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Messages - Drax

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Technical forum / Re:event handler
« on: January 10, 2004, 02:28:13 PM »
thank for the fast answer.

sorry for asking, but in the search it doesen't appear. And the I just read the treads which name sounds like the answers is inside.


(if i ask to much, just throw me out of this board  ;))

Technical forum / event handler
« on: January 10, 2004, 01:44:54 PM »
can anybody give me a hint how to make an own event handler.
I want to creat a "doubleclick". I found the funktion in the chm help. but how to do it?
where are the standart event handlers declared?
Is there a list of all the standart event handlers?

I've searched the forum but I found nothing about it.
The same in the .wpr files of verb bars and the others.

Technical forum / Re:including global after if
« on: January 09, 2004, 01:31:04 PM »
thanks. now it works fine.

Technical forum / Re:including global after if
« on: January 09, 2004, 12:50:52 PM »
we decided to use our system instead of using the

I've just one main problem, doing it.

The Problem:

I got 'null' instead of the definied texts.

How i made it:

the global var for the txt is declared in the
for example:

Code: [Select]
global Scene;
global txt;

And in the Game.script is defined:

Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]
#include  ""


in scene_init.script:
Code: [Select]

now it says 'null' instead of bla.

I think its because of the define.script is executed later than the scene_init.script.

the same problem (items caption) :
 but it works fine for the TEXT= of the mainmenu.

Where i have to place the definition of the global txt?

I hope it stresses not to much that I ask questions to a problem that everybody of you would'nt have because of the :-\

Technical forum / Re:including global after if
« on: January 08, 2004, 05:21:20 PM »
that sounds good. If it will be possible to do that, all my problems are solved. i think.

You'r right. That are very very big files if i define all the strings just for changing in game. I think we have to discuss that (me and my crew).

But it's so sad, to delete all the skripting i've made. It was so much work!

(The mainmenu strings are completely loaded from my vars now.

Next time, I stop scripting immediatly, if one of you guys saying that there are other solutions.


Technical forum / Re:including global after if
« on: January 08, 2004, 11:21:57 AM »
Hi Mnemonic,
thanks for the answer.

We developed a system, where you can change it in game also.

at first the global language=null.

while its null you can't start a game. It's only the first window on start. there ara flags (gfx) to choose a language.
Now the language is for example =1 (german)

in game_deamon theres this:
Code: [Select]

in the endeless while.

in is an include file that defines the globals (all var for text and sound files if you want to)
Code: [Select]
global v150101cpt;
global v150102cpt;

 in the xxxx.script files (see above) the globals are defined:
Code: [Select]

I haven'd coded it yet finally. but im working hart.

Isn't it a possibility to do that changing in game thing.

p.s.:I know about the unreadability of the script, but we  will make a visual basic application where we can type in our global var:
for exaple:

v 01 05 01 txt

and the output ist:


so we always know what the varable mean.

the only thing that dosen't work is to do it without the include file in the base, and istead defining in the xxxx.scripts.

global v150101cpt ="blabla";
and that ist my question. can I do this?

 :-\ (difficult stuff, I know)

Technical forum / Re:including global after if
« on: January 08, 2004, 10:12:56 AM »
oh, I see. it should be solved with string objekts and attachscript funktions.

Technical forum / including global after if
« on: January 08, 2004, 09:43:00 AM »
we want to make the language chooseable in our game.

now I began to test it with teh text="mainmenu" in the mainwindow.

i can change it in the mwinwindow.script by self.text="blabla";

and I hope so
var text1="blabla";

In the I declared a global language="de";
for german.

now I scripted in the game.script ( is included):

#include "language\de\"
later I can add other languages.

in the :

global text1="Hauptmenu";

and int the mainwindow.script
global text1;

at first: It does not work. I think its because of the #include (just work on top of file without a ';' ? )
How can I make it run?
How can i script It in a way I dont have to inital the varables in the file i used it, or in

i mean that i can do it in the at once.
global text1="blablabla"
 an then i can use it in my files without say
global text1;

For that i have to include it, but then I can't do the if(language="de" thing)

Does anybody understand what I mean. I hope someone can help me.

ThX DraX

Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / Re:WSE 0.2 beta
« on: January 05, 2004, 05:33:10 PM »
I think I discovered a bug, maybe It's known but not implemented.

If I load my scripts in WSE it removes all my

Technical forum / Re:Problem with inventory-button. AREA ?
« on: January 05, 2004, 02:34:16 PM »
i payed a lot!

but i want to finish our project in the future. ;)

@lakeside: please dont give away our things anymore, i haven't so much money left. 8)

Technical forum / Re:TGA transparency?
« on: January 02, 2004, 11:31:40 AM »
Wow! Thanks a lot.

I work's fine.
There are new dimensions of game design explored now ;)

Technical forum / Re:TGA transparency?
« on: December 31, 2003, 10:27:11 AM »
ThX a lot.

I have to test it now. I'll post if i successfull.


Technical forum / TGA transparency?
« on: December 30, 2003, 07:34:28 PM »
How can i make this transparent tga files like the ones in lensflare projekt?
I've used the search but there's no answer to my question.

If I open the files in photoshop or  photoimpact there's no transparency at all. And if I save transparent files as tga it will be white or black in the background if I import in Project Man.

What is the Trick about it? ???

Greetz and ThX

Technical forum / Re:change entities drawing position?
« on: December 25, 2003, 04:41:16 PM »
Here it is.

I hope someone can use this. Its not very difficult.

Script first:
Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

var Shadow= Scene.GetNode("shadow");

//skips the shadow to the actors position

var Direct=actor.Direction;

                                 /*test direction because the shadow should
                                   stay under the actor (I think it's necessary
                                   because of my animation)*/

      // shadow is 5 pixel higher than the actor
else if(Direct==DI_UPRIGHT){
                               // right and up
else if(Direct==DI_UPLEFT){
                               //left and up

                              //all other Directions   


Create a Entity named "shadow". Give it your shadow sprite.
The HotSpot of the actor should be the same as the Hot Spot of the shadow, as Mnemonic mentioned.

Move it inScene Editor in the List over all the Entities you want to walk behind.
Give it that Script.

Now it should work.

It's a little bit fidgety, but you can add some moving sprites for all directions if you want. But you have to change the script in this case. Substitute the SkipTo with a PlayAnimAsync. But I haven't tested that yet.

Greetz DraX

Technical forum / change entities drawing position?
« on: December 25, 2003, 10:55:14 AM »
Hello, and merry Christmas to all!

At first  i have to say that my english is not good as nessesary for this board. but i try to explain my problems in a easy way, so i can use the few words i know.  ;)

I want to script a shadow script, which moves a shadow sprite to the x and y coordinates of the actor. That isn't a problem i think. But if the actor walks behind or in front of an entity (with a behind region) the shadow should switch always (in drawing the scene) directly behind the actor. is'nt it?

is it possible to change the "layers" in main layer during the game?

alternative i can draw in every pic from the actor a shadow. but there are many of them. :-\ :-\  

If i will ever finish this script, i will post it here.  

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