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Latest WME version: WME 1.9.1 (January 1st, 2010) - download

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Messages - Jyujinkai

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Technical forum / Re: how to show CURSOR with button
« on: February 15, 2009, 07:22:48 PM »
There is an object under the chair... move it first.

Bug reports / Re: Possible 3D Geometry Bug
« on: February 12, 2009, 03:45:49 AM »
a bug or possibly a scale problem.

WME seams to only have a threshold of .00 decimal places on the fov... max can have as many as you like. Try setting max so that it can only adjust things to 2 decimal places.. instead of 3 or 4 or w/e you have set. This may fix it.

Exporting plese

very useful

tanks a lot

??I do not know what you are asking me... the 1st part of the rigging tutorial gose though exporting.

Game design / Re: Channel animation problem in Max
« on: February 02, 2009, 06:40:13 PM »
So? I do not understand what the problem is.

If you only have keys on the arm at from 10-36 but still have keys in other parts of the file if you only load 10-36 in your actor3D only those keys will load.. allowing you to merge animations together like have her walk and wave her arm at same time... . ..

Game design / Re: Channel animation problem in Max
« on: February 02, 2009, 04:32:44 PM »
Try setting the export options in the animation tab to "Key Frames Only" instead of "Sampled"

This should force the exporter to use the exact keyframes you have set in max, rather than a interpolated keyframes made by the exporter itself on conversion of the data... this could be the problem.

<----- edit
You Can try to use the other types of keyframe exports as well after you have done all them let us know. Example "Sampled / Key Sequence, rather than Sampled / 3ds Max Ticks) and then these options again using Pos.Scale,Rotate instead of Matrix.

If you still have a trouble please let us know what you are using to animate.. as in is it a custom rig or is it Biped, or is it  bones system attached to a biped.

Won't implement / Re: Windows Mobile/CE support
« on: January 29, 2009, 07:29:43 AM »
I think there is an free flash adventure game toolkit someone might have a link or a name for

Technical forum / Re: ANN: The future of WME
« on: January 26, 2009, 08:43:49 AM »
If the plan is to go full-3D, wouldn't it be easier to create an adventure game-creating toolkit for an existing, low-cost 3D engine like Torque, Unity, Irrlicht, C4...?

I think that many people here, the guys making commercial games especially, have the wrong idea. Mnem, from what I know of him, doesn't make wme to make money. In fact I have heard him say on more than one occasion "I can think of better ways to make money". This one fact changes the entire "mood" of the game engine. Sure he could probably make a game engine a lot faster doing something like what you said, it may even have better implemtation of some feature (say networking or shaders) if you did it that way.. Still it seams to me that it is more of a intellectual pursuit making this engine for mnem and his coding mates. This is like a hobby. He wants to build a game engine from scratch with his new idea.. well because he wants to, it is that simple. Time restrictions, strict coding roadmaps, who is waiting or it... these are not really even considerations. In fact I suspect that 1/2 the reason he doesn't charge for it is so he has the freedom to do things this way.. or say go "man I cam sick of this I will not code for 3 months while I ride a motor bike across Europe". Like it said in the original post, do not hold your breath for wme2. It will take a LONG time before you see anything.

Technical forum / Re: Attachment movement
« on: January 23, 2009, 10:51:21 AM »
yea, there may be something weird going on with your pivot or your xrefs... make sure the camera is 0,0,0  and pivot is 0,0,0 and that the vertex's aer zeroed out... then try it.

Technical forum / Re: Attachment movement
« on: January 22, 2009, 02:30:59 PM »
Have the object always attached 100% of the time in the actor file that is loaded itself, in this case linked to teh hand bone driving your rig, before export... . so if the camera is in inventory it will load a actor3d file that is has the camera in it, rather than fiddling about loading and attaching 2ndary 3d files.

Then map an opacity to the camera to make it invisible, when the camera is taken out change the textures on the camera. Even with stencil shads you should be able to make the camera 100% invisible.

Technical forum / Re: Working with two actors
« on: January 17, 2009, 06:17:38 PM »
You can link a inventory to an actor, they are totaly seperated.. so you can just add an item to the actor inventory of your choice.

Technical forum / Re: Theora video doesn´t run smooth in fullscreen mode
« on: January 16, 2009, 11:55:40 PM »
Things to check...

1) Is your source uncompressed, including uncompressed sound if you have sound.
2) After you compress into theora, did you also compress the audio... is the audio still a huge uncompressed file in the container?
3) Is the video res a multiple of 16?
4) Is you container entity in wme the correct res? (is wme trying to scale the video on the fly?)

You could create a separate entity which only displays your line effect.
Attach a script to that entity, which simply positions the entity to the current position of your actor in an infinite loop.

I use this exact method for over laying stuff on the actor in my game in some situations.

Also remember that you are not limited to the default "animation sets" that you see in the demo actors. You can make as many animation sets as you like in the actor3d or actor file. Anyways, these other animations can be triggered and set up anyway you like. So you can have 5 idle animations, that is chosen randomly when you stop doing anything on screen, also you can have any other animation set loop and act just like the default idle.. eg - a dance animation.

Technical forum / Re: Theora video doesn´t run smooth in fullscreen mode
« on: January 15, 2009, 10:02:03 AM »
i duuno... just default install of nvidia drivers.

Technical forum / Re: Theora video doesn´t run smooth in fullscreen mode
« on: January 14, 2009, 11:58:34 PM »
I run full rez 1280x800 on my screen an no fps loss at all??!!

General Discussion / Re: Latest beta: WME 1.8.9 (December 20, 2008)
« on: January 14, 2009, 05:23:16 PM »
So, using WME 1.8.9, what would be the best res to create a new project with? Good old 1024x768?

I recommend 1280x800

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