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Help wanted and offered / Re: Help with english translation
« on: August 18, 2005, 11:30:12 AM »

I'm head down looking straight to the ground as I write this because I'm very ashamed. My english teacher would strangle me if he would know of this. I haven't thought that there are so many errors in it. I thank you very much for your work and I would really be happy if you could proof read the rest, too. I don't really believe that the amount of errors will get less to the end of the file ...

Some explanations:

SYSENG1007   It lies in front of me yet.

I don't know what this is for, but it sounds a bit awkward.

Looky says that if you want to call the boat although it is already there. The whole context is this:

I don't need to wait for a boat.
It lies in front of me yet.

SYSENG1019   I can't risk to get a wet tail under no circumstances.

This line needs a bit of explanation before any fixing can be done to it.

He says that if you want him to get the coins out of the well if it is full of water. The complete speech part is:

I can't risk to get a wet tail under no circumstances.
As long as there's any water in the well, I have no chance to get the money.

SYSENG1120D   Zack Maggoty made them. He the best adress for wood works.

This doesn't make sense to me.

This is what Looky says if he looks at the wooden wheels leaning at the join... err... carpenter's shop. I wanted to say that Zack is the first man you should go to if you have any wood works to be done.

SYSENG1134B   Even if the landing tree was not that comfortable.

I have no idea what this means.

Looky flies through the air and lands in a tree. And that tree was not a good place to land. How could I say it instead ?

Hope this helps you.

Thank you very much.
I'm off to correct all these embarrassing bugs ...


Game announcements / Looky - The Adventure Demo
« on: August 17, 2005, 09:13:34 AM »

I'm proud to announce the release of a demo version of our game 'Looky - The Adventure'. It covers the whole game chapter 0.5 which is in fact an interactive intro. The DivX codec 5.0.3 or better is required to play the game. We don't really know the minimal hardware specifications but I think you will need at least 1.5 GHz, 256 MB free RAM and and a 3D graphics card to not only play but enjoy it. In addition you will need about 140 MB free hard disk space.

If you want to try it, here it is: Demo Setup.exe (137 MB, self-extracting RAR archive)

or go to the english Looky Website at:

The installer contains the german and the english version of the game.

We hope you like it.


General Discussion / Re: To Jerrot ...
« on: August 12, 2005, 10:56:04 AM »
Best wishes from here too.

One more that enters the state that german crosswords ask for like this: 'Lebensende mit drei Buchstaben'  ;)

I have still one week left till my own funeral ... err ... marriage.  ;D (no, just kidding, I'm yearning for it)


Help wanted and offered / Help with english translation
« on: August 12, 2005, 08:59:12 AM »

we are about to release a demo for our upcoming game 'Looky - The adventure'. The last thing that is to do (or so I hope) is to get rid of misspellings and grammatical chaos in the STRING.TAB file I've made. My english I learned at school got very rusty I have to confess.

So if anyone has too much free time, is bored or something like that it would be really nice to take a look or two at this file

and tell me where it has it's awful parts.

Thanks a lot beforehand


Game announcements / Re: El Padrastro - Demo
« on: August 11, 2005, 11:53:17 AM »

I just played the demo and even if I couldn't understand much of what was written on screen I enjoyed it. The graphics and animations are very good in my opinion. Especially the 'take coin' and 'take book' animations. Is it just me or is there no sound in the demo ?

Keep on going. And make it english.


(By the way: I don't really like installers that install on my C:\ drive with no chance to change that)

Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / WME Talk Scanner V1.1
« on: August 07, 2005, 07:33:44 PM »
I just uploaded version 1.1 of my Talkline Scanner.

Version 1.0 had some bugs in it that are fixed now:

- It now not only scans for .Talk() lines but also for .TalkAsync() lines.

- The reference scanning was only scanning for strings in the format 'SYSENGxxxx' because I thought WMEs reference system is fixed to that. Lately I discovered that you can use anything that stands between two slashes ('/'). So it's fixed now.

If you like, get the new version using the old link in the first post.


Game announcements / Looky - The Adventure
« on: August 01, 2005, 03:28:23 PM »
Hello Wintermuters,

I announced our game 'Looky - The Adventure' on the German forum some time ago. I just realised I didn't announce it to the international community though this game will also be available in English, beside the fact that it is currently not planned to do english voice overs.

It's going to be a classic point&click adventure that plays on the planet Vermis far away from us. The habitants of Vermis are Worms (beside some runner snails, birds and none categorisable bugs).

