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Messages - Drax

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6
Technical forum / saving properties
« on: April 06, 2004, 09:39:26 AM »
I hope that this is my last question for my property menu.

I want to have a external file, where I can store my variables
witch are set in my property menu. the file should be read at startup.
At first Installation the File is installed with standart settings and if I change something in my properties it schould be written in this file.
I have to store some char and integer varables.

Is there a include class like iostream?
Is it possible, that it works while developing in WME too (whithout pakages but not nessesary in debug mode)?

 ::) I know im asking much. :-\
but in a few weeks the demo will be finished and then I will be more quiet.  :-X

ThX Drax

Technical forum / setting sound volume
« on: April 06, 2004, 09:14:31 AM »
Another problem at another morgning  ;)

I've tryed to setting the globalsoundvolume (musik and speech, too)
but nothing happens. At the start of the game script im setting the volume in both extrems 10 and 90 but the sound in the scene alsways played with the same volume.

I've set the GlobalMusicVolume, and in the scene.init the music is played by PlayMusic.

I have all three Volumes in my properties menu but it dosn't work there too.


Technical forum / Re:reseting the game
« on: April 05, 2004, 06:31:31 PM »
 :D nice to hear.

(I don't tell it anybody :-X ) ;)

p.s.: don't forget to reset the responses(onceGame) too.  

Technical forum / Re:reseting the game
« on: April 05, 2004, 05:35:16 PM »
Ok. So I try to reset my game oddly. :-\

Technical forum / reseting the game
« on: April 05, 2004, 04:23:07 PM »
Is it possible to reset the whole game?

I have a start up scene with a menu: load, options, quit and the option = start new game.

Now if I load a game and get back in the startup scene (with the menu) and  start a new game, all my globals are on (for example) visited=true and item are taken and so on. I have a lot of variables which are use for getting access to some scenes.

I hope there is a possibility whithout reseting every variable at once and detecting and dropping every Item. Because I think I can't get them all together. ::)

ThX a lot,

Technical forum / Re:item on inventory scrollbutton
« on: April 04, 2004, 10:49:46 AM »
thx. now it works.

(I don't know the ActObj referenz before.)

Technical forum / item on inventory scrollbutton
« on: April 04, 2004, 09:23:44 AM »
Good morning wintermute forum.

A good sunday morning to code.  ;D

And at 10 a clock the first problem ???

I think the problem is not only relevant in my game.

I choose an Item in the Inventory and want to use it with an other Item in the Inventory which is not shown in the list, because I have to scroll. My cursor is now the selected Item. If I klick now on the scrollbutton, my actor always say the standart sentence "I can't use this together" (I don't know if the sentence is correct in english). The scrolling works fine.

Now there are 2 possibilities:

1.I can turn the Talk routine for the buttons off. But How?

2.I can define for every Item an 'on "ITEM"' for the button. But I don't no where, because a button has no Button.script and the inventory functions are not detectale.

(I'm shure there's a nother solution anyway ;))


Technical forum / Re:self defined global function
« on: April 03, 2004, 08:19:03 PM »
Jeah! Thanx, it works fine now.

Now i've finished the gameplay of my planned demo version. It's one bigger quest and the start of the story. (lika a tutorial to learn the gameplay). Now just some interface and sound works to do.

I hope we can release next month the demo.

Greetz DraX    

Technical forum / self defined global function
« on: April 03, 2004, 03:15:44 PM »
hi guys.

Im back again in programming an developing my game. but more about that later.

I need to know how I can define global functions or something like that. I want to make my dialoges in a seperated file, and get the dialoge in the other scripts with the simple line:


Is it possible? How? Im trying, but I've found no solution.

Thanx DraX

Technical forum / Re:infinte loop
« on: February 11, 2004, 02:11:39 PM »
that it was! can't believe your reading my post, and immediatly posting the correct answer, the whole time! Your a living debugger. (Thats not human.....tzz.....)

thanx a lot!

Technical forum / infinte loop
« on: February 11, 2004, 01:51:04 PM »
I have a litte problem with an infinte loop in a scene.

a little introduction:

theres a dog in the scene, and if the actor walks to near,  the dog starts to bark, and the actor turns arround an walks  back an says something.

it should be removed (the script) if the dog is away.

now my solution:

I attached this script in the scene_init.script to the Game:
Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"
#include "scripts\"
global dogflag=true;



It works fine the first time I 'overwalk' one of the borders. but then, the script dosn't work. Why?  ???


Technical forum / Re:creating an interface
« on: February 04, 2004, 08:48:08 AM »
I think the menu does not appear, because there is an error in the menu scripting or you have the wrong path or spelling in you filename(s) (images).
(you will see it in the upper left corner) there appears a message if you try to open the menu the first time.

 check the path and the spelling of you images. If the error does not disappear. post you menu.window here.

To align your buttons = It's the best way to do it in your game (so it was for me). You can set them to a roughly correct value. and fine tune them in the game. But to do that your menu should work.

 greetz drax

General Discussion / Re:Happy birthday Wintermute Engine!
« on: January 12, 2004, 09:41:48 PM »
congratulations and happy birthday!

Like my mother said at my first birthday:

"Oh my good, it's a genius!"  ;)

Thanks for making that real Mnemonic.

And now it's time to take over the adventure development world!  

Game announcements / Re:Torin's Passage 2
« on: January 10, 2004, 06:17:50 PM »
 ::) upps...

Game announcements / Re:Torin's Passage 2
« on: January 10, 2004, 03:58:28 PM »
I hope you all will stay tuned in for updated reports on this epic release.
If it would be a fan game, what does that sentence mean?
epic wouldn't release a game in piont & click genre, because it wouldn't bring enough money. And why he post that here if it isn't a fan game.

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