically or you'd have to specify widths for ALL the characters. Needless to say it's not a very entertaining work...

how I can do it? The engine doesn't detects the spacing correctly but I don't know why.

Technical forum / Re:Something wrong with fonts...
« on: February 18, 2004, 07:31:50 PM »
Thank you, done.

Now, the font works but the spacing of some glyphs is wrong (too much spacing on some characters).

How can I fine tune this?

Feature requests, suggestions / Some interesting opengl font rountines
« on: February 18, 2004, 05:29:28 PM »

here you can find a program that makes some interesting bitmap fonts automatically... if you can do something like this INSIDE the WME project manager it would be great.

A little font editor inside the project manager would be the greatest addiction, I think. But maybe the ability to scale fonts in real time would be even better.

Technical forum / Re:Something wrong with fonts...
« on: February 18, 2004, 03:08:44 PM »
No, you don't need to edit anything. If you used the Bitmap Font Builder, the characters *should* be in the right place. There are 256 cells in the image and they represent the standard 256 characters of the given codepage. I suppose you are using the western-european codepage so you should select this codepage when choosing the font in Bitmap Font Builder.

Done, but some letters are oddly spaced. I've sent you an example last night.

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