For more infos and screenshots feel free to visit our website at:

There is also a small teaser movie, but currently only with german screen text: (Actually there ISN'T much text at all so if you want to see those wormies moving, just try it) (28 MB)


Technical forum / Re: ForceTalkAnim
« on: April 26, 2005, 09:12:34 PM »
Hi Art,

I had a similar problem and worked around it. I created a new sprite with only the first frame of the animation that should be played after the talking.
Then I added a actor.SetSprite command right before the actor.Talk command.
You will not see the change of the sprite before the talking but in the moment between talking and playing the 2nd animation.

In your case you should give this piece of code a try:

Code: [Select]
case 1:
actor.PlayAnim( "actors\kewa\phone\01.sprite" );
actor.ForceTalkAnim( "actors\kewa\phone\02.sprite" );
actor.Talk( "fsadsa fsaddsaf safsdafsda fasdfsdaf sadfsdafs adfsa" );
// here it seems to be a "stand" micro delay between sprites
actor.PlayAnim( "actors\kewa\phone\03.sprite" );

where '03_start.sprite' is just the first frame of '03.Sprite'.

Technical forum / Re: Problems with changing scenes
« on: April 05, 2005, 07:01:58 PM »
I removed all 'actor.Active=false;' lines from all the map scripts and now everything works perfectly. And I don't even remember why I put this line in. I already positioned the actor outside of the screen and there is no floor entity so he won't move. And that's all it should do. (Maybe there is something I will notice in a while.  ;)

So problem's gone I think.
Sorry for wasting your time.


Technical forum / Re: Problems with changing scenes
« on: April 05, 2005, 06:21:27 PM »
Well ...

I just noticed that when I delete the 'actor.Active=false;' line from the first code in the last reply it works as it is supposed to. When I put it back in the error returns. Maybe no bug but something I overlooked ? Does 'actor.Active' have anything to do with the event handler system ?


Technical forum / Re: Problems with changing scenes
« on: April 05, 2005, 06:07:19 PM »

So here is the scene_init.script of a scene where it occurs.
It's from one of the 'map scenes'. From here you can go to 5 different locations:
Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

// here comes the stuff which initializes the scene
case "AmBrunnen":
case "MI_Karte":
 // Game.PlayMusicChannel(1, "Spacig1.ogg");
 // Game.MusicCrossfade(0, 1, CrossfadeSpeed);

actor.SkipTo(400, 1000);
actor.Direction = DI_DOWN;
actor.Active = false;

// scene state
global StateMarktplatz;

// default values
  StateMarktplatz.Visited = false;
  // add scene states here

// setup scene according to state variables

  StateMarktplatz.Visited = true;

  // this is our first visit in this scene...

This is a script of one of the five region entities that are in that scene where LeftClick doesn't work:
Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

on "LeftClick" {

on "LeftDoubleClick" {

This is the script to go back to the faulty scene (the map):
Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

on "LeftClick" {

on "LeftDoubleClick" {

Basic stuff really ... what's my fault ?


Technical forum / Re: Problems with changing scenes
« on: April 05, 2005, 03:37:56 PM »
Just worked on it a bit and I noticed that this thing only occurs in the map scenes. In all these scenes is the main actor disabled (actor.Active=false). So the error description changes to this:

If I enter a scene in which the actor is disabled using a double click I can not change to another scene using a LeftClick event MOST of the time, not always. Double clicks do always work.

Still strange to me.


Technical forum / Re: Problems with changing scenes
« on: April 05, 2005, 02:24:37 PM »
No, it doesn't get executed. Sometimes after changing between two scenes using double click a few (3-4) times, the LeftClick handler comes back to life again. But it should always work and that is not the case. I have no idea what that could be.


Technical forum / Problems with changing scenes
« on: April 04, 2005, 10:46:46 PM »

I have a problem with changing scenes that looks like this:

Like in the wme demo project, it is possible to change the scene immediatly with a double click in our game. But when I use the double click and I am in the next scene (for example I go from a location to the map), I have to use a double click again to go back. The 'LeftClick' event is no longer being triggered in the script.

In other words: When I use left mouse clicks to change the scenes it works perfectly but when I use left double click just one time, I have to use it always after that because changing with just a single left click doesn't work.

That occurs even if the executed script parts are the same, like this:

Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

on "LeftClick" {

on "LeftDoubleClick" {

Does anyone know a clue ?


Technical forum / Re: Scrolling speed
« on: April 04, 2005, 09:16:57 PM »
Ha !!!

You're right, now it works like a charm !
I forgot the 'ScrollPixelsX' in my last tests.

You made me a lucky man ... once again.

Thanks a lot

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