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Messages - redfox

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Game announcements / Re: "The Lost Crown"
« on: June 23, 2008, 04:17:22 PM »
Hi there. I worked on some elements for The Lost Crown, (some particles, and scripting), and can happily say the game is a super use of the Wintermute Engine, with some surprising elements. There's a trailer here, to look at:

The game is also about to have its full EU release, via Lighthouse Interactive, and Akella are publishing in ex-USSR. We can’t recommend the US version of the game, as the publisher tampered with the install files, dropping many intended features and documentation. A pity, but the EU version is going to make up for that. Details are on the website,


Feature requests, suggestions / 3d actor animation - rewind or not
« on: March 12, 2008, 01:59:36 PM »
It would be helpful if we could specify (in the act3d and/or by direct code instruction)  if a 3d actors animation should, (when not set to loop) stay on it's last frame, until told to play another animation, or 'rewind' to it's first frame where it waits.

3d Actors used to wait on the end frame, if an animation was not looped, but now return to the first frame. I'm not sure when that changed. Both options have uses.

Technical forum / Re: Creating patches
« on: March 06, 2008, 08:19:27 PM »
Regarding some scripts not using updated code...  if I update an inventory item's script, willl the new code be used, if the item has already been picked up?

Technical forum / Re: Speech Preload
« on: January 30, 2008, 03:23:26 PM »
Perhaps memory management has changed?

I wondered if there is a preferred audio ogg format, as there are many different options when creating oggs. Does the engine favour a set bit rate or sample rate Hz, or compression value?

Unfortunately, because of the lag on loading audio ogg, I have had to convert sound back to Wav, in scenes where ogg loading was affecting with the playback of the game particles and 3D actors animations.

Fixed / Re: Problems with the actor turning (TurnTo)
« on: January 30, 2008, 03:09:15 PM »

Although the 1.8.2 update include a fix to this bug with the TurnTo, the bug still occurs at times when using a TurnToAngle, and at other times when using TurnTo.  Despite code being the same in different scenes, the actor still snaps position on some screens, but not all screens as before.

Technical forum / Re: Speech Preload
« on: January 25, 2008, 03:09:12 PM »
I think you can only load one sound per entity.

The lag caused by the loading of .ogg files is something that I have noticed getting worse with each new build released of the engine. Has the. ogg code been changing or updated? 

Testing original scenes with previous versions of the engine showed scenes that used to load and play the same sound files without problem, now cause particles to jump or actors animations to be interrupted when an ogg files is loaded and played.

Fixed / Re: response bug in wme 1.8.2 ?
« on: January 24, 2008, 04:37:57 PM »
Yes, glad to hear it will be fixed soon, as this same error has occurred on all my responses throughout game.

Technical forum / Re: Sound pops caused by music loading then cross fade.
« on: January 12, 2008, 01:30:37 PM »

I will try that and see if it stops the pop, will I need to reset that channel to full before the crossfade? or will the crossfade automatically put the volume up to full?

Technical forum / Sound pops caused by music loading then cross fade.
« on: January 11, 2008, 01:50:21 PM »

I have short 30 second looping music, which crossfade from one to the other. The problem is that between the code to load the music and the instruction to crossfade, the music has already started playing at full, (before the code has reached the crossfade instructions). This creates a pop, from the first moments of the looped track. Has anybody else encountered this and knows a way to prevent it?

My code looks like this.

Code: [Select]
Game.PlayMusicChannel(0, "music\track1.wav", true);
Game.MusicCrossfade(1, 0, 2000, false);

I have tried to use .wav files (rather than the slower loading .ogg) And I have already reduced the music track length down to a short 30 seconds.

Technical forum / Re: Lighting Problem
« on: January 04, 2008, 10:34:22 PM »

How many lights can you have in a hidden geometry file?

Fixed / Re: Problems with the actor turning (TurnTo)
« on: January 04, 2008, 01:59:01 PM »
What do you mean by overridden?

The actor Turn's just don't seem to be cancelling and existing actor movement scripts, which does happen if the actor walks or talks etc. Should I send an example?

Fixed / Problems with the actor turning (TurnTo)
« on: January 03, 2008, 10:44:00 PM »

I’ve been finding lots of problems with the actor turning (TurnTo) command in my game. Unlike the GoTo or other Actor events, the Turn doesn’t seem to stop/cancel other GoTo commands previously given to the actor.

Let me explain in more detail.

Normally, a region is programmed to walk the actor with a GoTo, but when a different GoTo (or action) is triggered, the first position (and any code following) is cancelled and not run.

However if my actor is still turning when new instructions are given, as soon as they have completed any new position, angle, etc, the actor jumps/snaps to the previous scripts GoTo position.

I know this wasn’t the case before. 

Technical forum / Re: Save Games take a long time to save
« on: January 03, 2008, 04:58:40 PM »
Thank you. I shall use the Game.DEBUG_DumpClassRegistry() and send you the results.

Technical forum / Re: Save Games take a long time to save
« on: January 02, 2008, 11:05:17 PM »
The file size of my save games doesn't rise in any real size, between the first save or one after several hours of play (The file size is about 500 KB). My save is slow even on my first game's save.

Could this be one of my issues? The menu loading code...I am wondering if my menu isn't being unloaded because of the GoExclusive?

Code: [Select]
var WinMenu = Game.LoadWindow("interface\system\menu.window");

Technical forum / Save Games take a long time to save
« on: January 02, 2008, 07:51:47 PM »
Hello. My save games are taking a very long time to be saved.  Is there a way to speed them up? Are they compressed?

Does the save game store details about every scene visited, such as which sprite's are on which entity etc?  I've noticed there is a tick box for 'remember node states' in the scene editor. If this is not ticked will less data be put into a save game?


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