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Messages - gooberific

Pages: [1]
Game announcements / Re: Limbo of the Lost UK release
« on: June 12, 2008, 06:32:11 PM »
There is a difference between famous and infamous... :p
They say there's no such thing as bad publicity... In any case he made some publicity for this forum :) *Mnemonic waves to those 100+ guests reading this thread*

I am one of the visitors drawn here by the controversy, however this is not my first visit here or my first exposure to the engine.

Out of morbid curiosity I looked through the post history of SBOVIS and from what I can tell he didn't know a lick about coding. You had to hold his hand through the simplest things as he borrowed code from all over. How did this joker get a publisher? Did it ever seem odd to you that this guy was releasing a commercial game but apparently lacked basic programming ability?

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