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Messages - ReD

Pages: [1]
Feature requests, suggestions / Re: 3D characters discussion
« on: December 02, 2004, 01:55:05 PM »
Hi there, this is my first post on this forum. I am not very experienced in WME (that engine rocks!), but I'm working on it. (by the way English is not my native language)

As for 3d actors, wouldn't it be possible just not to restart the walk loop on clicks registered during this loop?
I'm sorry if I might sound stupid, but I'm not really into graphics programming, I have experience in just MFC and audio effects programming.

 :-\(to the point)
I think the walk loop is only restarted when the actor changes direction. The turn animation is run just before the restarting. My suggestion is only to turn the actor (not change the animation) and to add a function to indicate that the actor is turning (mayby it already exists..). The programmer can decide if he/she wants to run a turn animation (eg. if actor is not walking or turning 180 degrees) or not.

(to Martin: the suggestion was not stupid)

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